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在人口老龄化的趋势下,养老问题已日益凸显。随着卫生体制改革的深入, 公立医院全部取消药品加成,所有药品实行零差率销售。这些政策导向,让医院 不得不思考如何调整服务和新增服务项目,转变和探索医院的发展模式。此外, 伴随着新建医院准入政策的开放,许多私立医院、股份制医院、中外合资医院如 雨后春笋,倒逼公立医院打破“闭关锁国”的发展模式,重新思考医院新的发展 方向。 大力发展“医康养服务模式”是解决当下人口和养老困境的一种方法,同时 也是医院发展的新思路。本研究首先了解“医康养服务模式”的相关概念,采用 文献分析法分析国内外发展现状,然后基于XKH医院“医康养服务模式”的战略 定位,运用战略管理的SWOT、PEST工具进行竞争态势和宏观环境分析,对XKH 医院的“医康养服务模式”进行战略规划研究并从运营管理、财务投资、人力资 源管理、市场营销四个方面提了出战略规划建议。 本研究希望通过分析结果,探索和确定“医康养服务模式”的战略模式。并 期望为相同类型的医院在战略制定、实施等阶段提供决策依据和参考。 关键词:医康养服务模式; 健康老龄化;战略研究 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 健康老龄化趋势下昆明“医康养服务模式”战略研究 II Abstract With the aging of the population, the problem of old-age care has become increasingly prominent. With the deepening of the reform of the health system, all public hospitals have cancelled drug bonuses, and all drugs have been sold at zero margins. These policy orientations make hospitals have to think about how to adjust services and add new services, and change and explore the development model of hospitals. In addition, with the opening up of new hospital access policies, many private hospitals, joint-stock hospitals, and Chinese-foreign joint ventures have sprung up, forcing public hospitals to break the "closed door" development model and rethinking the new direction of hospital development. Vigorously developing the "medical health care service model" is a way to solve the current population and old-age dilemma, and it is also a new idea for the development of hospitals. This study first understands the related concepts of "medical health care service model", uses literature analysis to analyze the development status at home and abroad, and then uses the strategic management of SWOT and PEST to compete based on the strategic positioning of the "medical health care service model" at XKH Hospital Analysis of the situation and macro environment, research on the strategic planning of the "medical health care service model" of XKH Hospital and put forward strategic planning recommendations from four aspects of operation management, financial investment, human resource management, and marketing. This study hopes to explore and determine the strategic model of the "medical health care service model" by analyzing the results. It is expected to provide decision basis and reference for the same type of hospitals in the stages of strategy formulation and implementation.。。。。。。以下内容略

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