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互联网+时代的迅速发展,推动着共享经济进入高速发展时期,众多传统领域涌现 出一大批以共享经济为基础的新商业模式和龙头企业,在出行领域,以滴滴出行为首的 网约车平台便是互联网+公共交通的产物。网约车平台凭借其所搭建的机制、技术和共 同语言整合司乘市场,充分利用社会多余或闲置出行资源,解决了传统出行“人等车” 的难题,极大提高出行效率,获得众多用户的追捧和热爱。然而,困扰传统企业的老问 题——服务失败,仍然是新兴的网约车平台企业难以摆脱的魔咒,并因为平台经济中独 特的双边互动模式而面临新的挑战。近几年来,频频爆出的网约车服务失败事件更是一 度将网约车企业推上舆论的风口浪尖。在此背景下,企业必须实施服务补救来恢复顾客 满意、保留顾客,强化平台竞争力,然而企业如何经济有效的实施服务补救则离不开对 网约车服务失败作用于用户与平台关系的影响机理的深刻理解。 为系统探究网约车服务失败对用户与平台关系的影响机理,本文基于用户心理契约 视角,分层次地探讨了平台服务失败对用户与平台关系影响机理、平台服务失败对不同 忠诚度用户与平台关系的影响机理、司机服务失败对用户与平台关系的影响机理。通过 情景实验法和问卷调查获取研究数据,利用信度分析、效度分析、方差分析、独立样本 T检验、回归分析等方法处理数据,验证假设。研究发现:心理契约内的用户(相比于 外)与平台的关系更容易受到网约车服务失败的影响;只有高忠诚心理契约内的用户与 平台的关系会受平台服务失败的影响,高忠诚心理契约外以及低忠诚用户与平台的关系 不受平台服务失败影响;司机服务失败存在对平台-用户关系的溢出效应。同时还发现 网约车服务失败通过心理契约破裂、心理契约违背和信任影响用户-平台关系。最后, 基于研究结果,提出网约车平台服务补救策略:结果补救优先策略;基于补救对象的精 准补救策略;基于心理契约的预先补救策略。 关键词:网约车,服务失败,心理契约,用户-平台关系,忠诚度 II Abstract The rapid development of the Internet plus era has pushed the shared economy into a period of rapid development. Many traditional businesses have emerged in the field of new business models and leading enterprises with the shared economy as the keynote. In the travel field, the Internet plus vehicle platform with dripping behavior is the product of Internet + public transport. With its mechanism, technology and common language, the online car Hailing platform integrates the driver and passenger market, makes full use of the redundant or idle travel resources of the society, solves the problem of "people waiting for cars" in traditional travel, greatly improves the travel efficiency, and gains the popularity and love of many users. However, the old problem that plagues traditional enterprises - service failure, is still the magic spell that emerging online car Hailing platform enterprises can not get rid of, and faces new challenges because of the unique bilateral interaction mode in the platform economy. In recent years, the frequent failure of online car Hailing service has once pushed online car Hailing enterprises to the forefront of public opinion. In this context, enterprises must implement service recovery to restore customer satisfaction, retain customers, and strengthen platform competitiveness. However, how to implement service recovery economically and effectively depends on a deep understanding of the impact mechanism of the failure of online car Hailing service on the relationship between users and platform. In order to systematically explore the mechanism of the impact of the failure of online car Hailing service on the relationship between users and platform, this paper discusses the mechanism of the impact of platform service failure on the relationship between users and platform, the mechanism of the impact of platform service failure on the relationship between different loyal users and platform, and the mechanism of the impact of driver service failure on the relationship between users and platform. The data were obtained by scenario experiment and questionnaire survey. The data were processed by reliability analysis, validity analysis, variance analysis, independent sample t-test, regression analysis and other methods to verify the hypothesis. The results show that: the relationship between users in the psychological contract (compared with the outside) and the platform is more vulnerable to the failure of online car Hailing service; only the relationship between users in the high loyalty psychological contract and the platform will be affected by the failure of platform service; the relationship between users in the high loyalty psychological contract and the platform and the relationship between low loyalty users and the platform will not be affected by the failure of platform service; the existence of driver service failure has an impact on platform use Spillover effect of household relationship. At the same time, it is found that the failure of online car Hailing affects the user platform relationship through psychological contract breach, psychological contract breach and trust. Finally, based on the research results, the paper puts forward the service recovery strategy of the online car Hailing platform: the result recovery priority strategy; the accurate recovery strategy based on the recovery object; the pre recovery strategy based on the psychological contract. Key Words: Online Car Hailing, Service Failure, Psychological Contract, User Platform Relationship, Loyalty III 目 录 摘要 ... I Abstract .............................. II 第1章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1研究背景 ............... 1 1.2研究目的和意义 ... 2 1.2.1研究目的 .... 2 1.2.2研究意义 .... 2 1.3研究内容和结构 ... 3 1.3.1研究内容 .... 3 1.3.2研究结构 .... 4 1.4研究方法和技术路线 .......................... 5 1.4.1研究方法 .... 5 1.4.2研究的技术路线图 ................... 6 1.5创新点 ................... 6 第2章 相关文献回顾 ....... 8 2.1服务失败 ............... 8 2.1.1服务失败定义 ........................... 8 2.1.2服务失败类型 ........................... 8 2.1.3服务失败归因 ........................... 9 2.1.4服务失败的影响 ....................... 9 2.2心理契约 ............... 9 2.2.1心理契约的概念 ....................... 9 2.2.2心理契约形成与特点 ............. 10 2.2.3心理契约破裂与违背 ............. 11 2.2.4网约车服务失败与心理契约 . 12 2.3顾客-品牌关系 .... 12 2.3.1品牌态度 .. 12 2.3.2品牌忠诚 .. 13 第3章 平台服务失败对用户与平台关系的影响研究 ............... 15 3.1研究假设 ............. 15 3.1.1 心理契约对用户与平台关系的影响 ................... 15 3.1.2情绪和信任的中介作用 ......... 16 3.2实验设计与数据收集 ........................ 17 3.2.1预实验 ...... 17 3.2.2 正式实验 . 18 3.3数据分析 ............. 19 3.3.1 信度及效度检验 .................... 19 3.3.2操控检验 .. 20 3.3.3 假设检验 . 20 3.4 结果分析 ............ 21 第4章 平台服务失败对不同忠诚度用户与平台关系的影响研究 .......................... 22 4.1研究假设 ............. 22 IV 4.1.1 心理契约对平台态度的影响 22 4.1.2忠诚度对平台态度的影响 ..... 22 4.1.3心理契约和忠诚度对平台态度的交互影响 ........ 22 4.1.4信任的中介作用 ..................... 23 4.2实验设计与数据收集 ........................ 24 4.2.1实验报名 .. 24 4.2.2正式实验 .. 24 4.3数据分析 ............. 26 4.3.1 信度效度分析 ........................ 26 4.3.2操控检验 .. 27 4.3.3假设检验 .. 27 4.4结果讨论 ............. 29 第5章 司机服务失败对用户与平台关系的影响研究 ............... 30 5.1理论模型 ............. 30 5.2研究假设 ............. 31 5.2.1司机服务失败溢出效应 ......... 31 5.2.2心理契约对用户与平台关系的影响 .................... 32 5.2.3中介作用 .. 33 5.3研究设计与数据收集 ........................ 34 5.4 数据分析 ............ 35 5.4.1信度和效度检验 ..................... 35 5.4.2假设检验 .. 36 5.5.结果讨论 ............. 38 5.6 三个研究结果汇总 ........................... 38 第6章 网约车平台服务补救对策与建议 .... 41 6.1结果补救优先策略 ............................ 41 6.2基于补救对象的精准补救策略 ........ 42 6.3基于心理契约的预先补救策略 ........ 43 结论 .... 46。。。。。。以下内容略

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