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根据卫生部门调查统计显示,医患矛盾无论从发生的地域还是数量都有明显 扩大的趋势,正常的医疗秩序和医患关系的和谐发展均受到影响,因为一 切都关 乎医院和患者的利益乃至生命和健康,所以改善医患的关系至关重要。 本文以问卷研究为主,采用系统的文献调查研究法、问卷调查法、深入的访 谈法、统计分析法,通 过对老挝106陆军医院患者满意度进行问卷调查并分析, 了解该医院患者对医院总体的满意度评价情况,分析患者在其诊疗过程和医院服 务中的总体满意度和相关需求;通过问卷 研究分析老挝106陆军医院医疗管理和 服务过程的现状并探讨存在的问题,根据该医院所面对的实际医患矛盾,提出相 应的关于改进106陆军医院管理和服务的具体对策,促使老 挝陆军医院的相关领 导及管理者以新的技术视角审视整个医院的内外服务环境和发展方向,在管理机 制中引入信息化等技术工具,创建智慧医疗的体系,提升医务人员自身的技 能与 医疗服务水平,通过医疗资源整合达到有效降低整个医院的质量安全和服务管理 的成本,规范医院诊疗管理,推动医疗服务模式的创新,有效提高患者的满意度, 打造现代 性的老挝106陆军医院的品牌效应。 关键词:医患关系;患者满意度;诊疗管理;品牌效应 IV Abstract According to the health department survey statistics, the doctor- patient contradiction from the occurrence of both the region and the number of obvious expansion trend, normal medical order and the harmonious development of doctor-patient relationship are affected, because of the patient's life and health, so the doctor-patient relationship is very important. This paper adopts literature research method, questionnaire method, in-depth interview method, statistical analysis method, through the Lao 106 Army Hospital patient satisfaction questionnaire analysis, to understand the overall satisfaction evaluation of the hospital patients, to analyze the overall needs of patients in the diagnosis and treatment process. By studying the current situation of the medical service process of Lao 106 Army Hospital and exploring the existing problems, according to the actual doctor-patient contradiction faced by the hospital, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to improve the hospital service, urges the hospital managers to examine the internal and external environment and development direction of the hospital from a new perspective, introduces the technical tools such as information into the management mechanism, creates the intelligent medical system, improves the medical staff's own skills and service level, reduces the hospital quality and safety management cost through the integration of resources, standardizes the hospital diagnosis and treatment management, promotes the innovation of the medical service mode, effectively improves the patient satisfaction, and builds the Lao 106 Army Hospital brand effect.。。。。。。以下内容略

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