当前经济新常态已成为我国经济发展的主要特征,随之而来的经济结构调整、增速放缓等 不利局面,迫使成品油销售企业不得不面临较为复杂的市场环境。加上新能源、高铁等低碳替 代方式的高速发展对成品油销售市场造成不小的冲击,需求难以进一步提升。而且,现在国内 油品销售欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展呈现竞争主体多元化、全方位的态势已成定局。面对能源和环保方面通过各 项法规政策不断加强规范、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争日趋激烈等情况,企业应当及时准确的进行市场研判,结 合实际调整发展战略,寻求新的发展机遇,同时也不得不处理来自油价不利波动、竞争多元化、 日益强调环保等方面的新威胁。为应对这些威胁,国内外各石油企业纷纷从公司战略、基本业 务及具体职能等不同层面采取相应的解决措施。就战略层面来说,在当前形势下各石油企业如 何明确自身内外部经营环境的变化趋势,针对自身优劣条件选择科学合理的发展战略,以便有 效强化核心竞争力,推动企业稳定发展,是企业决策层进行发展战略分析和规划时必须重点关 注的关键点。笔者所任职的SC石油广东公司近几年受国家政策及集团战略的影响转向国内市 场,目前主营业务已逐步步入正轨,但在销售量、销售额以及站点布局等经营效果方面却未能 获得明显上升,增长幅度明显落后与其他竞争对手。SC石油广东公司由于此前发展战略规划 的不合实际,影响了公司在广东市场的成长壮大,正面临前所未有的挑战,迫切需要从发展战 略层面上做出改变。 基于上述背景,本文以当前主流的发展战略理论、研究及分析工具为出发点,通过文献梳 理、案例分析等研究方法对SC石油广东公司当前所处市场的内外部环境展开分析。首先,运 用PEST分析工具对SC石油广东公司当前面临的政策、经济、社会文化及技术等外部宏观环境 进行详细阐述,同时按照五力模型对SC石油广东公司所处的产业竞争环境从五个基本角度展 开分析,着重指出了公司当前面对的主要竞争对手及其威胁程度。接着又对公司当前经营情况 及内部经营能力和环境加以梳理,指出公司目前在人力资源、市场空间、科技创新、内部管理、 供应商资源及企业文化建设等方面所具有的资源和能力。在此基础上运用SWOT分析工具对内 外部环境分析结果加以整理,进一步明确了SC石油广东公司当前主要的外部机遇与威胁,以 及内部优势与劣势。然后结合SC石油广东公司的经营目标,对四种战略组合进行分析,以确 定适用于SC石油广东公司的基本发展战略方向以S/T战略为主,采取依靠优势应对威胁的横 向多元化战略,即充分利用和发掘原有的市场空间,通过新的产品、服务满足客户新的需求。 在此基础上从总体层面详细提出了具体的战略规划和实施措施,主要涉及市场渗透、市场开发、 产品开发以及战略联盟等四个方面,以便充分利用公司现有资源,探索适合自身的发展之路。 最后为确保上述发展战略方案能够顺利实施,本文从六个方面提出了相应的保障措施,包括调 整组织结构、加强新能源的研发与利用、提高资本运营水平、加强资源整合的能力、加强人才 队伍建设以及全面实施信息化管理等。 II 作为带有特定目的的应用研究,本文研究对于如何解决SC石油广东公司发展战略中存在 的问题取得了较为明确的结论:一是引导SC石油广东公司构建科学的战略规划机制,指出必 须明确内外部环境中影响公司发展的重要因素,从而为公司科学、合理的战略发展决策提供充 分的现实依据;二是引导SC石油广东公司构建灵活高效的战略实施管理机制,强调公司应当 通过强化内部管理,做好目标分解以及执行工作,并及时进行调整以求在复杂多变的市场竞争 中取得内部条件与外部环境之间动态平衡,增强公司在新业务、新市场、新技术以及融资、合 作等方面的多元化,确保相关措施能够落到实处;三是引导SC石油广东公司构建有利的战略 实施保障机制,其根本意义在于帮助公司明确自身的发展定位,有效整合当前优势资源,从全 面提升内部能力这一角度切实提高公司的核心竞争力,为公司平稳有序的发展提供必要的坚实 支撑。本文从理论联系实际出发,指出SC石油广东公司在发展中出现的战略问题及提出相应 发展措施和保障措施,确保相关研究和设计具有现实依据且是科学合理的,具有较强的可操作 和可借鉴的特点,适应SC石油广东公司的实际发展需求及当下市场发展趋势。本文通过具体 的案例能够为相关理论的研究提供具体的样本,以便于加深对战略管理理论的理解及推动相关 研究工作的深入,具有一定的理论意义。同时也能在SC石油广东公司的具体经营管理活动中 提供具体的指导,在工作实践中发挥应有的作用,并为国内相类似企业的生存和发展提供有价 值的参考。 关键词:战略管理;发展战略;成品油销售;核心能力 III Abstract In the new economic normal situation, energy and environmental protection-related regulations and policies, industry competition and other macroeconomic and policy-level factors, the common promotion of refined oil sales enterprises face a more complex market environment. In addition, the rapid development of low-carbon alternatives such as new energy and high-speed rail has a great impact on the refined oil sales market, so it is difficult to further improve the demand. Moreover, it is a foregone conclusion that the development of domestic oil products sales industry is diversified and all-round. The need to actively adjust strategic measures to adapt to changes in market demand, seeking new development opportunities,but also have to deal with adverse fluctuations in oil prices, competition diversification, increasing emphasis on environmental protection and other new threats. In order to deal with these threats, domestic and foreign oil companies have taken corresponding measures from different levels such as company strategy, basic business and specific functions. At the levels of Strategy,in the current situation of each oil companies how to clear their internal and external management environment change trend, effectively strengthen their core competitiveness, find suitable for their own internal and external business environment so as to promote their own stable development strategy is an important issue. In recent years, influenced by national policies and group strategy, SC petroleum Guangdong company, which I worked for, has turned to the domestic market. At present, its main business has been gradually on the right track, but its sales volume, sales volume and site layout have not been significantly improved, and the growth rate is obviously lagging behind other competitors. SC petroleum Guangdong company is facing unprecedented challenges due to the unrealistic development strategy planning, which has affected the company's growth and growth in Guangdong market. It is urgent to make changes from the development strategy level. Under the premise of clear lying on the background of the topic, this paper summarizes and combs the relevant theories and research tools of the enterprise's development strategy, uses literature research, case analysis and other research methods to analyze the external macro environment, industrial environment and internal environment of SC petroleum Guangdong company's current market.First of all,utilizethe PEST model to elaboratethe external macro circumstancesof the current face of SC petroleum Guangdong company ,included policy, economy, social culture and technology is elaborated, and the five-force model is used to analyze SC petroleum Guangdong company's industrial competitive environment from the perspectives of competitors, potential threats, alternative threats and supplier and buyer bargaining power, highlighting the major competitors facing the company and the extent of its threat. Then the IV company's current operating situation and internal management capacity and environment to comb, pointed out that the company's current human resources,marketplaceexpansion,technological innovation,enterprise management, supplier resources and corporate culture construction and other aspects of resources and capabilities. On this basis, SWOT analysis tools are used to organize the analysis of internal and external environmental analysis, and further clarify the chances and threats brought by the current market environment, along with the superiorities and disadvantages of SC petroleum Guangdong company itself. Then, combined with SC petroleum Guangdong company's business objectives, the four strategic combinations are analyzed to determine the basic development strategy applicable to SC petroleum Guangdong company is S/T strategy, that is, the diversification strategy of relying on the advantage to deal with the threat, and on this basis, the corresponding strategic plan and solutions areapplyedfor in detail from the overall level. Finally,for the sake ofensure the implementation to go on wheels of the above-mentioned planning and solutions, this paper advance a proposalabout the corresponding safeguard measures f