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I 摘要 随着我国经济市场化程度不断提高,社会经济强有劲跨越发展,过去以 “卖方市场”为导向的经营模式逐渐被以“买方市场”为导向的经营模 式所取 代。与此同时,公司在以前是以“产品为中心”的管理模式,随着经济的发展 逐渐转变为以“客户为中心”的管理模式,使得公司日益注重与客户关系的培 养。 教育行 业是一个服务型欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,服务型欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的最大特点就是以客户为中心, 谁能赢得客户,谁就能获得更大盈利和更多市场份额。优米儿童绘本馆作为一 家综合早期教育与阅读于一体的 教育公司,成立于2015年6月,作为早教市 场的一颗新星,面临宏观经济政治环境较好,市场前景广阔的同时,也处于与 其他资质和声誉相比都不占优的困境,面对广阔的市场前 景及激烈的市场竞 争,如何准确把握客户需求,针对性优化产品服务,吸引新客户,留住老客户 是优米儿童绘本馆面临的重要问题。 本文以优米儿童绘本馆为研究对象,从客户 关系管理角度入手,深入探讨 绘本馆在经营管理中存在的问题,通过员工角度和客户角度两个层面的调查问 卷分析,发现优米儿童绘本馆由于客户关系管理意识缺乏、客户关系 管理机制 不健全、客户关系专业管理部门缺失、客户细分及维护不足、财力和技术支持 有限等原因,存在产品设计单一、定价策略缺乏弹性、客户忠诚度不高、客户 信息收集利 用率较低等方面的问题。为改善优米儿童绘本馆客户关系管理存在 的缺陷,本文从客户关系管理策略和保障制度两个方面提出了更为全面的优化 策略,也即建议优米儿童绘本馆 应加强管理层及员工客户关系管理理念的培 养,从而设立客户关系管理部门,健全创新客户关系管理体系,规范客户关系 管理流程,强化客户分类管理,丰富产品类型及定价, 给予客户更多的选择空 间,通过调查、回访、趣味活动、投诉处理等多种形式做好客户关系维护,通 过适当引入战略投资者,壮大资本实力,引入客户关系管理信息系统及先进 的 数据挖掘技术,充分整合分析客户信息,形成有效决策,全面优化客户关系管 理,促进绘本馆持续健康发展,在竞争中处于不败之地。 关键词:绘本馆 客户关系管理 优化路 径 Abstract II Abstract With the increasing degree of marketization of China’s economy, the social economy has a strong leaping development. The former "seller's market" status of enterprises has been gradually withdrawn from the historical stage, replaced by the "buyer's market" position dominated by the customer side began to occupy the market center position. The business model of enterprises has also changed from "product- centric" to "customer-centric" oriented business model in the past, and enterprises pay more and more attention to the cultivation of customer relations. The education industry is a service-oriented industry ,the biggest characteristic of the service-oriented industry is customer-centered ,who can win customers ,who can get more profits and more market share .Yumi Children’s Picture Library as a comprehensive early education and reading in an education company ,was founded in June 2015,as a new star of earlier education market, facing the macro economic and political environment is good, the wide prospect of market at the same time ,also is compared with other qualifications and reputation are not dominant, facing the favorable market expectation and the fierce market competition, how to correctly hold the customer need, targeted improvement of products and services to attract new customers,retain old customers is an important issue facing Yumi Children’s Picture Library. Based on optimal m children draw library as the research object, from the perspective of customer relationship management (CRM), the problems existing in the operation and management of Yumi Children's Picture Library are deeply explored the two aspects of the questionnaire analysis found that optimal m children draw our Due to the lack of awareness of customer relationship management, bad customer relationship management mechanism which is lack of professional customer relationship managementdepartment, insufficient customer segmentation,maintenance, financial ,technical support constraints and another reasons.There are some problems, such as single product design, inflexible pricing strategy, low customer loyalty and low utilization rate of customer information collection, in order to improve the optimal m Abstract III children draw our customer relationship management (CRM) In defects, this article from two aspects of customer relationship management strategy and system of safeguard of targeted optimization strategy was proposed, which suggested that Yumi Children’s Picture Library should strengthen the management and employees to the cultivation of the concept of customer relationship management, so as to set up customer relationship management, improve the innovation system of customer relationship management (CRM), customer relationship management processes, strengthen the customer classification management, rich products and pricing, give customers more choice space, through investigation, visit, fun activities, complaint handling, and other forms, repair and maintenance of customer relationship, through appropriate introduction of strategic investors, strong capital strength, the introduce customer relationship management information system and advanced data mining technology,fully integrates and analyzes customer information, forms effective decisions, comprehensively optimizes customer relationship management, promotes the sustainable and healthy development of the Picture Book Library, and is in an invincible position in the competition. Key words :Picture library; Customer relationship management; optimized path 目录 IV 目 录 摘要 ................................................... I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 绪 论 .......................................... 1 第一节 研究背景和意义 .......................................... 1 一、研究背景 ............................................................ 1 二、研究意义 ............................................................ 2 第二节 文献综述 ................................................ 2 一、国外研究综述 ................................................ 3 二、国内研究综述 ........................................................ 5 三、文献评述 ............................................................ 8 第三节 研究方法和技术 路线 ...................................... 8 一、研究方法 ............................................................ 8 二、技术路线 ............................................................ 9 第四节 研究内容和创新点 ........................................ 9 一、研究内容 ............................................................ 9 二、创新点 ............................................................. 10 第二章 相关理论基 础 .................................... 11 第一节 客户价值理论 ........................................... 11 第二节 客户满意理论 ........................................... 12 第三节 客户细分理论 ........................................... 12 第四节 数据挖掘理论 ........................................... 13 第三章 优米儿童绘本馆客户关系管理现状及问题分析 ........ 15 第一节 优米儿童绘本馆基本情况 ................................. 15 一、优米儿童绘本馆简介 ................................................. 15 二、优米儿童绘本馆组织架构 ............................................. 15 三、优米儿童绘本馆市场定位及发展愿景 ................................... 16 第二节 优米儿童绘本馆客户关系管 理现状问卷调查 ................. 17 目录 V 一、基于员工视角下的调查分析 ........................................... 18 二、基于客户视角下的调查分析 ........................................... 20 第三节 优米儿童绘本馆客户关系管理存在的问题 ......... 21 一、产品较为单一 ....................................................... 21 二、定价缺乏弹性 ....................................................... 23 三、客户忠诚度较低 ..................................................... 26 四、客户信息收集利用率较低 ............................................. 27 第四节 优米儿童绘本馆客 户关系管理存在问题的原因分析 ........... 30 一、客户关系管理意识缺乏 .............

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