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一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备管理优化研究 “外协件生产准备”是汽车企业新车型开发的非常重要的环节之一,它是指 汽车企业将外购件发包给零部 件供应商后,零部件供应商按照同汽车企业之间 的合同约定,进行工装的制造、零部件质量提升、设备的采购、人员的培训和 零部件生产供货,以保证供货级总成达到批量生产 的各项要求。其中,白车身 外协件是所有外协件中最为特殊又十分重要的一系列产品。因此,如何做好“白 车身外协件生产准备”是所有主机厂必须思考和不得不面对的核心课 题。 本文以“PDCA 循环”理论为核心,应用了“逻辑树分析法”、“鱼骨图分 析法”、“四象限分析法”、“思维导图分析法”、 “甘特图项目计划制定法” 等相关运营管理 知识及方法,对一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备存在问题进行深 入研究,期望能通过一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备过程中存在的问题,系统的 剖析出问题存在的根本原因,并通过 有效对策的实施,真正的提高一汽红旗外 协冲焊件的生准质量及开发效率,为一汽红旗达成百万辆级的宏伟目标提供有 力支撑。 本文在对策实施的优化过程中,特别是在白车身 外协冲焊件生产准备过程 中,发现 “5M1E”的思考模式,即,“人、机、料、法、环、测”,不能够将 外协冲焊件生产准备工作的过程管理全部覆盖,导致,在白车身外协冲焊 件生 产准备过程中不能直击问题的痛点,因此,本文结合作者大量的白车身外协冲 焊件生产准备经验,创新性的将白车身外协件生产准备管理工作归纳并总结形 成了:“人、事 、物、法、器、术”六大点检要素,并以金字塔模型的形式将 点检要素的工作总结开来。其中,“人、事、物”做为外协冲焊件生产准备的 最核心依据,是全部大厦的根基,而 ,“法、器、术”指的是标准管理模式及 流程的搭建与运行,如下所述: “法”—— 《一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备标准管理流程》,共涉及 8 个III 阶段 42 个子流程,240 项输出文件。 “器”—— 《焊接总成三分件达成的“三把剑”》、《冲压单件管理的“4 把刀”》、《焊接总成匹配管理的“4 杆枪”》、《质量问题管理的“三枝戟”》 等。 “术”—— 《超差点报告及措施页分析原则》、《TTO 阶段焊接匹配工作 思路》等。 同时,为了保障“法、器、术”的有效运行,需要将“SQE+工程”的工作 模式融入到《一 汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备标准管理流程》中,采用了上述归 纳总结的工作方法,真正的将之前遗留的“救火式管理”变成了“有效管理”, 将“无序工作”变成了“标准工作 模式”,将“工作职责不清”变成了“协调、 高效”的工作情形。 当然,本文的研究成果不止于上面阐述的内容,也有针对于“人、事、物” 的管理方式方法的研究,希望本文 的相关研究成果及思想能够对其他主机厂的 白车身外协生产准备工作提供一定的指导和借鉴意义。 关键词:外协冲焊件、生产准备、运营管理、管理优化IV Abstract Research on Optimization of Production Preparation Management of Outsourced Welding Parts of FAW Group Hongqi Brand "Outsourcing production preparation" is auto enterprise one of the important links in the development of new models, it refers to automobile enterprises after purchased parts and contract them out to suppliers, suppliers in accordance with the stipulations of the contract with car companies for tooling manufacturing, parts quality improvement, the purchase of equipment, personnel training and spare parts supply, to ensure the supply level assembly to reach the requirements of mass production. Among them, biW exterior accessories are the most special and important products among all exterior accessories. Therefore, how to prepare for the production of external parts of body-in-White is the core subject that all oems must think about and have to face. Based on the theory of "PDCA cycle" as the core, the application of the "logical tree analysis", "fishbone diagram analysis method", "four quadrant analysis", "mind mapping method", "law" gantt chart project planning and operational management knowledge and methods, the welding of the faw hongqi outsourcing and a further study of the problems in production preparation, expecting to faw hongqi outsourcing from the problems existing in the welding production preparation process, analyze the root cause of the problem in the system, and through the implementation of effective countermeasures, truly improve faw hongqi rushed the life of the weldment quasi outsourcing quality and efficiency of development, For faw Hongqi to reach the grand goal of millions of vehicles to provide strong support. Countermeasures based on the implementation of the optimization of the process, especially in the white body rushed weldment outsourcing production preparation process, found that "5 M1E " mode of thinking, namely, "man, machine, material, method, ring, measuring", not to rush weldment outsourcing production preparationV process management covered completely, causes, outsourcing rushed in white body welding production preparation process can't seem to have hit the pain points of the problem, therefore, with the author's a lot of white body outsourcing experience in welding production preparation, innovative the outsourcing production of the white body to be prepared for the management of induction and summary form: "People, things, things, methods, instruments, techniques" six points of inspection elements, and in the form of a pyramid model to point inspection elements of work summed up. Among them, "people, things and things" is the most core basis for the production preparation of external co-stamping welding parts and is the foundation of all buildings. While "methods, devices and techniques" refers to the construction and operation of the standard management mode and process, as described below: "Method" -- "Standard Management Process of Production Preparation for Red Flag Welding Welding Parts of FAW", involving 42 sub-processes in 8 stages and 240 output files. "Machine" -- "Three Swords" achieved by welding Assembly three pieces ", "Four Knives" for stamping single piece management, "four Guns" for Welding Assembly matching Management, "Trident" for Quality Problem management, etc. "Technique" -- "Principle of analysis of Ultra-poor report and Measures Page", "Thinking of WELDING matching in TTO Stage", etc. At the same time, in order to ensure "method, the device, the effective operation of separation", you need to the operation mode of the "SQE + project" into "faw hongqi rushed weldment outsourcing production preparation standard management process, using the above sum up the work method, the real will before legacy" JiuHuoShi management "into" effective management "and" disorder "into" standard working model ", "job responsibilities is not clear" into "coordinated and efficient" work situation. Of course, the research results of this paper are not only about the content described above, but also about the management methods of "people, things and things". It is hoped that the relevant research results and ideas of this paper can provide certain guidance and reference significance for other main engine factories to prepare for the outsourcing production of BODY-in-White.VI Key words: External flush welding parts、Production Preparation、Operational management 、management optimizationI 目录 摘 要...........I ABSTRACT ..............................IV 目录...............I 第 1 章 绪 论........................I 1.1 研究背景与意义 .......................... I 1.1.1 研究背景 ......I 1.1.2 研究意义 .....II 1.2 研究方法与内容 ......................... II 1.2.1 研究方法 .....II 1.2.2 研究 内容 ....III 1.3 文献综述与理论基础 ................ III 1.3.1 文献综述 ....III 1.3.2 理论基础 .. VII 第 2 章 一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备管理现状及存在问题..9 2.1 一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备管理现状 ...................9 2.1.1 一汽红旗品牌现状 ....................9 2.1.2 一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备管理现状 .............10 2.2 一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备存在的问题 .............13 2.2.1 一汽红旗外协冲焊件生产准备当前存在的问题现状 ........................13 2.2.2 一汽红旗外协冲焊件

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