近年来,互联网的发展给个人生活和工作带来了颠覆性的变化,重要性与渗 透率与日俱增,使交通、金融、医疗和教育等领域出现了重大变革,传统
欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司, 传统企业原有的盈利模式、组织架构,人力资源策略等各方面都受到了严重冲击。 经过多年的发展和创新,传统电子地图欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司已形成相当规模的用户市场,但同样 受到来
自电子技术、政策法规、互联网、汽车工业、用户习惯等方面的影响,企 业在产品形态、技术革新以及商业模式,战略等方面亟需进一步突破。目前电子 导航市场形势很好,但
是随着车载导航后装市场进入免费时代,曾经的龙头凯立 德由于错误坚持车载后装市场收费更新的盈利模式,导致主营业务收入大幅度萎 缩,已面临着生死存亡。通过剖析凯立
德战略转型动因,合理地制定转型战略、 并设计实施保障策略,使凯立德转型战略达到如期效果,是本文的研究主题。 本文以企业战略管理,战略转型等理论为基础,首先对凯
立德的现有战略困 局,转型动因进行研究;随后分析了内外部环境,提炼出内外部关键影响因素, 并使用EFE矩阵,IFE矩阵,SWOT矩阵,波士顿矩阵等战略管理工具进行战略 信
息匹配,从而制定凯立德的转型战略方案;最后从战略实施的原则出发,提出 战略实施保障措施和风险防范措施,确保凯立德战略转型能顺利进行。 通过研究得出凯立德应改变
原有聚焦车载导航市场的竞争战略,需要收缩车 载导航业务,采用以高精度地图为立足点,凭借科研实力实施差异化的业务战略, 进军自动驾驶领域和车联网市场。在互联网时
代,凯立德由于缺少对战略环境巨 变的敏感度,只能被动地进行战略转型,转型之路必然受内外环境的诸多约束, 举步维艰。凯立德只有准确理解外部环境机会与挑战,认识企
业的内在能力,跟 随互联网的步伐,才能制定出合理,科学的转型战略。在战略实施过程中,要从 提高全员战略管理意识,审视组织架构并进行适当调整,加强文化建设避免文
化 冲突,健全风险意识和风险防范制度等方面出发,才能保障战略目标的达成。 此外,在互联网时代,不同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的传统企业战略转型虽然在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境,内部 资源,对互联网的反
应程度等方面有差异性,但也有一定的共性,本论文研究对 传统欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,传统企业在互联网时代的战略转型有一定的借鉴与参考作用。 关键词:电子地图,互联网,转型战略,凯
years, the development of the Internet has completely changed people’s life and work. With increasing importance and engagement, major changes have occurred
in many fields such as transportation, finance, medical care, education and so on. It has also substantially affected traditional industries, especially
business model, organizational structure, and human resources strategies. After years of development and innovation, the traditional electronic map industry
has formed a large-scale user market, but it is also influenced by electronics, policies, regulations, Internet, automotive industry, and user habits. There
is an urgent need for further breakthroughs in product form, technological innovation and business model. Currently, the electronic map market is in a good
situation. As the car navigation aftermarket enters the free era, the former leader Careland has faced a substantial shrinkage in revenue from its main
business due to mistaken insistence with the business model of the car aftermarket. By analyzing the motivations of Careland’s strategic transformation,
this article aims to design a rational transformation strategy, a safeguard strategy, and ensure Careland’s transformation achieve desirable results. This
article is based on theories of strategic management and strategic transformation. Firstly, it studies Careland’s existing dilemmas and transformation
drives. Then it analyzes the internal and external environments, extracts key internal and external factors, employs the EFE and IFE, SWOT, Boston and other
strategic management tools to map strategic information, and formulate Careland’s transformation strategy. Finally, based on the principles of strategic
implementation, we propose strategic guarantee measures, as well as risk prevention measures to make sure Careland’s smooth strategic transformation. It is
concluded that Careland should change the original competition strategy centered at the car navigation market, shrink the car navigation business scale, take
high definition maps as a starting point, implement a differentiated business strategy based MBA学位论文 作者:陈丽 凯立德公司互联网时代转型战略研究 III on
scientific research capabilities, and enter the autonomous driving field and the car networking market. In the era of the Internet, Careland is not very
sensitive to the changes in the strategic environment, which makes it be passive to carry out strategic transformation. Many constraints from the internal
and external make the transformation be difficult. Only if it could realize the opportunities and challenges from the external environment, as well as
understand its own inherent abilities, Careland would catch up with the pace of Internet and formulate a rational and scientific transformation strategy. In
the course of implementing the strategy, we could achieve the desired strategic goals by enhancing the awareness of strategic management among all employees,
examining the organizational structure and making appropriate adjustments, strengthening cultural nurture to avoid conflicts, and improving risk awareness
and risk prevention systems. Although the strategic transformation of traditional enterprises from different industries in the Internet era has differences
in the aspects of industry environment, internal resources, and the reaction to the Internet, they also have certain commonalities. This article could be a
certain reference for the strategic transformation of traditional industries as well as traditional enterprises in the Internet era. Key words: Electronic
Map, Internet, Strategy transformation MBA学位论文 作者:陈丽 凯立德公司互联网时代转型战略研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ........ I Abstract ....... II 第一章 绪论 .
1 1.1 研究背景与意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..... 2 1.2 国内外研究综述 3 1.2.1 战略管理 ..... 3 1.2.2 转型战略 ..... 5 1.3 研究思路与内容 7
1.3.1 研究思路 ..... 7 1.3.2 研究方法 ..... 8 1.3.3 研究内容 ..... 8 第二章 相关理论概述 ............... 9 2.1 战略管理理论概述 ........................... 9
2.1.1 企业战略系统 ............................ 9 2.1.2 战略管理过程 .......................... 10 2.2 战略转型理论概述 ......................... 11 2.2.1 战
略转型理论 .......................... 11 2.2.2 战略转型类型 .......................... 11 2.2.3 战略转型意义 .......................... 11 2.2.4 战略转型动因
.......................... 12 2.3 战略管理常用工具 ......................... 12 第三章 凯立德现有战略及战略转型动因 ............ 15 3.1 凯立德概况 ...... 15
3.2 凯立德现有战略分析 ..................... 15 3.2.1 凯立德战略现状 ...................... 15 3.2.2 凯立德战略困局 ...................... 16 MBA学位论文 作
者:陈丽 凯立德公司互联网时代转型战略研究 V 3.3 凯立德转型动因分析 ..................... 19 第四章 凯立德转型战略环境分析 ........................ 21 4.1 凯
立德外部环境分析 ..................... 21 4.1.1 宏观环境PEST分析 ............... 21 4.1.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司与市场环境分析 .............. 26 4.1.3 外部关键影响因素
.................. 34 4.2 凯立德内部环境分析 ..................... 34 4.2.1 财务能力分析 .......................... 34 4.2.2 营销服务状况分析
.................. 37 4.2.3 资源与能力分析 ...................... 39 4.2.4 企业文化分析 .......................... 40 4.2.5 内部关键影响因素
.................. 41 4.3 凯立德转型战略信息输入与匹配 . 41 4.3.1 外部评价矩阵 .......................... 41 4.3.2 内部评价矩阵 .......................... 43
4.3.3 SWOT矩阵 44 4.3.4 波士顿矩阵 .............................. 46 第五章 凯立德战略转型方案 . 48 5.1 凯立德转型战略目标体系 ............. 48 5.1.1 愿景和
使命 .............................. 48 5.1.2 战略目标 ... 48 5.2 凯立德转型战略选择关键影响因素 ............................ 49 5.3 凯立德转型战略选择
..................... 50 5.3.1 总体战略 ... 50 5.3.2 竞争战略 ... 51 5.3.3 职能战略 ... 53 第六章 凯立德转型战略