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1 摘要 随着前些年经济的迅猛发展,财务舞弊手法越来越复杂化、组织化、体系化, 由于财务舞弊大多经过精心策划,具有很强的隐秘性,难以被及 时发现。近年来, 在国内经济增速放缓的总趋势下,各行各行面临的经营压力更为严峻,虽然近年来 证券监管机构对欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的监管逐步趋严,但财务舞弊的势头并没有减小,舞弊 事件依 然应接不暇,层出不穷的舞弊案件的发生对我国证券市场造成了极为不良的影响, 使得社会各界人士对我国资本市场产生了信任危机,严重制约了证券市场的规范发 展。 于是,当前对财务舞弊的研究就显得意义重大。现今,当务之急就是如何有效 并及时的揭发或防范财务舞弊,让广大投资者免于遭受财务舞弊带来的利益侵害, 创造一个良好的 市场投融资环境,促进证券市场健康有序的发展。 本文以康美药业为案例研究对象,主要采用文献研究方法和案例研究方法展开 研究。本文共分为三个部分:第一部分,导论与 基本理论,主要阐述了国内外的研 究现状、财务舞弊相关概念、驱动因素、常用手法以及带来的危害。第二部分,结 合康美药业具体案例进行多层次分析,剖析其舞弊的动机、 采取的手段、及给各方 主体带来的损害。第三部分,结合康美药业案例分析出的结果,提出有针对性的防 范措施。 通过对康美药业案件的研究与分析,发现其舞弊手法并非有多 高明,但依然逃 过了内外部审计的审查未被及时发现,尽管近年来,监管逐步趋严,但财务舞弊还 是层出不穷,归根究柢,财务舞弊屡禁不鲜的原因是当前对财务舞弊惩处力度 较轻, 如何有效防范财务舞弊显得任重道远。为此,可从如下各方面进行舞弊治理,公司 层面,完善上市公司内部治理水平;监管层面,需要通过各种手段强化监管;中介 层面 ,首先是强化中介执业的独立性,再强化对中介机构的监管,使中介机构归位 尽责。由于作者本人的工作性质,对外部审计机构的执业环境及面临的现状有较为 深刻的感受和认 知,但凡市场上出现财务舞弊,公众首先想到的便是注册会计师的 过失,康美药业舞弊案更是将其审计机构正中珠江推上了舆论的风口浪尖,为此, 本文特别针对注册会计师行 业面临的现状,提出了各方面的改善注册会计师执业环 境的措施,以期为注册会计师创造一个良好的执业环境,从而充分发挥注册会计师 外部审计的作用。我们相信,通过公司 、监管、外部审计多维度的治理手段合力发 挥作用,必然能阻碍舞弊现象的频发,正本清源我国证券市场,提升各方主体对资 本市场的信心。 关键词:上市公司;康美药业;财 务舞弊;防范建议 康美药业财务舞弊识别与防范研究 I Abstract With the rapid development of economy in the past few years, financial fraud is becoming more and more complicated, organized and systematic. Because most financial fraud is carefully planned, it is very secret and difficult to be found in time. In recent years, under the general trend of the slowdown of domestic economic growth, all walks of life are facing more severe operating pressure. Although the securities regulatory agencies gradually tighten their supervision of the industry in recent years, the momentum of financial fraud has not decreased, and there are still too many fraud events. The occurrence of endless fraud cases has a very bad impact on China's securities market, which makes the society People from all walks of life have a crisis of trust in China's capital market, which seriously restricts the development of the securities market. Therefore, the current research on financial fraud is of great significance. At present, the urgent task is how to effectively and timely expose or prevent financial fraud, so that the majority of investors are free from the interests of financial fraud, create a good market investment and financing environment, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the securities market. This paper takes Kangmei pharmaceutical industry as a case study, mainly using literature research methods and case study methods. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is the introduction and basic theory, which mainly describes the research status at home and abroad, related concepts of financial fraud, driving factors, common methods and the harm brought. The second part, combined with the specific cases of Kangmei pharmaceutical industry, analyzes the motivation of fraud, the means taken, and the damage to the main parties. The third part, combined with the results of the case analysis of Kangmei pharmaceutical industry, puts forward targeted preventive measures. Through the research and analysis of Kangmei pharmaceutical case, it is found that the fraud technique is not too brilliant, but it still escaped the examination of internal and external audit and was not found in time. Although in recent years, the supervision has gradually become strict, financial fraud is still emerging in an endless stream. In the final analysis, the reason why financial fraud is repeatedly prohibited is that the punishment of financial fraud is relatively weak at present, and how to effectively prevent financial dance There is a long way to go. Therefore, we can improve the internal governance level of listed companies from the following aspects: corporate level; regulatory level, we need to strengthen supervision through various means; intermediary level, first of all, we need to strengthen the independence of intermediary practice, and then strengthen the supervision of intermediary institutions, so that the intermediary institutions can return to their duties. Because of the nature of the author's work, he has a deep feeling and cognition of the Abstract II practice environment and the current situation of the external audit institutions. Whenever there is financial fraud in the market, the first thing the public thinks about is the fault of the certified public accountant. Kangmei pharmaceutical fraud case has pushed its audit institution to the forefront of the public opinion. Therefore, this paper focuses on the following issues In order to create a good practice environment for the certified public accountants and give full play to the role of the external audit of certified public accountants, this paper puts forward some measures to improve the practice environment of certified public accountants. We believe that the joint efforts of corporate, regulatory and external audit governance will inevitably hinder the frequent occurrence of fraud, clean up the source of China's securities market, and enhance the confidence of all parties in the capital market. Key words: The listed company; Kangmei pharmaceutical co.; Financial fraud; Prevention suggestions 康美药业财务舞弊识别与防范研究 1 目 录 导 论 ······ 1 一、选题背景与研究意义 ·············· 1 二、国内外研究现状 ·· 2 三、本文的研究内容与方法 ··········· 4 第一章 财 务舞弊的基本理论 ······· 6 第一节 财务舞弊的概述 6 一、财务舞弊的概念 ·· 6 二、财务舞弊的主要特征 ·············· 6 第二节 财务舞弊动因 理论 ··············· 7 一、冰山理论 ··········· 7 二、舞弊三角论 ········ 7 三、GONE理论 ········ 8 四、舞弊风险因 子理论 ················· 8 第三节 财务舞弊的手段 9 一、收入类舞弊 ········ 9 二、成本费用类舞弊 ·11 三、资产类舞弊 ······ 12 四、关联交易舞弊 ··· 12 五、其他舞弊方式 ··· 13 第四节 财务舞弊的危害 ················ 14 一、损害投资者利益 14 二、损害相关机构利益 · ·············· 14 三、削弱市场配置资源的能力 ······ 15 四、造成资本市场公信力缺失 ······ 15 第二章 康美药业案例基本情况介绍 ··· ·········· 16 第一节 康美药业和正中珠江简介 ···· 16 第二节 康美药业财务舞弊事件回顾 · 16 第三节 康美药业财务舞弊产生的影响 ········· ······· 18 一、对公司内部相关人员的影响 ··· 18 二、对资本市场广大投资者的影响 18 三、对中介机构的影响 ··············· 19 第三章 康美 药业财务舞弊案例分析 ············· 20 目录 2 第一节 康美药业舞弊动因分析 ······· 20 一、道德因子分析 ··· 20 二、动机因子分析 ··· 20 三、机会因子分析 ··· 25 四、发现的可能性因子分析 ········· 27 五、处罚程度因子分析 ··············· 28 第二节 康美药业舞弊手段分析 ······· 29 一、虚增营业收入及利息收入 ······ 29 二、虚增货币资金 ··· 29 三、虚

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