I 摘要 近年来,随着移动通信技术的不断成熟和应用普及,通信业迎来了飞速发展 的空前机遇,业务量激增、网络更新换代频繁、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司呈现一片欣欣
向荣之景,短 短数年间先后经历了2G、3G、4G时代,目前正步入5G时代。但是,机遇与挑战 共存,在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司繁荣的背后,移动、电信、联通三家通信运营商面临着市场逐步饱 和,
用户增长速度开始下降,客户规模已接近天花板以及国家政策调控等方面的 问题,加之近年来电子游戏、电子支付、手机视频、微信、QQ等移动互联网业务 的快速发展,对短信
、彩信等业务的发展造成了一定的影响,运营商的传统通信 业务服务利润受到了严重挤压,这就直接导致了运营商之间的网络质量竞争、价 格竞争和服务质量竞争愈发激烈,而
竞争的最终目的在于争夺客户、抢占市场。 在这场角力比拼中,市场运营的好坏成为了制胜的关键,营销策略的优劣直接关 系通信企业的前途命运。 本文以云南移动临沧分公司
的营销策略为研究对象,围绕云南移动临沧分 公司营销策略优化研究这一主题,从当前实际经营情况出发,运用PEST模型对 云南移动临沧分公司所面临的的政治、经济、社会、
技术等宏观观环境进行分析, 运用波特五力模型对微观竞争环境进行研究,同时运用SWOT模型对自身的优势、 劣势、机会、威胁进行了分析,发现云南移动临沧分公司存在市场
定位不明确、 产品单一、资费价格没有竞争优势、营销手段单一、宣传促销覆盖面窄等问题, 并深入分析了问题产生的原因。 在对环境分析以及自身存在问题及产生原因进行分
析的基础上,通过4PS理 论提出了云南移动临沧分公司营销策略优化方案,根据云南移动临沧分公司当 前所处市场环境的变化,在存量市场、家客市场、集客市场、新业务市场等
方面 重新进行市场定位,并分别从产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略四个方 面提出具体优化方案,同时针对所提出来的优化方案制定出一系列保障措施建 议,包括制度
保障、资源保障、人力保障和系统支撑保障四个方面。论文研究结 论具有一定的理论与实践价值,希望有助于云南移动临沧分公司市场份额的提 升。 关键词:通信、移动、营销
策略、优化措施 Abstract II Abstract In recent years, with the continuous maturity and application popularization of mobile communication technology, the
communication industry has ushered in an unprecedented opportunity of rapid development. The business volume has surged, the network has been updated
frequently, and the industry presents a flourishing scene. In a few short years, the industry has experienced the era of 2G, 3G and 4G, and is now entering
the era of 5G. But the opportunities and challenges coexist, behind the boom in the industry, mobile communication, telecom, unicom three operators face the
market gradually saturated, the growth rate of users began to decline, the customer is close to the ceiling and problems, such as national policy, combined
with the electronic games in recent years, electronic payment, mobile video, WeChat, QQ and so on the rapid development of mobile Internet business, the
development of SMS, MMS, etc the influence caused by operator profit of traditional telecommunication business service was squeezed, this led directly to the
network quality of competition among operators, increasingly fierce price competition and quality competition, The ultimate purpose of competition is to
compete for customers and seize the market. In this struggle, the market operation has become the key to win, marketing strategy is directly related to the
future of communication enterprises fate. Taking yunnan mobile lincang branch marketing strategy as the research object, and move around yunnan lincang
branch marketing strategy optimization study of this subject, starting from the current actual situation, using PEST model of yunnan mobile lincang branch
faces the macro view on political, economic, social and technology environment is analyzed, using the potter five model study of micro competition
environment, and SWOT model to their own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were analyzed, It is found that lincang branch of yunnan mobile has
some problems, such as unclear market positioning, single product, no competitive advantage in price, single marketing means, and narrow coverage of
publicity and promotion. In environmental analysis and on the basis of the analysis of the problems and Abstract III causes, through the 4 p's theory is
put forward in yunnan mobile lincang branch marketing strategy optimization scheme, based on the current mobile lincang branch in yunnan in the change of
market environment, in the stock market, customer market, customer market, new market positioning business market, etc, and respectively from the product
strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy four aspects put forward concrete optimization scheme, at the same time for the proposed
optimization proposal to develop a series of security measures, It includes system guarantee, resource guarantee, manpower guarantee and system support
guarantee. The conclusion of this paper has certain practical value, hoping to contribute to the market share of yunnan mobile lincang branch company. Key
words: communication,Mobile, marketing strategies, safeguards 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景及意义
............................................ 1 一、研究背景 ................................................................ 1 二、研究意义
................................................................ 2 第二节 研究内容与方法 ............................................ 3 一、研究内容
................................................................ 3 二、研究方法 ................................................................ 4 三、技术路
线 ................................................................ 5 第三节 创新点 .................................................... 5 第二章 理论基础及
文献综述 ............................... 6 第一节 理论基础 .................................................. 6 一、4P’S营销理论
........................................................... 6 二、PEST分析法 .............................................................. 6 三、波特五力模
型 ............................................................ 7 四、SWOT分析法 .............................................................. 8 第二节 文献
综述 .................................................. 8 一、国外研究现状 ............................................................ 8 二、国内研究现状
............................................................ 9 三、研究评述 ............................................................... 11 第三章 云南移
动临沧分公司营销环境分析 .................. 12 第一节 云南移动临沧分公司简介 ................................... 12 第二节 云南移动临沧分公司宏观环境—PEST分
析 .................... 12 一、政治环境分析 ........................................................... 12 二、经济环境分析
........................................................... 13 三、社会环境分析 ........................................................... 13 目录 V 四、技
术环境分析 ........................................................... 14 第三节 云南移动临沧分公司微观环境—波特五力模型分析 ............. 14 一、现有竞争者
竞争情况分析 ................................................. 14 二、供应商讨价还价能力分析 ................................................. 15 三、购买者
讨价还价能力分析 ................................................. 15 四、潜在进入者分析 ......................................................... 16 五、替
代者分析 ............................................................. 16 第四节 云南移动临沧分公司SWOT分析 .............................. 16 一、优势分析
............................................................... 16 二、劣势分析 ............................................................... 17 三、机会分
析 ............................................................... 17 四、威胁分析 ............................................................... 18 第四章
云南移动临沧分公司营销现状及问题分析 ............ 19 第一节 云南移动临沧分公司营销现状 ............................... 19 一、云南移动临沧分公司营销现状