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商业银行的同业业务作为我国金融市场的重要组成部分,对于我国商 业银行的近年来的快速发展起了重要的作用。然而我国商业银行尤其是中 小商业 银行在同业业务风险管理方面仍存在不足,在快速扩张的同时不仅 加大了实体经济的融资成本,而且带来了金融风险的快速累积,甚至形成 了系统性风险的隐患。2017年开始, 监管部门下发了一系列文件来限制同 业业务野蛮扩张。严监管时代的到来,给商业银行同业业务的风险管理提 出了更高的要求。 在此背景下,本文选取了M农村商业银行作为研 究对象,主要研究了 其同业业务风险管理情况及可采取的优化措施。本文首先逐个分析了M农 村商业银行同业业务当前开展业务类型及其风险点,介绍了其同业业务经 营情况和 风险管理情况。然后总结了M农村商业银行同业业务面临的问题, 并对导致以上问题生的外部原因和内部原因进行了剖析。通过本文分析, 总结了其存在粗线条管理模式、交易对 手管理不完善、流程节点控制不完 善、对利率风险重视程度不足等方面的问题,进而得出其风险防控体系不 健全、专业人才缺乏和科技支撑力量薄弱等缺点。最后,针对以上问 题, 有的放矢地提出了构建全面风险风控体系、建立内部信评体系和利率研究 体系、全行协同管控流动性风险、建立持续学习机制和奖惩机制等优化措 施,以提升M农村商业银 行在同业业务方面的管理能力。 关键词:M农村商业银行;同业业务;风险管理;防范与控制 V Abstract As a important part of the financial market business, the inter-bank business has played a positive role in promoting the rapid development of China’s commercial banks. However, the commercial banks in China, especially the small and medium-sized commercial banks, still have deficiencies in the risk management of inter-bank business. At the same time of rapid expansion, it not only increases the financing cost of the real economy, but also brings the rapid accumulation of financial risks, and even forms the hidden danger of systematic risks. Since 2017, the regulatory authorities have issued a series of documents to limit the brutal expansion of inter-bank business. The arrival of the era of strict supervision puts forward higher requirements for the risk management of inter-bank business. In this context, this paper selects M rural commercial bank as the research object, mainly studies its inter-bank business risk management and the optimization measures that can be taken. Firstly, this paper analyzes the current business types and risk points of M rural commercial bank’s inter-bank business, and introduces its inter- bank business operation and risk management. Then it summarizes the problems faced by M rural commercial banks’ inter-bank business, and analyzes the external and internal causes of the above problems. Through the analysis of this paper, it summarizes the problems of its rough line management mode, imperfect counter-party management, imperfect process node control, insufficient attention to interest rate risk, etc., and then concludes that its risk prevention and control system is not perfect, lack of professionals and weak scientific and technological support. Finally, in view of the above problems, targeted measures are proposed to build a comprehensive risk control system, an internal credit rating system and interest rate research system, a bank wide collaborative management and control of liquidity risk, a continuous learning mechanism and a reward and punishment mechanism, so as to improve the management ability of M rural commercial bank in the same business.。。。。。。以下内容略

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