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一汽-大众产品开发体系优化研究 从2009年到2017年,我国汽车已连续九年稳居世界产销量第一,且领先 优势还在扩大。中国汽车市场的蛋糕在不断 做大的同时,竞争也日趋激烈。汽 车企业之间的竞争,其核心在于产品的竞争。如何将拥有较高的技术含量,质 量上乘且符合法规要求,按照市场期望的价格,在适当的时间投 放市场,成为 汽车企业在竞争中脱颖而出的关键。 一汽-大众作为国内领先的汽车企业,其产品开发体系源自德国大众康采恩 的产品诞生过程,又具有具有合资企业引进车型国 产化与全新自主开发并行的 双轨模式的特殊形态。经过27年的发展壮大,一汽-大众的开发体系也逐渐完 善,但应对未来的竞争,仍有诸多问题需要解决,比如产品开发周期长, 开发 费用高,产品滞后市场实际需求等,产品质量抱怨等问题。 本文提出了对于一个汽车企业来说,其完整的产品开发体系应包括两个有 机的组成部分,即由该企业的组织机构 ,流程体系及开发工具所构成的内部开 发体系,和以开发供应商及零部件供应商等合作伙伴为主体的外部开发体系。 按照这个思路,通过考察一汽-大众现有的产品开发体系,深 入剖析内部及外部 管理状态,运用项目管理及供应链的相关理论,探讨一汽-大众产品开发体系问 题的成因,同时提出相应的优化对策和实施方案。 根据一汽-大众已制定的2025 战略的要求,通过对公司内部管理流程的分 析,提出从创新文化的培育,人力资源培养,项目管理制度创新,关键技术能 力培育,及与德国大众,奥迪的分工改进等方面的优化 对策;通过对合作伙伴 的管理研究,着重提出培育以相生共赢的,一汽-大众为核心的供应商生态群的 供应商管理理念,实现建立高效而强大的本土化供应商体系的目标。 通过 在原有开发体系基础上进行创新和优化,使一汽-大众产品开发体系更 加科学合理,提高开发效率和开发质量,降低研发成本,使一汽-大众保持竞争 II 力,持续引领市场。 同 时,也将一定程度上带动整个汽车供应链在开发能力上 的协同提升。 关键词: 汽车研发管理;汽车项目管理;开发流程;供应商体系 III Abstract Research on the Optimization of Product Development System in FAW-VW China's automobile industry has been the world's largest sales volume for nine consecutive years from year 2009 to 2017, and the lead is still expanding. The cake of Chinese automobile market is becoming larger yet more competitive. The core of the competition between automobile enterprises lies in the competition of their products. It is becoming the key to an automobile enterprise in the competition how to put its products that have a high technological content and quality, that at the same time conform to the requirements of the regulations, and in accordance with the market expectations of price, at the right time to market. FAW-VW is the leading role in the domestic automobile industry. Its product development system derived from Volkswagen’s product development process, but also has a joint venture characteristic that product localization and product self- developed happen at the same time. After 27 years of development, the product development system of FAW-VW hat also gradually improved, but to meet with competition in the future, there are still many problems to be solved, such as the long cycle time and the high cost of product development, quality risk in the series production, product definition lagging behind actual market demand, and so on. This paper proposes that for a car company, its complete product development system should include two organic components, namely the internal development system consisting of the organization, process system and development tools of the enterprise, and the external development system consisting of the development suppliers and parts suppliers. With this concept we investigate the existing product development system of FAW- VW, deeply analyze the internal and external management status, using theory of project management and supplier chain to discuss the causes of the products development system of FAW- VW, and propose corresponding optimization countermeasures and implementation plan. According to the requirement of the 2025-Strategy of FAW- VW, and through the IV analysis of the internal management process of the corporation, it has been proposed to cultivate the culture of innovation, enhance the human resources, encourage project management innovation, expand the key technological capability, and the optimize of job-split between FAW-VW and Volkswagen/Audi, and so on. Through the research of partners management, the development of a win-win patent between FAW-VW and its partner would emphatically put forward, in this way to achieve the goal of setting up efficient and powerful system of local suppliers. Through innovation and optimization based on the existing product development system, the product development system of FAW-VW sees to become more scientific and reasonable, efficiency and quality will also be improved, development costs will be reduced. In this way FAW-VW remains competitive and the leader role in the market. At the same time, it will also promote the synergy of the development capability of the entire automotive supply chain to a certain extent.。。。。。。以下内容略

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