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I 摘要 在21世纪,机场将成为推动城市规模扩张和地区经济增长的新的发动机, 这主要归功于机场以航空客货运为基础,汇聚的各类优质经济资源, 分布于机场 周边的临空产业区经过不断发展,最终成为航空大都市。当今社会环境复杂多样, 因此需要通过制定合适的战略提高产业发展对内外部环境的适应性,达到可持续 发 展,提升竞争优势的目的。本次研究选择了具有代表性的A机场北商务区作 为研究对象,A机场是中国八大区域枢纽机场之一,在客货吞吐量等航空要素方 面在国内大型机场中具 有较强的竞争力,但在临空产业发展方面还处于起步阶 段,和其他大型枢纽的临空产业区相比竞争力比较薄弱,也缺乏长期稳定的战略 规划作为指导。 本文针对A机场北商务区 临空产业发展现状及存在问题,采用文献研究、 案例分析法、PEST、核心竞争力分析法、SWOT分析的方法,对其外部环境和 内部环境进行研究分析。从宏观环境看,国家出台的 各项政策以及经济、社会科 技的发展都为临空产的发展提供了机会。从临空产业市场看,除部分欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司壁垒较 高的航空制造业以及航空运输业外,负责开发A机场北商务区的A集团 对其他 临空产业已经有一定的涉足,北商务区下一步发展临空产业有一定的优势。同时, A机场也面临其他机场和铁路、公路等其他交通运输方式的威胁,并且在核心竞 争力方 面存在一定的劣势。 经研究,本文为A机场北商务区制定了扭转型相关多元化的临空产业发展 战略,利用外部带来的机会,弥补内部的劣势,发展相关产业,打造完整临空产 业 链。最后,制定临空产业筛选原则,对适合北商务区的临空产业进行选择,结 合相关多元化战略的特点和实际情况,对各项业务进行优化调整,并提出具体的 策略,确保北商务 区临空产业发展战略的有效实施。 关键词:航空枢纽;临空产业;发展战略 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT In the 21st century, the airport will become a new engine to drive urban expansion and regional economic growth, mainly thanks to the various high-quality economic resources gathered by the airport based on air passengers and cargo, and the airside industrial zone distributed around the airport will eventually become an aviation metropolis after continuous development. Today's social environment is complex and diverse, so it is necessary to improve the adaptability of industrial development to the internal and external environment by formulating appropriate strategies to achieve sustainable development and enhance competitive advantages. Airport A is one of the eight regional hub airports in China and has strong competitiveness among large domestic airports in terms of passenger and cargo throughput and other aviation factors, but it is still in the initial stage of airside industry development, and its competitiveness is relatively weak compared with other large hubs' airside industry zones, and it also lacks long-term and stable strategic planning as The competitiveness is relatively weak compared with other large hubs' airside industrial zones, and there is a lack of long-term and stable strategic planning as guidance. In this paper, the current situation and problems of the development of the airside industry in A airport north business district are studied and analyzed in terms of its external and internal environment by using literature research, case study method, PEST, core competitiveness analysis method and SWOT analysis. From the macro environment, the policies introduced by the state and the development of economy, social science and technology have provided opportunities for the development of the airside industry. From the perspective of the market of airside industry, except for the aviation manufacturing industry and air transportation industry, which have high barriers, A Group, which is responsible for the development of the North Business District of Airport A, has already made certain involvement in other airside industries, and the North Business District has certain advantages for the development of airside industry in the next step. At the same time, Airport A also faces threats from other ABSTRACT III airports and other transportation modes such as railroads and highways, and has certain disadvantages in terms of core competitiveness. After research, this paper formulates a reversal-type related diversification strategy for the development of airside industries in the North Business District of Airport A. It takes advantage of the opportunities brought by the outside to compensate for the internal disadvantages, develops related industries, and creates a complete airside industry chain. Finally, the airside industry screening principles are formulated to select the airside industries suitable for the North Business District, optimize and adjust each business by combining the characteristics and actual situation of the related diversification strategy, and propose specific strategies to ensure the effective implementation of the airside industry development strategy in the North Business District. Key words: aviation hub; Airport industry; Development strategy 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 .......................... 1 第一节 选题背景及研究意义 ................... 1 一、选题背景 ........................... 1 二、研究意义 ........................... 2 第二节 文献综述 ........ 3 一、国外研究文献.................... 3 二、国内研究文献.................... 4 三、文献评述 ........................... 8 第三节 研究内容和方法 ........................... 8 一、研究主要内容.................... 8 二、研究方法 ........................... 9 三、研究思路 ........................... 9 第 二章 相关概念及理论 ..... 11 第一节 战略管理相关理论 ..................... 11 一、战略管理的含义 .............. 11 二、战略分析 ......................... 11 三、战略选择 ......................... 12 四、战略实施 ......................... 14 第二节 临空产业相关概念和特点 ......... 14 一、临空产业相关理论 .......... 14 二、临空产业类型.................. 14 三、临空产业区发展阶段 ...... 15 四、临空产业的空间布局 ...... 15 第三章 A机场北商务区外部环境分析 .............. 17 第一节 宏观环境分析 ............................. 17 一、政治环境因素分析 .......... 17 二、经济环境因素分析 .......... 18 目录 V 三、社会 环境因素分析 .......... 20 四、科技环境因素分析 .......... 20 五、发展环境分析总结 .......... 21 第二节 腹地产业分析 ............................. 21 第三节 临空产业市场分析 ..................... 23 一、航空运输市场.................. 23 二、航空物流(货运)市场 .. 26 三、航空保障市场.................. 29 四、机场 建设与管理运营市场 ............................. 32 五、航空制造市场.................. 33 六、航空金融市场.................. 34 七、商旅娱乐市 场.................. 35 八、总结 .. 37 第四章 A机场北商务区内部环境分析 .............. 41 第一节 资源竞争力分析 ......................... 41 一、A机场北商务 区基本情况 ............................. 41 二、交通情况 ......................... 41 三、A机场经营情况 .............. 42 第二节 竞争力分析 .. 42 一、A集团基 本情况 .............. 42 二、业务经营情况.................. 43 三、A集团业务能力分析 ...... 46 第五章 A机场北商务区临空产业发展战略选择和实施 .................. 48 第一节 北商务区发展目标和定位 ......... 48 一、发展目标 ......................... 48 二、城市规划定位.................. 48 第二节 SWOT 分析 ... 48 一、优势分析 ......................... 49 二、劣势分析 ......................... 49 三、机会分析 ......................... 50 四、威胁分析 ......................... 51 目录 VI 五、SWOT分析总结 ............... 51 第三节 北商务区临空产业发展战略选择 ............................ 52 一、战略备选方案 制定 .......... 52 二、评价与选择 ..................... 53 第四节 临空产业选择 ............................. 53 一、产业选择的原则和结构 .. 53 二、核心产业 ......................... 55 三、关联产业 ......................... 56 第五节 相关多元化战略实施 ................. 57 一、业务板块划分.................. 57 二、航空运输板块.................. 58 三、通用航空板块.................. 61 四、航空保障板块.................. 61 五、航空物流板块.................. 63 六、 商旅文娱板块.................. 63 第六章 A机场北商务区临空产业发展战略的保障措施 .................. 65 第一节 统一规划、协调开发 ................. 65 第二

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