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企业社会责任(Corporate social responsibility, CSR)是企业在发展经济的同时, 促进社会福利,推动社会进步。历经百年发展,企业社会责任 亘古常新。近年来, 伴随着“一带一路”的国际倡议深入人心,企业社会责任知行合一则成为大势所趋。 一些企业身先士卒迈入到社会责任实践队伍,却遭遇重重挑战。例如, 大多数企业 缺乏对企业社会责任内涵的深刻认知,简单将其理解为无偿奉献的捐赠行为,或者 脱离企业运营、毫无价值创造的好人好事。如何真正将社会责任与企业文化的融合 、 企业员工的互动、企业日常的运营接轨,成为困扰企业的现实难题。国外学者对该 主题的研究比较成熟,视角纷纭,理论众多,莫衷一是。相反,国内学者对企业社 会责任的 研究还处在探索阶段,理论研究难以满足实践发展。且现有大多研究是基 于宏观层面的外部人视角,缺乏更为微观的内部人视角研究。再者,中西传统文化 差异较大,经济发展 水平高低不同,尽管国外研究成果累累,却难以指导新时代中 国情境下的企业社会责任实践。 社会责任型人力资源管理 (Socially responsible human resource management, SRHRM)是指把企业社会责任融入到企业的人力资源管理,通过人力资源管理各项职 能,如招聘、培训、薪酬等来充分调动组织的各项人力、物力、财力,建立责任愿 景、培训责 任技能、培养责任人才,开展适合组织的情境化社会责任实践,即社会 责任型人力资源管理。SRHRM 作为开展社会责任的政策实践,能否平衡商业利益和 社会利益,实现企业和 社会的共赢?目前仅有少数学者理论探讨并实证检验了 SRHRM 对企业内部员工的积极影响,并无研究探索“鱼和熊掌能否兼得”这一关键 问题。因此,本文借鉴了 Parker 的主 动动机模型,综合考虑“冷”的认知机制和“热” 的情感机制,分别从“应该做”“能够做”“想要做”三条路径层层递进的去探讨中 国情境下的 SRHRM 能否同时提升员工的组 织绩效和社会绩效及其内在机理。本文 选择员工的任务绩效、组织公民行为拟合员工对组织的绩效,选择志愿者活动拟合 员工对社会的绩效,通过三个实证研究考察 SRHRM 对这 两种结果的影响。最后, 本文通过 314 组领导-员工配对数据,实证检验三个研究中的假设,基本上证实“鱼 和熊掌可以兼得”这一假设。 具体研究结论如下: (1)研究一拟 合“应该做”路径,基于身份理论和身份建构模型,探讨并发现华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 II SRHRM 能通过塑造员工的亲社会身份来影响员工的绩效改进,包含任务 绩效、OCB 和志愿者活动。此外,长期导向显著调节 SRHRM 的影响效果,而自我提升动机则 没有产生显著的调节效应。 (2)研究二拟合 “能够做”路径,基于自我效能理论, 探讨并证明 SRHRM 能够通过塑造员工的亲社会自我效能来提升后续的 OCB、志愿者活动,对任务绩效 却无显著影响。此外,人-工作匹配对 SRHRM 的作用效果具有边界效应。 ( 3)在“应该做”“能够做”这两条“冷”的认知机制基础上,研究三则基于 热的情感机制,拟合 “应该做”路径,从情感事件理论的视角,探讨了 SRHRM 能 否通过激发员工的 同理心来影响其后续的绩效表现。研究发现,SRHRM 能够通过激 发员工同理心来提升员工的任务绩效、OCB 和志愿者活动。此外,分配公平会调节 SRHRM 的作用效果。 本文的研 究结论对 SRHRM、企业社会责任和人力资源管理都具有重要的理论意 义和实践启示,创新点如下:首先,本研究在前人基础上进一步探讨 SRHRM 定义、 内涵、影响效果及作用机 理。具体来说,第一,本文综合考察了 SRHRM 对员工组 织绩效、社会绩效的双重影响,弥补了以往关于 SRHRM 研究仅仅关注组织绩效的 局限,证实了 SRHRM 可以实现企业和社 会双赢。第二,本文基于一个整合的动机 模型,从“应该做”、“能够做”、“想要做”三个方面探讨 SRHRM 对员工影响及其 边界条件,为今后开展 SRHRM 对员工影响提供一 个全面的理论框架。第三,本文 从自我提升动机和未来导向、人-工作匹配、分配公平四方面考察了员工个体特征、 文化特征、时代特征、组织文化对 SRHRM 影响的边界效应, 厘清了中国情境的 SRHRM 的影响范围。其次,本文进一步推进了企业社会责任由宏观走向微观,由外 部走向内部、由结果走向过程的发展。最后,本文对未来可持续发展的人力 资源管 理具有重要意义。 关键词:社会责任型人力资源管理;亲社会身份;亲社会自我效能;同理心 ;志愿 者活动华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 III Abstract Corporate social responsibility (CSR) means organizations promote social welfare and social progress while developing economy. After a hundred years of development, CSR has always been new. In recent years, as the“One Belt And One Road”international initiative has gained a growing interest, bringing CSR values into practices has become an irresistible trend. A few enterprises have stepped into the practice of social responsibility, but they have encountered many challenges. For example, most enterprises lack a deep understanding of CSR, which is simply understood as the unsustainable donation behavior of gratuitously giving, or the good deeds created by good people without any value creation. Then how to truly integrate social responsibility with corporate culture, employees interacton and daily business operation has become a real problem troubling the managers. Foreign scholars are mature in their research on this subject, with diverse perspectives and numerous theories. On the contrary, the research of domestic scholars on corporate social responsibility is still in the exploratory stage, with the theoretical research difficult to meet the practical development. In addition, most of the researches are based on the external perspective at the macro level, lacking more internal and micro perspective. Furthermore, there are great differences between Chinese and Western in traditional cultures and economic development. Thus, despite of abundant research achievements, it is difficult to guide the practice of CSR initiative in the context of China in the new era. Socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) means integrating corporate social responsibility into human resources management. Put it simply, through the human resources management functions, such as recruitment, training, compensation and so on,oranizations can fully mobilize the manpower and material resources, financial resources, to implement the corporate social responsibility effectively. As a policy of implementing social responsibility, can SRHRM balance business interests and social interests to achieve a win-win situation for both organizations and society? However, at present, only a few scholars have theoretically tested the positive impact of SRHRM on employees, without exploring the key issue of “whether organization can have their cake and eat it too”. Therefore, drawing on Parker’s model of proactive motivation, this paper comprehensively intergates the “cold” cognitive mechanism and the “hot” emotional华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 IV mechanism to discusse whether SRHRM can simultaneously improve the organizational performance and social performance of employees in Chinese context. In this paper, organizational performance is operationalized as task performance and organizational citizenship behavior whereas social performanc is operationalized as volunteering. Three empirical studies were conducted to investigate the impact of SRHRM on these two employee performance. Finally, through a sample of 314 employees–supervisor dyads, this paper empirically tested and basically confirmed that “organization can have their cake and eat it too”. The research conclusions are as follows: a) Modelling the “reason to do” path, study 1 examined and found that SRHRM can influence employees’ performance by shaping their prosocial identity, including task performance, OCB and volunteering. In addition, long-term orientation significantly moderated the effect of SRHRM, while self-improvement motivation did not. b) Modelling the“can do”path, study 2 discussed and proved that SRHRM can improve employees’ subsequent OCB and volunteering by shaping employees' prosocial self-efficacy, but has no significant impact on task performance. In addition, person-job fit had a boundary effect on SRHRM. c) On the basis of the two “cold” cognitive mechanisms, study 3 modelled the “energied to do” path. From the perspective of emotional event theory, study 3 discussed whether SRHRM can affect employees’ subsequent performance by stimulating their empathy. It is found that SRHRM can improve task performance, OCB and volunteering of employees by invoking their empathy. In addition, distributive justice moderates the effe

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