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一汽物流有限公司发展战略研究 汽车物流欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司在传统上是依附于汽车制造与销售业生存的服务性欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,其 盛衰伴随汽车制造业波动。一汽物流有限公司(下称一汽物流)是中国第一汽 车集团的全资子公司,作为传统汽车物流欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中的典型龙头企业之一,过去主 要围绕集团内汽车品牌的核心客户,提供物流服务,在过去的经营发展中,也 取得了优秀的经营成果。但是,过去的成果是建立在集团蓬勃发展、内外部环 境稳定等大前提下的,企业自身对经营和发展缺乏深度的思考和长远的规划, 一旦赖以生存的境况有所变化,企业必然遭受冲击。 2016 年以来,交通运输业法规政策逐步趋严;2018 年国内汽车市场迎来销 量 26 年来的首次下滑后持续下探。宏观政策变化、经济形势波动、业内竞争加 剧、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司外部潜在竞争者、企业核心客户产量增速放缓、成本严控,国家对企 业的运营规范化提出更高要求,外部环境瞬息万变,一汽物流面临着重大挑战。 面对企业当前的问题和即将到来的冲击,清晰的发展战略规划,能够助力 企业在纷繁复杂的变化中找到适合自身的发展路径,解决问题,应对变化。 本文通过对国内外关于汽车物流欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、企业发展战略规划文献地阅读和学 习,结合对一汽物流有限公司的内外部环境分析,将企业在宏观层面面临的政 策、社会、市场、竞争、技术等情况进行了剖析;针对企业内部,对企业组织、 人、财、物等资源情况进行研究,通过诸多不稳定因素的分析,综合得出企业 需要战略指引的结论。 在准确定位企业了核心业务欠发展、组织机构融合度低、运力和物流网络 能力不足、远期规划模糊等问题后,在业务发展规划、信息化建设等方面又进 行了深度分析。从暴露出的不同程度的问题来看,企业由于自身所有制的关系, 长期处于非市场竞争环境下,面临内外部环境的变化,缺乏应对能力,但也具II 备进行变革、发展的资源基础。战略指引,能够让企业完成应对的同时,实现 提升。 根据企业自身特征、内外部资源情况可以判断出,企业应利用自身优势, 把握机遇,实施增长的战略。在业务战略选择上,应围绕客户与产品,在职能 战略选择上,则围绕核心能力和技术应用。 本文针对性地制定了科学的战略规划及实施措施,为企业制定了基于传统 业务,以汽车制造供应链全覆盖为主要目标,同时开拓新兴物流领域的清晰发 展战略,并且在企业物流网络布局和运力结构调整、物流技术和信息技术规划 几个方面,制定了明确指导措施。 关键词: 战略,汽车物流企业,竞争III Abstract Study on the Development Strategy for FAW Logistics Co., Ltd The automobile logistics industry is a service industry that depends on the survival of the automobile manufacturing and sales industry. Its rise and fall is also fluctuating with the rise and fall of the automobile manufacturing industry. FAW Logistics Co., Ltd. is a typical enterprise in the traditional automobile logistics industry. The automobile logistics industry is traditionally a service industry, which attaches to the automobile manufacturing and sales industry, and its rises and falls are closely related to the automobile manufacturing industry. FAW Logistics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as FAW Logistics) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China FAW Group. As one of the typical leading enterprises in the traditional automobile logistics industry, in the past it mainly provided logistics services to the core customers of the automobile brands. And it has also obtained excellent achievements in the past business development. However, the past achievements are based on the flourish development and the stable internal and external environment of the group. The company itself lacks in-depth thinking and long-term planning of the development. Once the social environment changes, the company will inevitably suffer from shock. Since 2016, the regulations and policies of the transportation industry have gradually become stricter; in 2018, the sales of the domestic automobile market have suffered from the first decline in the past 26 years, which continued to decline. Macro policy changes, fluctuation of economic situation, intensified competition in the industry, potential competitors outside the industry, and core customers of the company, the joint venture brand’s growth of automobile production has slowed down the cost control. The state also implemented higher requirements for the operation of enterprises. The external environment changes quickly, because of which FAW Logistics faces great challenges. Facing the current problems of the enterprises andIV the upcoming impact, a clear development strategy planning can help enterprises to find the suitable development paths, solve problems and deal with changes in the complicated changes. This paper analyzes the policy, society, market, competition, technology, and other situations of the enterprises from a macro level after reading and learning the literature on automobile logistics industry and enterprise development strategic planning at home and abroad, and combining with the internal and external environmental analysis of FAW Logistics Co., Ltd. Aims at the internal environment of the enterprise, it has researched the organization, human resources, financial, material and other resources. Based on many unstable factors, the conclusion has showed that the enterprise needs strategic guidance. After accurately located the existing problems of the enterprise, such as underdeveloped core business, low integration of subsidiaries, insufficient capacity of transportation and logistics network, and ambiguous long-term planning, it also has performed an in-depth analysis on the business development planning and information construction. Concluding from the different levels of exposure, it has showed that enterprises have been in a non-market competitive environment for a long time due to its own ownership structure, because of which it lacks of coping capacity when facing the internal and external environmental changes, while it also has the opportunity for revolution and overflight, it has reached the changing period. Strategic guidance will help companies to achieve improvements while dealing with changes. According to the enterprise's own characteristics and internal and external resources, it can be judged that the enterprise should make use of its own advantages, seize the opportunity and implement the development strategy. In the choice of business strategy, it should focus on customers and products, in the choice of functional strategy, it should focus on core competence and technology application. This paper has developed targeted scientific strategic planning and implementation measures. It has formulated a clear development strategy, which bases on traditional business and focuses on the full coverage of the automobile manufacturing supply chain while developing a new field of emerging logistics, andV has developed clear instructions in the aspects of enterprise logistics network layout and capacity structure adjustment, logistics technology and information technology planning. Keywords: Strategic;Automobile logistics enterprise;CompetitionVI 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究方法与内容 ............................................................................ 3 1.3 理论基础和文献综述 .................................................................... 4 第 2 章 一汽物流有限公司现状和问题分析....................................... 7 2.1 一汽物流有限公司现状 ................................................................ 7 2.2 一汽物流有限公司发展存在的问题和原因分析........................ 9 第 3 章 一汽物流有限公司战略环境分析......................................... 13 3.1 一汽物流有限公司外部环境...................................................... 13 3.2 一汽物流有限公司内部环境...................................................... 18 3.3 一汽物流有限公司 SWOT 分析................................................. 19 第 4 章 一汽物流有限公司发展战略制定及实施............................. 24 4.1 一汽物流有限公司战略规划的目标.......................................... 24 4.2 一汽物流有限公司发展战略的选择.......................................... 25 4.3 一汽物流有限公司战略的实施.................................................. 27 4.4 一汽物流有限公司发展战略的保障措施........

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