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SACC 以岗位评价为基础的薪酬方案设计与实施 中国制造企业竞争日趋激烈,各企业充分认识到只有拥有优秀的人才,才 能使企业在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,设计和制定有吸引力的薪酬方案也就 成为各企业人力资源管理的重点工作。 首先,本文从四方面对 SACC 公司薪酬方案进行了评析。 第一方面简单介绍了 SACC 公司组建背景以及基本概况。 第二方面介绍了 SACC 公司员工构成,说明了薪酬方案的现状。 第三方面分析了 SACC 公司薪酬方案存在的问题。 (1)同岗不同酬,分配不公平,由于公司是整合成立的,很多岗位存在两 种身份人员混合在一起工作,且工作性质、工作内容、劳动强度几乎相同。但 两者的薪酬分配制度存在很大差异,导致在同一工作单元内,同一岗位员工完 成相同的工作,获得的劳动报酬是不相等的。 (2)缺乏有效激励,部分员工工作认可度低,通过比较,部分员工在物质 利益上得不到满足,认为自身的价值难以被公司认可。 (3)管理不规范,缺乏科学性,薪酬的双轨制,使员工看不到提升的空间。 (4)薪酬水平偏低,不同岗位、不同能力、不同绩效的员工薪金收入差别 不大。 第四方面分析了这种薪酬的现状存在不合理性和局限性,不能服务于公司 的发展战略,对公司战略的推动与实现无法也起到保证作用。在长远看来,对 于公司的发展是极为不利的,影响了公司的效率、管理和竞争力水平的提高。 其次,本文在分析了 SACC 公司原有薪酬方案存在的问题之后,阐述了新 的薪酬方案设计与实施的理论和现实基础。 在理论基础部分重点阐述了公平理论、人力资本理论、效率薪酬理论、激 励理论等对薪酬方案体系设计的指导意义;在现实基础部分重点阐述了该体系II 设计与实施得以顺利进行的前提与保障,即 SACC 公司明晰的企业战略、强劲 的发展势头、良好的经济效益。 再次,本文着重阐述了 SACC 公司的岗位分析和岗位评价。 第一部分是岗位分析和岗位评价的原则和系统模型,其中重点阐述了以战 略为导向,以现状、工作、分析、员工和公开为基础的原则以及通过岗位信息 收集、整理分析、评价等过程建立模型。 第二部分是岗位分析与评价方法和指标体系的建立,其中重点阐述分析所 采取的岗位分析方法和岗位评价要素指标体系。 第三部分是结合公司的实际情况遵循准备阶段、信息收集、信息处理、反 馈验证、运用阶段、要素评价、岗位归级等七个阶段来控制和完成岗位分析和 评价的,最终形成岗位说明书和岗位归级表。 最后,本文着重阐述了薪酬方案的设计与实施。 第一部分基于岗位分析确定薪酬的构成以及薪酬标准。 第二部分是采取有措施保证薪酬方案的导入与实施。 选择科学的、适合的岗位分析和岗位评价方法对公司各岗位进行分析评价, 在此基础上,从实际情况出发,在公司发展战略的指引下,设计和实施员工高 满意度和有市场竞争力的薪酬方案是在今后需要不断探索和实践的,逐步建立 “以人力资源管理为核心的现代企业规范化管理体系”,促进公司渐进良性发展 的状态。 关键词, 岗位分析,岗位评价,薪酬设计III Abstract Design and Implementation of SACC Salary Solution Based on Job Evaluation The competition within Chinese manufacturing industry is getting severer every day. All companies are fully aware of the fact that any company can only survive the competition with outstanding talents. Therefore, it becomes the priority of human resource management in all companies to design and establish an attractive salary system. First, this essay elaborates and evaluates SACC salary system from four aspects. Part I simply presents how SACC was established and its basic background. Part II describes the constitution of SACC employees and explains the status of the current salary solution. Part III makes an analysis on the existing problems with SACC salary solution. (1) Unfair allocation reflected by different salaries being provided to employees with the same jobs. Since the company was established by integration of several bodies, there are many jobs where employees with two different identities are working with same jobs activities and similar work load. Different salary allocation system exit, resulted in employees working on the same jobs in the same unit who perform their activities with different payment. (2) Lack of effective motivation, which is less recognized by employees. Through comparison, some employees are not satisfied with their material interests, assuming their values are not appreciated by the company. (3) Management is not well regulated and planned scientifically. The existence of two separate salary systems could not make the employees see their opportunities for improvements. (4) Low salary level with small gabs demonstrated among employees with different jobs, abilities and performance. Part IV makes an analysis over the irrationality and restriction of the currentIV situation with the salary system, which is not capable of serving the development strategy of the company, or cannot support the implementation and realization of the company strategy. For the long run, it may become disbenefit to the company development, impacting on the operation, management and competitiveness of the company. Secondly, based on the analysis over the existing problems with the original salary solution in SACC, this essay elaborates the theoretical and practical foundation for the design and implementation of a brand new salary system. In view of the theoretical foundation, it puts its focus on exposition of the directive significance to the design of salary solution, such as theory of equity, capital of human recourse, theory of efficiency salary, theory of motivation, etc. In view of practical foundation, it stresses on the premises and guarantee for the proper design and implementation of such system, namely the clear strategies of development of SACC, powerful development trend, and good economic profit. Additionally, this essay places its emphasis on the job analysis and evaluation in SACC. Part I provides the principals and system models for job analysis and evaluation, expounding the principals of strategy-orientation with basis set on the current situation, work, analysis, employees and openness, and creating models through processes of job information collection, sorting-out and analysis and evaluation. Part II provides the methods of job analysis and evaluation and creation of a index system, emphasizing on the elaboration and analysis methods adopted as well as the seven-element index system. Part III provides job analysis and evaluation combining the actual situation throughout such seven phases as preparation, information collection, information processing, feedback verification, operation, element evaluation and job classification, which resulted in job instructions and job classification registration. Finally, this essay puts its stress again on the design and implementation of salary solution. Part I makes analysis on the constitution of salary and salary criteria based on different jobs.V Part II provides the effective measures to support the introduction and implementation of salary solutions. Scientific and proper job analysis and evaluation methods are selected to make analysis on the jobs in the company, based on which, and under the direction of company development strategy, a salary solution will be designed and implemented to be highly satisfactory to the employees and competitive in the market, and will be continuously improved to create “a regulated management system with focus on human resource management”, to help in the positive development status of the company. Key Words: Job Analysis, Job Evaluation, Salary Design.VI 目 录 第 1 章 绪论.............................................1 1.1 研究背景 .......................................... 1 1.2 研究的目的和意义 .................................. 3 1.3 研究方法和的结构 .............................. 6 第 2 章 薪酬方案的现状以及存在的问题 .....................7 2.1 公司概况 .......................................... 7 2.2 薪酬方案现状 ...................................... 8 2.3 薪酬方案存在的问题 ................................ 9 2.4 薪酬方案问题对公司的消极影响 ..................... 14 第 3 章 SACC 薪酬方案设计与实施的理论和方法 .............16 3.1 理论基础 ......................................... 16 3.2 现实基础 ......................................... 18 3.3 SACC 公司薪酬方案设计的基本方法 ................... 20 第 4 章 公司岗位分析与岗位评价 ..........................23 4.1 公司岗位分析和评价的原则与系统模型 ............... 23 4.2 岗位分析与评价方法和指标体系的建立 ............... 26 4.3

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