随着跆拳道运动在贵州省高校体育院系的逐渐普及,结构单一的 跆拳道课程内容已经不能满足当代大学生对专业前沿技能的需求;贵 州省高校体育院系跆拳舞项目的发展与国外高校相比较为滞后,对跆 拳道专项人才的培养已经无法满足社会对跆拳舞专业人才的需求。贵 州省高校体育院系应当顺应时代发展,积极响应政策号召,引进跆拳 舞项目。报告采用文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、实地考察法、问卷调查法和数理统计 法等研究方法,通过 SWOT 分析法,阐释贵州省高校体育院系引进跆 拳舞项目的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,对贵州省高校体育院系引进跆 拳舞项目的可行性进行研究。 主要结论: 1、贵州省高校体育院系有必要引进跆拳舞项目。 2、贵州省高校体育院系引进跆拳舞项目是可行的。 3、高校良好的基础设施为跆拳舞项目的引进提供了硬件保障, 高校跆拳道专用场地覆盖率较高,占比 61.92%;高校跆拳道教师数 量较为乐观,拥有 2 位以上跆拳道教师的高校占比 64%,跆拳道教师 为研究生学历的高校占比 93%,其中有 64%的跆拳道教师认为在贵州 省高校体育院系引进跆拳舞项目可行。 4、社会对跆拳舞专业人才的需求较为强烈,占比为 88.89%;政 策优势为跆拳舞项目的引进搭建了广阔的平台;高校跆拳道教师对跆 拳舞赛事的认知程度较高,占比为 66.67%,为贵州省高校体育院系II 引进跆拳舞项目创造了良好机遇。 5、部分高校领导对跆拳道重视程度较低,学生对跆拳舞的了解 程度较低(占比 79.47%),对跆拳舞项目的引进构成威胁。 6、贵州省高校体育院系引进跆拳舞项目存在劣势,教师不擅长 跆拳舞教学,擅长跆拳舞教学内容的教师占比仅为 7.14%;学生跆拳 道基础较差。 建议: 1、高校应增加场馆开放数量和延长场馆开放时间,保障学生的 练习时间。 2、高校应适当增加跆拳道选修课、必修课学时,鼓励或要求学 生充分利用课余时间训练。 3、高校可将跆拳舞人才“请进来”,引进韩国跆拳舞教师开展跆 拳舞教学;同时鼓励师生“走出去”,鼓励跆拳道教师参加培训,鼓 励学生在校外学习跆拳舞。 4、高校应改变单招、特招仅招收竞技运动员的现状,拓宽以品 势和特技为专项的学生的入学途径,对现有学生加强品势和特技教 学,成立竞技队、品势队和跆拳舞示范团,在高校体育院系开展竞技 型跆拳舞,鼓励学生参加跆拳舞赛事。 5、高校应迎合迫切的社会需求,尽快引进跆拳舞项目,为社会 俱乐部培养跆拳舞专项人才,提高就业率。 关键词:贵州省;高校;引进;跆拳舞;可行性研究;跆拳道III Abstract With the gradual popularization of Taekwondo in colleges and departments of physical education in Guizhou Province, the content of single-structured Taekwondo curriculum could not meet the needs of contemporary college students in the latest skills; the development of Taekwondo in colleges and departments of physical education in Guizhou Province lags behind of foreign countries, and the training of Taekwondo professionals can no longer meet the needs of society for Taekwondo professionals. Colleges and departments of physical education in Colleges and Universities in Guizhou Province should comply with the development of the times, respond to national policies and open channels for the introduction of Taekwondo Aerobic. By using the methods of documentation, on-the-spot investigation, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics, this paper explains the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of introducing Taekwondo Aerobic into colleges and departments of physical education in Guizhou Province through SWOT analysis and studies the feasibility of introducing Taekwondo Aerobic into colleges and departments of physical education in Guizhou Province Conclusion: 1. It is necessary for colleges and departments of physical education in Guizhou to introduce TaekwondoAerobic.IV 2. It is feasible to introduce Taekwondo Aerobic into physical education departments of colleges and universities in Guizhou Province. 3. The good infrastructures of colleges and universities provide hardware guarantee for the introduction of Taekwondo Aerobic. The rate of coverage of Taekwondo special venues in colleges and universities is relatively high, accounting for 61.92%; the number of Taekwondo teachers in colleges and universities is optimistic, 64% of which have more than two Taekwondo teachers, 93% of which are Taekwondo teachers with postgraduate education. 64% of them think that it is feasible to introduce Taekwondo Aerobic into colleges and universities in Guizhou Province. 4. The social demand for Taekwondo Aerobic professionals is relatively strong, accounting for 88.89%; the policy advantage has built a broad platform for the introduction of Taekwondo Aerobic; Taekwondo teachers in colleges and universities have a higher awareness of Taekwondo Aerobic, accounting for 66.67%, which creates a good opportunity for the introduction of Taekwondo Aerobic in colleges and universities of physical education in Guizhou Province. 5. Some university leaders pay less attention to Taekwondo, and students have a low understanding of Taekwondo Aerobic (79.47%) which threatens the introduction of TaekwondoAerobic. 6. There are disadvantages in introducing Taekwondo Aerobic intoV colleges and departments of physical education in Guizhou Province. Teachers are not good at Taekwondo Aerobic teaching, and only 7.14% of teachers are good at Taekwondo Aerobic teaching content; students have poor foundation of Taekwondo. Recommendation: 1. Colleges and universities should increase the number of venues open and extend the opening time of venues to ensure students' practice time. 2. Colleges and universities should appropriately increase the hours of Taekwondo elective and compulsory courses, and encourage or require students to make full use of their spare time for training. 3. Colleges and universities can ‘invite in’ Taekwondo Aerobic talents, introduce Taekwondo Aerobic teachers from Korean to teach Taekwondo Aerobic, encourage teachers and students to ‘go out’, encourage Taekwondo teachers to participate in training, and encourage students to learn TaekwondoAerobic outside school. 4. Colleges and universities should change the current situation that single and special recruitments only recruit Kyorugi athletes, broaden the way of enrollment for students whose specialty is Poomsae and Breaking, strengthen the teaching of Poomsae and Breaking for existing students, set up Kyorugi teams, Poomsae teams and Demonstration teams of Taekwondo Aerobic, develop competitive Taekwondo Aerobic in Colleges and Departments of Physical Education in colleges andVI universities, and encourage students to participate in Taekwondo Aerobic competitions. 5. Colleges and universities should cater to the urgent social needs and introduce Taekwondo Aerobic as soon as possible to train Taekwondo Aerobic talents for social clubs and improve the employment rate. Key words: Guizhou Province; Colleges and Universities; Introduce; TaekwondoAerobic; Feasibility Study;Taekwondo目录 摘要..................................................... I ABSTRACT............................................... III 1 前言 ................................................... 1 1.1 选题依据............................................ 1 1.1.1 引进跆拳舞项目是全民健身的需要 .................. 1 1.1.2 引进跆拳舞项目是体育课程改革的需要 .............. 2 1.1.3 引进跆拳舞项目是丰富课程内容的需要 .............. 2 1.1.4 引进跆拳舞项目是培养跆拳舞专业人才的需要 ........ 2 1.2 研究目的与研究意义.................................. 3 1.2.1 研究目的 ........................................ 3 1.2.2 研究意义 ........................................ 3 2 国内外相关研究综述 ..................................... 4 2.1 国内跆拳舞相关研究.................................. 4 2.1.1 跆拳舞教学研究 .................................. 4 2.1.2 跆拳舞的特点与价值研究 .......................... 5 2.1.3 跆拳舞创编研究 .................................. 5 2.1.4 跆拳舞引入研究 .................................. 5 2.1.5 高校引进体育项目的可行性研究 .................... 6 2.2 国外跆拳舞相关研究.................................. 7 2.2.1 跆拳舞功能研究 .................................. 8 2.2.2 跆拳舞赛事研究 .................................. 8 2.2.4 跆拳舞对目标人群的影响研究 ...................... 8 2.3 评述................................................ 9 3 研究对象与研究方法 .................................... 10 3.1 研究对象...........................................