早在 1995 年 6 月 20 日,国务院发布的《全民健身计划纲要》中就明确提出, “到 2010 年的奋斗目标是,努力实现体育与国民经济和社会事业的协调发展, 全面提高中华民族的体质与健康水平,基本建成具有中国特色的全民健身体系。” [1] 国家体育总局在《全民健身计划纲要》第二期工程第二阶段(2006-2010 年)实施 计划的总体目标为,“坚持‘群众体育与奥运同行’抓住筹备和举办北京奥运会 的历史机遇,广泛开展群众体育活动,提高群众体育意识,培养群众健身习惯, 在全社会营造浓郁的体育健身氛围,基本建成具有中国特色的全民健身体 系,使群众体育健身活动做到社会化、生活化、科学化。” [2] 由此可见全民健身 是我国本阶段体育发展的重点,社区体育的发展自然也就成为了全民健身的重要 阵地。 随着人们生活水平的提高,社会余暇时间的增多,广大居民日益增长的体育 健身热情与规模的不断扩大,与社区体育场地器材、体育专业指导人员的相对不 足等现状形成鲜明对比,为了适应社会体育不断发展的需要,解决当前所面临的 问题,与学校结合,利用学校丰富的体育资源不失为解决当务之急的有效办法。 尤其是与具有体育专业的高等院校联合,更成为最佳选择。 本报告以河北省省会石家庄及本省的 7 个地级城市的社区体育发展状况,和 位于上述城市中的 10 所高校体育专业院系的教育实习以及对社区体育服务状况 为研究对象;以社区体育发展现状和高校体育专业院系的教育实习和社区体育服 务现状为内容进行研究。采用方法有,文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、调查法、数理统计法等方法, 研究结果显示, 根据河北省城市社区体育开展现状与高校体育专业开设现状来看,实现二者 的接轨有利于学校的自身建设;有利于学生自身修养的提高与增加锻炼机会,使 学生在不断的学习与实践相结合的过程当中完善自己,为部分学生的就业提供了 机会。 实现二者的接轨也为推动社区体育的发展提供了重要契机。首先,解决了社 区体育专职人员的数量不足,并且在服务质量上会得到一定的保证。其次,节省了大量用于体育专项经费的开支,也缓解了社区体育部分经费不足问题。第三, 为建立文明社区起到很好的推动作用。第四,利用学校的场地器材,可为更多社 区居民提供锻炼的场所。 实现在政府调控下的学校与社区的有机结合有利于实现资源的重组,让有限 的资源得到充分的利用,提高资源的使用效率,避免浪费;有利于建立和谐社会, 促进社会的整体融合与繁荣;有利于推动《全民健身计划纲要》的实施,提高社 会居民的整体健康水平,增强中华民族的身体素质。 关键词,高校体育专业;社区体育;有机结合;教育实习常态化Abstract Issued by State Department on June 20 th , 1995, Health Program for All People clearly points out, By the year 2010, the aim for physical training is to realize harmonious development of national economy and social causes, to raise the overall constitution and health level of the Chinese people and to establish a health system with Chinese features. During the second phase (2006-2010) of the second-stage project in Health Program for All People, State Sport General Administration's general aim is to Stick to the policy of 'Mass physical training advances side by side with Olympic Games'; based on the historic opportunity of preparing and hosting Beijing Olympic Games, to universally develop physical training activities among the masses, to enforce the masses' physical training awareness, to foster the masses' health habits, and to establish a healthy physical training atmosphere in the whole society;......to basically build a Chinese-featured health system for all people, and to enable the masses' physical training activities to develop in a social, routine and scientific style. Therefore, in this phase, health for all people is the highlight of physical training development, and naturally communities have become the important positions of health-for-people system. Improved living standard and more spare time lead to urban dwellers' increasingly stronger enthusiasm for fit-keeping. However, this enthusiasm contrasts sharply with the inadequate field, equipments and physical training coaches. An effective solution to this problem is to integrate with schools or colleges and take advantage of their physical training resources, especially with colleges having physical training programs. In this way, the development of social physical training requirements can be met with. In this paper, in Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei province and city level to the seven community sports development, and in this city of 10 colleges and faculties of education training and professional sports and sports services to the community status of objects; Sports development and community college faculty in the professionalsports training and education services for the community sports content for the study. Through literature, the method of investigation and the methods of mathematical statistics, research findings show : According to the status in quo of the urban communal physical training and the physical training programs in colleges of Hebei Province, the integration of the two parties not only is beneficial to the development of the colleges, but also provides college students with more chances to improve their personal qualities, so that they can develop themselves in this combination of learning and practicing. Moreover, it can provide with more positions for graduates. The integration also makes a quick development of communal physical training possible. Firstly, the inadequacy of professional trainers will be solved, and a higher quality of training is ensured. Secondly, huge outlays for physical training can be saved, and consequently, insufficiency of communal expenditure can be settled. Thirdly, it can promote the construction of a civilized community. Fourthly, field and equipments of colleges and schools can provide urban dwellers with more opportunities to keep fit. The systematic integration of schools or colleges with communities under the guidance of the government is propitious to the reorganization of resources, and accordingly, the limited resources can be made use of more effectively. It also helps to build a socialism harmonious society and to improve the amalgamation and prosperity of the whole society. Furthermore, it facilitates the implementation of Health Program for All People and the improvement of the healthy status of all citizens. Key Words: teaching of physical training program in colleges; physical training in communities; systematic integration; normalization of teaching practice.目录 1 前言 1.1 问题的提出 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 研究对象与方法 2.1 研究对象 2.2 研究方法 3 研究的问题 3.1 河北省地级城市社区体育的现状调查结果 3.2 对河北省高校体育专业服务社区现状的调查结果 3.3 实施城市社区与高校之间的有机结合的几点设想 3.4 实现政府、社区、学校的三者结合将有利于构建和谐社会 4 结论与建议 4.1 结论 4.2 建议