DC 科技股份有限公司作为一家测绘地理信息企业,在近年来的发展中虽然整体 业绩较为稳定,但是也面临着业务增长的瓶颈,尤其是市场竞争程度日趋激烈,压缩 了 DC 科技股份有限公司的盈利空间,对其未来时期的发展也造成了一定的不利影 响。在这一背景下,DC 科技股份有限公司需要在发展战略方面进行调整,能够针对 公司内外部环境的变化情况及时的调整优化发展战略,使之符合公司发展需求,能够 适应外部环境发展趋势,对于促进 DC 科技股份有限公司发展以及提升企业核心竞争 力都有着重要的作用。 本文基于 DC 科技股份有限公司的实际运营情况,以企业发展战略理论方法及分 析工具为指导,并借助欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司收集、实地调研,针对 DC 科技股份有限公司所处欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司和 市场环境等展开分析,结合自身的优势和不足,调整和制定符合 DC 科技股份有限公 司的发展战略。全文共分六章,第一章明确了研究的背景、研究意义、国内外的研究 现状以及研究方法和研究特色与创新。第二章是对 DC 科技股份有限公司发展战略研 究过程中的相关理论进行分析和梳理,作为后续论文写作的理论支撑;第三章介绍了 DC 科技股份有限公司的发展现状,通过对 DC 科技股份有限公司的内外部环境分析, 指出发展战略中存在的问题;第四章通过 SWOT 分析确定 DC 科技股份有限公司发 展战略的方向,选择 SO 战略也就是优势机遇战略,通过科技创新方式研发新型应用 产品,利用新型应用产品使用产品差异化竞争为主要战略;第五章针对 DC 科技股份 有限公司发展战略提出以科技创新为核心竞争力、传统测绘地理信息业务转型、融合 发展、产品差异化竞争提升核心竞争力、技术创新应用落地及人才培养、事业合伙人 模式创新、发展境外业务、制定完善的风险管理战略等几个方面为保障措施;第六章 是论文总结,明确研究的结论。 通过以上分析,调整 DC 科技股份有限公司的发展战略,提高企业的核心竞争, 增强市场竞争能力,提高品牌知名度,本文试图通过对 DC 科技股份有限公司的发展 状况进行分析,制定适合 DC 科技股份有限公司的发展战略,从而推动企业的快速发 展。 关键词:DC 科技股份有限公司;测绘地理信息欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司;发展战略II Research On The Development Strategy of DC Science & Technology Co. Ltd. Abstract DC technology co., Ltd is a surveying and mapping geographic information company. In the recent years, although the overall performance is relatively stable, but the company also faced bottlenecks in business growth, especially the increasingly fierce market competition, which compresses the profit space of DC technology co., ltd, and it has negative impact on company's development in the future. In this case, DC technology co., Ltd., needs to adjust their development strategy to make sure that new development strategy can make timely adjustments to changes internal and external environment of the company so that the new development strategy can comply with the company development demand and adapt to the development trend of the external environment. Thus, the new development strategy plays an important role in promoting the development of DC technology co., Ltd. and enhancing the core competitiveness of company. This article is based on the actual operation of DC technology co., Ltd, to enterprise development strategy theory method and analysis tool as a guide and analyzes the industry and market environment of DC technology co., Ltd, by using data collection and field research then combines the company’s strengths and weaknesses to adjust and formulate development strategy in line with DC technology co., Ltd. The paper consists of six chapters.The first chapter clarifies the research background, research significance, domestic and foreign research status and research methods and research features and innovations.The second chapter is to analyze and sort out the relevant theories, which in the research process of DC technology co., Ltd.’s development strategy and this chapter will be the theoretical support for the subsequent paper writing.The third chapter introduces the development status of DC technology co., Ltd., and points out the problems in the development strategy by analyzing the internal and external environment of DC technology co., Ltd. The forth chapter determines the development strategy direction ofIII DC technology co., Ltd by using SWOT analysis method to choose SO strategy, which is the strategy of advantage and opportunity, develops new application products though scientific and technological innovation and uses the new application products and product differentiation competition as the main strategy. The fifth chapter for DC technology co., Ltd development strategy puts forward that the core competitiveness should be scientific and technology innovation, the traditional surveying and mapping geographic information business transformation, integration development, product differentiation competition promotes core competitiveness, application of technological innovation and training of talents, business partner mode innovation, developing overseas business, establishing perfect risk managements strategy and other aspects as safeguards. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of the thesis and clarifies the conclusion of the research. Though the above analysis, the aim of this paper is to adjust the development strategy of DC technology co., Ltd, improve the company’s core competitiveness, enhance market competitiveness, and enhance the brand awareness. This article tries to analyze the development status of DC technology co., Ltd. and formulate the development of DC technology co., Ltd. so as to promote the rapid development of DC technology co., Ltd. Key words: DC technology co., Ltd; surveying and mapping geographic information industry; development strategyIV 目录 摘要........................................................................................................................................I Abstract..................................................................................................................................II 第 1 章 绪论......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究的背景 ................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究的意义 ................................................................................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ..................................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ............................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ............................................................................................... 3 1.3 研究方法 ................................................................................................................. 4 1.4 研究特色与创新 ..................................................................................................... 5 第 2 章 科技型企业发展战略理论..................................................................................... 6 2.1 科技型公司发展战略概念及理论 ......................................................................... 6 2.1.1 科技型公司发展战略概述 ........................................................................... 6 2.1.2 科技型公司发展战略基本理论 ................................................................... 6 2.1.3 科技型公司发展战略分类 ........................................................................... 8 2.2 分析工具 ................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.1 波特五力模型 ............................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 PEST 分析模型.............................................................................................. 9 2.2.3 SWOT 分析模型.......................................................................................... 10 第 3 章 DC 科技股份有限公司发展现状分析................................................................. 11 3.1 DC 科技股份有限公司简介.........................................................................