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随着民众环保意识提升和国家对于推进生态环保的力度加大,环保产业发展 日新月异、欣欣向荣。环保企业星罗棋布大量涌现。2018 是环保产业调整年, 很多环保企业陷入经营困境,环保业绩出现整体下滑趋势,内外制约因素彰明较 著,但随着一系列国家政策的相继出台,外部因素有所缓解,但环保企业一贯忽 视内在激励机制弊端开始凸显,整个激励机制在实施过程中处于初级阶段。激励 机制的设计和运用的好坏一定程度上决定了企业能否健康稳定可持续发展。因此 要使企业能够更好的发展壮大,必须运用好激励机制,激发员工潜能、发挥人力 资源效能、促进公司目标实现。 文章以 Y 公司为例,深入研究员工激励机制优化问题,寻求解决企业困境 的方法。Y 公司位于 H 省,是一家科学技术型环保企业,近年来在业绩上也取 得了可人的成绩,但公司员工激励机制的整体搭建相对较晚,相关理论和实践经 验较同业和大规模企业相差甚远,虽然公司也认识到并且制定和修改了部门激励 措施,但是弊端凸显造成员工消极怠工的形势仍然严峻。为防其在某种程度上制 约公司的进一步发展,无法调动员工的积极性和创造性,导致企业未能按照预期 目标获得更好更快的发展。为此,通过调研分析等方式发现并提出激励机制相关 问题,给与解决意见。文章为了准确深入了解现行激励机制下的员工满意度情况, 通过开展问卷调查、员工访谈等形式开展了调查,分析发现 Y 公司员工在绩效 考评、薪酬管理等诸多方面存在不足,导致员工满意度整体不高、人力资源效能 不能充分发挥。针对现实存在的问题,文章依据马斯洛的需求层次理论和郝茨伯 格的双因素理论等成果,运用分析归纳法、调查研究法等方法,对 Y 公司的员 工激励机制进行研究,并对 Y 公司员工对于激励机制满意度进行了分析,同时 阐述了激励机制存在的问题,对于优化 Y 公司员工激励机制做出了优化建议, 期冀能为 Y 公司员工激励机制起到以往监来的作用。文章为确保激励措施相关 建议能实施落地,提出了保障措施,强化培训、加强宣传、完善组织架构、拓宽 员工沟通和监督渠道来共同完善公司的激励机制。 文章的创新之处在于将独立的薪酬、员工绩效、招聘、培训这四部分内容在 实现有效员工激励为目标的前提下全面完善了员工激励体系,并制定了保障措施。 文章的研究结果给 Y 公司提供了发人深思的研究意义。 关键词:环保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,激励机制,员工满意度II Abstract With the promotion of the environmental awareness of citizens and the enhancement of national efforts of ecological environmental protection, the development of environmental protection industry changes rapidly and vigorously. A great number of environmental protection enterprises sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. In 2018, changing year of environmental protection industry made many environmental protection enterprises trapped into a business dilemma, which had led to an overall downward trend in environmental performance. In this stage, the clarification of internal and external constraints were clear. Although, the external constraints have been relieved with the successive introduction of national policies, some drawbacks of internal incentive mechanism in the initial stage of implementation have bounced to the surface, which have been ignored by enterprises all the time. The design and application of internal incentive mechanism decides whether a enterprise can develop healthily, steadily and sustainably to some extent. Therefore, making good use of incentive mechanism to stimulate employer’s potentiality, exert person resources’ efficiency and further the organization’s objectives, so as to enable enterprises to better develop and grow. Taking Y Company as example, this paper studies optimization problems of incentive mechanism, so as to finds out some solution to enterprise dilemma. Located in H Province, Y Company is a technical environmental protection enterprises and has made remarkable achievements recently. However, the construction of the whole staff incentive mechanism is relatively late, and related theory and practical experience still have a big gap with large-scale enterprises. Although Y Company has already realized, formulated and modified some departmental incentives, the situation of employees’ negatively idle work caused by the prominent drawbacks is still grim. In order to prevent the incapacity to mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, which to a certain extent restricts the further development of the company and leads to the failure of enterprises to achieve better and faster development in accordance with the expected goals, this paper finds out and puts forward relevant problems of incentive mechanism and gives suggestions to solve them through investigation and analysis. This paper conducts questionnaire survey and interviews to accurately and thoroughly understand the employee satisfaction under the current incentive mechanism, and finds that Y company employees has a lot of shortcomingsIII in performance appraisal, salary management and other aspects, which led to the overall staff satisfaction is not high and human resources efficiency can not be fully exerted. Aiming at these current existing problems, based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Fredrick Herzberg’s hygiene-motivational factors, this paper studies the staff incentive mechanism and analyses the employee satisfaction under the current incentive mechanism by applying analytical induction and qualitative and quantitative method. Also, this paper clarifies the existing problems in incentive mechanism and provides some optimization suggestions to staff incentive mechanism in Y Company, hoping can give some reference for the staff incentive mechanism in Y Company. In order to ensure the implementation of relevant recommendations on incentives, this paper puts forward some safeguard measures to perfect incentive mechanism, such as strengthening training, strengthening publicity, consummating organization structure, widening staff communication and the channel of supervising. The innovation of this paper is that taking the encouragement of employees as goal, this paper proposes to improve the staff incentive mechanism and puts forward some safeguard measures from four parts: independent salary, employee performance, recruitment and training, hoping the research results of this paper will give a thought provoking research meaning for Y Company. Key words:Environmental protection industry,incentive mechanism,employee satisfactionIV 目 录 摘要 ................................................................................................................................I Abstract........................................................................................................................II 第 1 章 绪论 .................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景及意义...............................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景.................................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义.................................................................................................3 1.2 国内外研究现状...............................................................................................3 1.2.1 激励理论相关研究.................................................................................4 1.2.2 激励优化相关研究.................................................................................4 1.2.3 文献述评.................................................................................................5 1.3 研究内容与研究方法.......................................................................................6 1.3.1 研究内容.................................................................................................6 1.3.2 研究方法.................................................................................................6 1.4 创新与不足.......................................................................................................7 第 2 章 相关理论基础 .................................................................................................8 2.1 激励原理与激励机制.......................................................................................8 2.1.1 激励及其原理.....................................................

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