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随着中国经济的快速发展,中国成为了全球第二大的医疗产业市场,并保持着强劲 的增长势头。中国人口老龄化趋势的加重和居家养老模式的不断扩大,都使得以老年人 防治为主的防褥疮医疗气垫床,有了非常大的市场需求和潜力。AB 公司产品具备功能先 进、智能化程度高、选材更加安全和环保等明显的产品优势,但由于一直受限于中国大 陆市场的医疗产品准入机制,公司一直没有在中国大陆市场开展销售业务,为了产品可 以成功进入中国大陆市场并逐步实现销售业务增长,因此选择了这个研究的题目。 在以上背景下,本文主要运用理论与实际相结合的方法,通过对 AB 公司基本情况 以及产品特性的调查,中国医疗市场的宏观分析,医疗气垫床欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争分析,再对照国 际化动因的相关理论,参考各种市场进入模式和经验,希望能够为 AB 公司进入中国市 场提供建议和方案,并通过一系列的研究和分析能够为 AB 公司解决这些问题,进入战 略和进入模式选择、目标市场定位、市场营销方案制定以及产品盈利能力的预测等。 报告首先界定了相关的定义,明确了本计划所研究的气垫床属于医疗产品,接着对 中国大陆有关外国品牌医疗产品准入的相关文献进行了研究,确定合资经营模式是最有 的利于 AB 公司产品获得对中国大陆市场的进入模式;再接着对中国大陆医疗气垫床临 术应用方面的文件献研究,确认医疗气垫床在国内医院临床应用比较广泛且认知程度 高,所以把三级医院作为主要的目标市场;最后运作波特五力模型对医疗气垫床欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞 争力的分析,再结合 AB 公司内部 SWOT 模型分析结果,明确了 AB 公司的优势在于其先 进且高品质的产品和服务,劣势在于产品成本高和缺少中国的销售渠道,最终建议采用 产品差异化战略,进而应用营销管理中 7P 战略制定了本计划的营销方案,规划了整个 项目的运营,最后做了有关的财务分析、盈利能力预测以及风险的预测,完成了整个商 业计划书。 通过本文的研究分析,AB 公司产品进入中国大陆市场的商业计划,各项财务指标盈 利性良好且各项风险可调可控,是一种可行的方案。同时,随着在中国大陆医疗市场规 模不断发展,开发中国大陆医疗市场会成为更多国外先进公司的选择,希望本文采用的 研究方法和研究发现,对于确定进入模式、进行市场分析和确定执行方案等方面,可以 为其他公司的管理者带来启发和参考。 关键词,中国医疗产业市场;医疗气垫床;进入模式;商业计划书II ABSTRACT With the rapid development of China's economy, China has become the second largest medical industry market in the world and has maintained strong growth momentum. The aging trend of the Chinese population and the growing number of home-based care for the aged, all this has made the air mattress for patient pressure ulcers prevention, which has been dominated by the elderly, a very large market demand and potential. AB company, its products with advanced performance, high intelligent and materials more health and environmental protection, but due to the limited medical products in the Chinese market access regulation, has not been carried out any business in the Chinses mainland, in order to help its products can enter the Chinese mainland market and get continues growing, so choose this topic for studying. Under the above background, this article applies the method of theory combining with the actual, through the survey ofAB company's basic situation and the characteristics of products, Chinese medical market macroscopic analysis, medical air mattress industry competitive analysis, and comparison of kibs related theory, reference and experience of each market entry mode, hoping to AB company to enter the Chinese market to provide advice and solutions, and through a series of research and analysis to solve the related problem for AB company several: strategy and into the concrete scheme model, target market positioning, marketing, and product profitability. The paper first defines the definition of related, has been clear about the plan of the research of the air mattresses belong to the medical devices, and then to China about the literature of foreign brand admittance of medical devices are studied, determine the mode of joint venture is most conducive to AB company products on the Chinese mainland market entry mode; Then to mainland China medical air mattress technique in the application documents study, to confirm the clinical application in domestic hospital medical air mattresses more extensive and cognitive degree is high, so the high-end hospital as the main target market; Finally through to the marketing system of study and analysis about the international business literature, coupled withAB company SWOT model analysis results, has been clear about the AB corporation's advantage is its advanced and high quality products and services, it has the disadvantage of high cost and lack of Chinese sales channels, and finally recommended product differentiation strategy, and application of marketing management in the 7P strategy worked out the plan of marketing, planning the operation of the project, finally made the relevant financial analysis, profitability forecast and risk prediction, completed the entireIII business plan. Through the research and analysis of the paper, the businesss plan ofAB company's medical matress products entry into the Chinese mainland market, various financial analysis and risk analysis indicate that the project can be profitable and is a feasible scheme. At the same time, with the continuously development of the Chinese mainland medical market, more and more advanced foreign companies will entry into the Chinese mailand medical market, then in the hope the research method and research found of this paper that can bring valua enlightenment and reference for other companies of the choice of how to determine the entry mode, market analysis and determine the implementation, etc., . Key words: China medical industry market; medical air mattress system; entry mode; business planIV 目录 摘要....................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................................II 目录.....................................................................................................................................IV 第一章 绪论........................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义..........................................................................................................1 1.2 文献综述......................................................................................................................2 1.2.1 企业发展理论和应用模型概述 .............................................................................2 1.2.2 中国医疗器械市场及发展趋势 .............................................................................5 1.2.3 医疗气垫床产品在中国的市场现状和规模..........................................................6 1.2.4 跨国企业进入中国医疗器械市场的关键因素 ......................................................8 1.2.5 企业战略发展以及市场进入模式和竞争策略 ......................................................9 1.3 研究目标及内容........................................................................................................11 1.3.1 研究目标.............................................................................................................11 1.3.2 研究的内容.........................................................................................................12 1.4 研究方法及报告框架.............................................................................................12 第二章 AB 公司及产品介绍...............................................................................................14 2.1AB 公司背景介绍.......................................................................................................14 2.2AB 公司经营状况.......................................................................................................14 2.3 产品优势介绍............................................................................................................16 2.4 本章小节....................................................................................................................20 第三章

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