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沈营公路(青年大街至沈丹铁路段)扩建工程可行性研究 沈阳浑南新城是沈阳市的重要发展区域,按照市政府的统一规划,将建成沈 阳未来的行政中心、科技中心、文化中心的新兴城区。 目前浑南新城路网由东部沈本大道、西部沈营公路、南部桃仙路、北部沈阳 绕城高速辅道组成,这四条道路形成的环线包围着浑南新城的,实现新城与母城 更为便捷的连接。新城区的建设必须要求交通先行,所以沈营公路的改造势在必 行。目前沈本大道、桃仙路、沈阳绕城高速辅道均为一级公路且已建成通车,而 作为浑南新城交通主干线的沈营公路路面较窄,满足不了日益增长的交通量需求 和沿线群众的生活需要,因此改建沈营公路对完善浑南新城路网结构、促进经济 区域的合作、拉动沈阳市经济发展具有重要意义。 结合浑南新区规划路网、交通量的 OD 调查,论述了该项目建设的必要性,尤 其该区域 2013 年将要承担“十二运”的召开和适应铁路客运专线新南站的建设。 提出了项目建设的具体标准和建设规模,确定了建设原则和路线的主要控制点, 并对投资进行了测算。 通过介绍沈阳市的社会经济现状和发展,结合项目建设区域的实际情况及发 展预测,提高主干线的总体服务水平,论述了项目建设的必要性。 通过交通量预测采用增长率法,采用弹性系数法确定增长率。确定了拟修建 的路面宽度。同时论述了项目区域的地形地貌、工程地质、地震、工程地质评价、 水文和气象,结合筑路材料及运输条件,提出了项目的初步设计方案。根据城市 发展及总体规划,结合沿街的实际情况,青年大街-三义街段为渐变段路面宽度由 7.0m过渡到14.5m,其余沈营路段划分为三个横断面型式,即, (1)三义街至浑南大道段采用双向六车道及人行道(6×3.5 米机动车道+0.5 米中间带+2×0.5 米路缘带+2×3 米人行道=28.5 米) (2)浑南大道至全运路段采用双向六车道及人行道(6×3.5 米机动车道+0.5 米中间带+2×0.5 米路缘带+2×5.0 米非机动车道人行道及绿化带=32.5 米) (3)全运路至沈丹铁路段采用双向八车道及人行道(6×3.5 米机动车道+2II ×3.75 米机动车道+0.5 米中间带+2×0.5 米路缘带+2×6.0 米非机动车道人行道 及绿化带=42 米)。 对项目对环境的影响进行了评价,提出了减缓工程项目对环境影响的对策。 也分析了项目区域的实施条件以及制约本项目工期、质量和造价的重要因素,制 定出相应的实施方案。 结合项目建设的具体情况,提出了项目实施过程中可能出现的问题和处理方 法,并对项目实施提出了合理化建议。 关键词: 可行性研究,扩建工程,投资估算,交通量预测,实施方案I Abstract ShenYing Road (Youth Street to ShenDan tie Road) expansion project feasibility study Shenyang muddy south new city of shenyang is the important development area, according to the municipal government of unified planning, will be built into the future of administrative center of shenyang, science and technology center, the cultural center of emerging area. At present new city road network by the eastern shen muddy south this avenue, west ShenYing highway, south road, the northern shenyang taoxian round high-speed FuDao composition, the four road surrounded by a ring of the formation of the new muddy south, realize the new town, and the city more convenient connection. The construction of the new requirements must advance traffic, so ShenYing of reform of the highway is imperative. At present the shen avenue, and shenyang taoxian way round high-speed FuDao are primary highway and has built open to traffic, and as a new city traffic of the main ShenYing muddy south road is narrower, can't satisfy the growing traffic demand and the life need along, so ShenYing highway reconstruction to perfect muddy south new city road network structure, promote the regional economic cooperation, pull shenyang economic development to have the important meaning. Paper is divided into ten chapters, to ShenYing highway (youth street to shen DanTie sections) expansion project of the feasibility of the system, this paper mainly includes the following section: The first chapter: almost Assyria Project construction reason, combined with the network and the programming of the new muddy south of traffic OD survey, this paper discusses the necessity of the project construction, especially the regional 2013 will take twelve luck held the railway passenger special line and adapt to the construction of the new south station. Puts forward the specific standard of construction project and construction scale, determine the construction principle and main points of the route, and calculate theII investment. Chapter 2: present situation, development and construction necessity Through the introduction of the current state of the economy and society of development, combined with the actual situation of the project construction area and development forecast, improve the overall service level of main line, this paper discusses the necessity of the project construction. Chapter 3: traffic analysis and prediction Through the method of traffic flow forecast growth rate, the elastic coefficient method to determine growth rate. The fourth chapter construction scale and technical standards Chapter 5 construction conditions and preliminary scheme Discusses the project area of landform, engineering geology, earthquake, engineering geological evaluation, hydrological and meteorological, combined with the road materials and transport condition, puts forward the preliminary design of the project plan. And the project's impact on the environment on the evaluation, and put forward the slow project the environmental impact of countermeasures. Chapter 6 investment estimation and financing Chapter 7 of the economic evaluation Chapter 8 energy saving evaluation Chapter 9 implementation plan Analysis the project area of the implementation of the restriction condition and the project period, the quality and the cost of the important factors, work out the corresponding implementation plan. The first chapter ten questions and Suggestions With project construction of the specific situation, proposed the project implementation process problems that may occur and the processing method, and the implementation of the project put forward reasonable Suggestions. Key words, Feasibility study, an expansion project, investment estimation, traffic flow forecast, implementation planI 目 录 第 1 章 概述.........................................................1 1.1 编制依据..................................................... 1 1.2 研究过程及内容............................................... 1 1.2.1 研究过程 ............................................... 1 1.3 主要结论..................................................... 2 1.3.1 项目建设理由 ........................................... 2 1.3.2 交通量预测 ............................................. 4 1.3.3 建设条件、技术标准及初步方案 ........................... 4 1.3.4 投资估算 ............................................... 6 1.3.5 节能评价 ............................................... 7 1.3.6 工期及资金安排 ......................................... 7 1.3.7 国民经济评价结果 ....................................... 7 第 2 章 现状、发展及建设的必要性.....................................9 2.1 项目所在区域概况............................................. 9 2.2 项目影响区域社会经济现状和发展............................... 9 2.2.1 区域社会经济发展趋势 .................................. 11 2.2.2 沈阳市主要社会经济规划指标 ............................ 12 2.2.3 项目影响区域社会经济发展预测 .......................... 12 2.3 项目影响区域交通运输现状及发展.............................. 13 2.3.1 沈阳市的综合运输状况 .................................. 13 2.3.2 交通运输发展趋势 ...................................... 14 2.4 建设的必要性................................................ 16 第 3 章 交通量分析及预测............................................19 3.1 公路交通调查与分析.......................................... 19 3.1.1 调查综述 .............................................. 19 3.1.2 调查欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析 .......................................... 20 3.2 其它运输方式相关线路的调查与分析............................ 20 3.3 预测思路与方法.............................................. 20II 3.3.1 交通量预测的总体思路 .................................. 20 3.3.2 交通量预测方法及步骤概述 .............................. 20 3.3.3 预测年限和特征年 ...................................... 21 3.4 交通量预测.......................................

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