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近年来,随着广东省社会经济的快速发展,常住人口与流动人口迅速增加,全 省粮食消费量急剧提高,而广东省的耕地面积及粮食总产量减少,商品粮主要靠外 购解决,粮食总量平衡任务相当繁重。为适应新形式的要求,必须加强对广东省省 级储备粮的管理和宏观调控力度,加大粮食流通基础设施建设,建立完善的粮食物 流和储备体系,沟通和拓展省内外粮食流通渠道,保障广东省粮食安全,提高广东 省粮食安全抗风险能力,确保广东省粮食总量平衡。 广东省储备粮东莞直属库作为广东省直属粮库的核心库,选址在东莞市规划建设的 5000亩国际食品产业园内,位于麻涌镇虎门港麻涌港区新沙南作业区1#泊位,西临狮子 洋,南靠淡水河,总占地463亩,拥有5万吨级深水岸线325米,千吨级内河岸线800米。 按照 “以散进散出为目标、建设‘珠江粮食走廊’的战略构想,形成与全国粮食物流 相衔接,调控全省的粮库网络”总体指导思想,东莞直属库定位以中转为核心,以港口 为依托,规划建设粮食储备区、中转区、码头作业区及综合配套服务区等四大功能区, 形成仓储、中转、加工共同发展,商流、物流相配套的格局,进一步构建跨省区功能完 善、设施先进、管理科学、调控有力的现代粮食物流体系。东莞库规划建设总仓容160 万吨,配套建设1个5万吨级海港码头泊位和5个千吨级内河泊位,配套建设2条1000吨/ 小时的卸船输送线和2条500吨/小时的装船输送线,实现码头年中转量300万吨。按照项 目总体规划一次到位,分步实施的原则,目前东莞直属库一期工程主要建设内容包括22 万吨浅圆仓及配套生产、生活辅助设施,已于2008年6月建成投产,已形成22万吨储备 仓容、500吨/小时汽车接收、500吨/小时汽车发放能力。二期工程目前正在施工建设, 建设内容为仓容10万吨钢筋混凝土浅圆仓、10万吨钢筋混凝土立筒仓及其配套的生产配 套设施、生产倒班宿舍等; 本课题以东莞直属库现有资源、拟建项目、预期目标等为基础,开展该项目的技术、 经济等各项指标的分析研究,拟解决的关键问题是,(一)基于保障粮食安全,降低储 备粮物流成本的要求,通过分析论证,对东莞直属库三期扩建工程的必要性给出明确评 判。(二)对于项目所在地的位置,进行直属库扩建工程,其周边地理环境、基础条件、II 交通条件、物流情况等做出详细可行性分析,提出完善及改进建议。(三)综合各种工 程方案,对比分析其技术、经济可行性,在保证安全储存的情况下,给出方案建议。 本研究成果可以为广东省储备粮东莞直属库三期工程项目实施提供决策支持,同时 对类似项目的建设也有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:广东省储备粮 东莞直属库三期工程 可行性研究 项目投资III Summary In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy of Guangdong Province, the resident population and the floating population increased rapidly. However, due to the province's grain consumption increase sharply, and the total yield of cultivated land area of Guangdong Province and less food, the demand of commodity grain mainly rely on outsourcing solution. The task of balancing the amount of grain seems to be very heavy. In order to meet the new requirements, we have to strengthen the Guangdong Provincial Grain Reserves Management and intensity of macroeconomic regulation and control, intensify the building of the grain circulation infrastructure, building grain logistics and reserve system perfect, communication and expand inside and outside the province of Guangdong Province food distribution channels, improve food security and the ability to resist risks and ensure commissariat gross balance Guangdong province. As a core reserve, Dongguan depot is located in the International Food Industrial Park of Dongguan City, which has an area of 5000 acres. It is located in the port of Humen new port, Machong town, Machong Shanan operation area, berth 1#. It is to the west of the lion ocean. On the south side, it is the fresh water river. It covers an area of 463 acres, which has 325 meters of 50000 tons deep water coastline, kiloton within 800 metre bank line. According to the strategic conception into the shed as the goal, with scattered construction 'Pearl River Food corridor', forming phase cohesion and national grain logistics, grain depot network overall guiding ideology of regulation of the province, Dongguan depot location is to be transferred as the core, to the port as the basis, the planning and construction of Grain Reserve, a staging area, terminal operation zone and the comprehensive supporting service area such as the four major functional areas, the formation of storage, transfer, processing and common development, business flow, logistics matching pattern, further construction of inter province function perfect, advanced facilities, scientific management, effective regulation and control of modern grain logistics system. The planning and construction of Dongguan depot total storage capacity of 1600000 tons, supporting the construction of 1 50000 ton harbor wharf berths and 5 kiloton inland berth, supporting the construction of 2 1000 tons / hour boat unloading conveying line and 2 500 tons / hour loading conveyor line, the realization of terminal transit capacity of 3000000 tons. In accordance with the overall project planning once in place, the principle of phased implementation. At present the main content of the construction of Dongguan Library of directly under of one phase of the projectIV includes 220000 tons of shallow silo and supporting the production, assisted living facilities, in 2008 June completed and put into production, has formed 220000 tons of reserve capacity, 500 tons / hour auto receiving, 500 tons / hour car payment ability. The two phase of the project is currently under construction, the construction of the content for the storage capacity of 100000 tons of reinforced concrete silo, 100000 tons of reinforced concrete silos and supporting production facilities, production shift dormitory; This paper, through the method of analysis, combined with the actual situation of Grain Reserve Security System in Guangdong Province, the first demonstration and analysis of the necessity and the market demand of the project construction, and puts forward the construction of the project implementation plan, site plan, project implementation schedule, the project investment estimate and financing scheme and other content, then according to the analysis of construction process scheme storehouse type, configuration the project of water-saving and energy-saving, project financial evaluation, project risk analysis and environmental protection items of content. The results of this study can provide decision support for the Guangdong province grain reserves Dongguan depot three project implementation, and construction of the similar projects also have certain reference significance. Keywords: Guangdong Province grain reserves, Dongguan depot three phase of the project, feasibility study of project investmen.V 目 录 第 1 章 总 论............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 项目概况................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 建设单位及扩建库概况........................................................................................................ 1 1.3 编制依据和原则.................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 主要研究结论........................................................................................................................ 5 第 2 章 项目背景及必要性........................................................................................................ 8 2.1 项目背景................................................................................................................................ 8 2.2 项目建设的必要性................................................................................................................ 9 第 3 章 市场预测.......................................................................................................................11 3.1 广东省粮食产需状况分析...................................................................................................11 3.2 广东省粮食仓储设施现状.................................................................................................. 13 3.3 当地粮源状况分析............

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