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随着中石油供应天然气资源的能力大幅提高,中国石油股份公司 2008 年 4 月份 编制了《天然气与管道业务 2008-2015 年发展规划》,规划中指出,中国石油在 2015 年前的管道建设将完成以下三大战略任务:一实施增输工程及适应性改造,提高现有 管网输配气能力;二打通西北、西南和海上三大进口战略通道,确保国外资源引进; 三进一步建设完善国内干线管网。到 2015 年底,中国石油股份公司天然气管道总里 程将达到 xx×10 4 km,横跨东西、纵贯南北的全国性天然气管网基本形成。 山东省是我国重要的经济大省,天然气用气市场潜力巨大。从目前山东省已经建 成的管网输送能力来讲,不能满足山东省目前及远期的天然气市场需求。 随着中亚输气管道、西气东输二线管道、陕京三线管道工程的建设提上日程,将 为为山东东部地区用气提供了保障。2008 年 12 月山东省根据中石油 2008 年 4 月份编 制的《天然气与管道业务 2008-2015 年发展规划》编制了《泰青威输气管道前期规 划》,山东天然气管网工程是山东省的天然气管网工程的重要组成部分。山东天然气 管网工程起点为冀宁联络线泰安分输站,末点为威海镆铘岛末站。本工程采用支干线 结合,分二期建设。线路工程干、支线全长 1062.3km,设站场 22 座。工程建设按二 期考虑,一期设计规模 86×10 8 m 3 /a,分四个建设阶段 二期设计规模 110×10 8 m 3 /a 。 为了更快更好的推进项目的建设和实施,本文对该项目的资源保障、市场需求、 线路走向、管道防腐、输气工艺、输气站场工艺、辅助和公用工程、节能以及投资估 算和经济评价等方面做出了分析,为本项目建设的可行性提供了依据,同时也为大型 输气管道项目的技术经济评价提供了一种可借鉴的方法。 关键词: 天然气、管网、工程、可行性、研究II Abstract As the ability of oil supply natural gas resources has been greatly improved, Chinese petroleum corporation April 2008 the formulation of the natural gas and pipeline 2008-2015 business development planning , the planning, noted that by 2015 Chinese oil pipeline construction will complete the following three strategic task: a thickening and adaptive pipeline project implementation of transformation, the improvement of the existing network transmission and distribution gas ability; 2 through the northwest, southwest and sea three import strategic channel, ensure introduction of foreign resources; Three further domestic pipeline construction perfect trunk. To the end of 2015, Chinese petroleum corporation gas pipeline total mileage will reach xx x 10 4 km, across things, from south of gas pipeline network in the national basic formation. Shandong province is China's important economic province gas, natural gas market potential is tremendous. The shandong province has been built from the current network transmission capacity speaking, cannot satisfy the present and the future of shandong province of natural gas market demand. With central Asian gas pipeline, west-east gas transmission pipeline, the shanxi-beijing triplet second-line pipeline engineering construction, will be on the agenda for eastern shandong gas provided protection. Shandong province December 2008, according to oil in April 2008 compiled with the natural gas pipeline business 2008-2015 development planning the formulation of the Thai green wei pipeline, shandong prophase planning of gas pipeline network engineering in shandong province of gas pipeline network in an important part of the project. Shandong natural gas pipe network engineering starting point for JiNing taian points lost station, rear end point at the end of MoYe island for weihai standing. In this project, phase with a trunk. Construction points Line engineering dry, 1062.3 km tste is, a yard 22 seats. Project construction phase consideration, issue according to the design 108m3 / a scale 86 x phase four construction phase, points 108m3 / design dimensions 110 * a.III In order to better and faster advance the project construction and implementation of the project, this paper resources safeguard, the market demand, line toward, pipeline corrosion and gas technology, gas station technology, aided and utilities, energy saving and investment estimation and economic evaluation made analysis, the feasibility of for construction of this project, and also provide the basis for large gas pipeline project technology provides an economic evaluation method for reference. Keywords: natural gas, pipe, engineering, feasibility, researchi 目 录 摘要................................................... I ABSTRACT................................................ II 第一章 绪论.............................................. 1 1.1 项目背景....................................... 1 1.2 研究的目的及意义............................... 2 1.3 研究思路....................................... 2 1.4 研究方法....................................... 3 第二章 气源分析.......................................... 4 2.1 冀宁联络 ....................................... 5 2.2 可供资源风险分析............................... 8 2.3 可供山东省供气量............................... 9 第三章 天然气市场分析................................... 11 3.1 目标市场的选择................................ 11 3.2 市场需求预测.................................. 12 3.3 市场风险分析.................................. 21 3.4 市场策略...................................... 21 第四章 项目总体设计方案................................. 23ii 4.1 项目概述...................................... 23 4.2 输气线路方案的确定............................ 23 4.3 线路用管...................................... 31 4.4 输气站场...................................... 31 4.5 辅助工程和公用工程............................ 34 4.6 人员配备...................................... 36 第五章 投资估算及经济评价............................... 38 5.1 项目投资估算.................................. 38 5.2 项目经济评价 .................................. 40 第六章 研究结论......................................... 48

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