当前,我国已有 200 多家建筑业企业开展了工程承包业务,所承揽工程从单一的施 工分包逐步发展到设计-采购-施工一体化总承包,对外工程承包业务也取得了长足进展。 A 公司是中国石油下辖的一家国有企业,上世纪八十年代初主要以工程分包和劳务出口为 主,经过近四十年的发展,目前已成为中国石油海外运营经验最丰富、国际高端市场最突 出、品牌影响力最大的工程建设企业,通过执行一系列的单体和群体项目,不仅培养了一 大批国际化人才,提高了项目管理水平,而且全面提升了企业核心竞争力。但随着对外开 放的不断深入和“一带一路”战略的实施,国际市场竞争日趋激烈,业主对项目的技术要 求越来越高,但商务价格越压越低,总包商盈利空间越来越小。A 公司在执行项目的过程 中,针对不同国籍、不同用工形式、不同文化背景的员工,只有充分考虑石油工程建设行 业的特殊性和复杂性,结合员工实际需求,建立科学有效、富有欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司特色的员工激励机制, 才能充分挖掘员工潜能,激发团队活力,提升组织绩效,为项目按期竣工投产提供可靠保 证。 西方国家从 20 世纪初就开始研究激励理论,管理学家、经济学家和心理学家从不同 角度对激励理论进行了系统研究,形成了各自的理论体系。国外学者虽然对员工激励机制 进行了系统研究,但中国国情、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司特点、企业性质、用工形式等与西方国家存在着较大 差别,西方激励理论在国内应用上还需与中国实际相结合,这为国内学者研究激励理论指 明了方向。通过对文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析,国内外学者和项目管理人员对不同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、不同职业、不 同群体的员工激励机制进行了研究,对存在问题和产生原因进行了分析,并从宏观上提出 了一些应对办法或改进措施,但对国际工程项目员工激励机制的研究还不够全面、深入, 比如,对国际化人才培养、项目经理评价与认证、员工岗位轮换、工会在人力资源管理中 的作用等内容涉及较少。本文将结合项目管理的有效实践,对员工激励机制进行深入研究, 为国际工程项目人力资源管理提供借鉴,不断提升对外工程承包企业的国际化水平。 本文通过对人力资源管理等专业书籍、报刊杂志等欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进行查阅分析,全面了解国 际工程项目人力资源管理的相关理论以及关于员工激励机制研究的新成果、新方法,结合 自己多年来在中东、东非、中亚等国家从事项目人力资源管理的经验,按照提出、分析和 解决问题的思路,以激励的相关理论为指导,在全面阐述激励理论的基础上,通过设计调 查问卷,对 A 公司国际工程项目员工激励机制现状进行分析研究,查找在员工激励机制方 面存在问题和产生原因,然后结合激励的相关理论有针对性地提出改进方案,对员工激励 机制进行优化。本文以具体项目为案例,将激励的相关理论应用到国际工程项目员工激励 机制研究中,体现了国际工程项目的差异化特征。对国际工程项目员工激励机制研究,一 是有利于直接发现并有效解决员工激励机制存在的问题,有利于充分利用项目资源,优化 人才配置,激发员工潜能和团队活力,大幅提升组织绩效;二是通过改进员工激励机制, 项目管理制度的激励作用将得到充分发挥,有利于调动员工的工作积极性,进一步提升员II 工满意度,使其表现出最佳工作状态,创造出更大价值,并逐步培养其对企业文化的认知 和认同;三是通过对 A 公司国际工程项目员工激励机制深入研究,以期能反映工程建设行 业在人力资源激励方面存在的共性问题,通过研究分析,有针对性的提出改进方案,对整 个工程建设欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司具有一定的参考价值,能够助推国际工程建设业务的良性发展。 经调查研究,A 公司国际工程项目员工激励机制还存在薪酬福利激励性不强、绩效 考评体系不科学、培训效果不佳、职业发展不通畅、企业文化建设滞后等问题,产生这些 问题的主要原因是管理观念缺乏创新、协调沟通不畅、员工需求调查不到位、考核与激励 政策的制定缺乏与员工沟通、激励中人性关怀不足等,激励机制的整体作用没有得到充分 有效发挥,国际工程项目激励目标难以实现。随着工程建设企业国际化水平的不断提高, 员工收入虽然比以往有了较大提高,但员工和家庭的生存需求仍然是员工的首要需求,同 时员工培训与职业发展需求已上升到较高位置,国际工程项目要对员工进行激励,首先要 满足其经济、培训和职业发展需求,也就是说激励性薪酬和培训发展是激励的关键。同时, 通过工作环境、情感和精神激励来满足员工对追求良好企业文化、社会人际关系的需求。 关键词,国际工程项目 激励机制 优化研究III Abstract Till now, there are over 200 construction companies operate on delivering turn-key Projects within China, which were predominately in Construction services and has now expanded to Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services. Some of them have even made steady establishment in the oversea market. Company A as a subsidiary of China Petroleum Corporation, is a state-owned company, starting from early 1980's focusing on Project subcontracting and export of laborservices. After nearly fourty years of development, it is now the biggest EPC companywithin China Petroleum Corporationwith the most experienced, outstanding performance from the high-end international market, and the most influential brand name. Throughout operating and delivering Projects and management programs, Company has cultivated many talents with international experiences, which have enhanced the overall Company project management and made the Company become more competitive in its field.As China becomes more open to the world with the execution of one belt one road initiative, the international market becomes more competitive. Projects with higher technical requirement from Client as well as competitive commercial price leave EPC company with less profit margin. During the project execution, Company A operates differently based on the uniqueness of the employees' nationality, contract type, as well as their culture difference. Only by setting up effective incentive encouragement mechanism with the consideration of the particularity and complexity of oil and gas industry, and the needs of the employees, it will develop the potential of each individual, engage the team, and increase the overall performance to further ensure the timely delivery of the projects. Starting in western countries from 20 th Century, systematic incentivemechanism studies were found respective from the view of themanagerialist, economist and psychologist.The western incentive theories provide the direction to the Chinese researchers. However, to be able to utilize in China, it shall consider as per China's national condition, industrial characteristics, the nature of the company as well as the type of the employment and etc.After analyzingthe published references and documents, it was found that the incentive encouragement mechanism found by Chinese researchers and project managers is established based on the research of all kinds of business industrials, career type and group of individuals. It provides general solutions and improvement methods in macroscopic scale, but not sufficient and thorough for international EPC project industrials, due to lack of consideration for talentIV cultivation, evaluation and certification of project managers, job position rotation of employees, and the Union function to the Human Resource management and etc.Based on the effective project management practice, this articleis developed from thorough research of the employee incentive encouragement mechanism and provides references to human resource management of international project to further enhance the international project management level. Author has performed the research based on professional books, articles, and newspaper/magazines and etc., on human resource management, and made comprehensive understanding on theories of human resource for international EPC projects, as well as new results and methods of employee incentive encourage mechanism, incorporated with his many years of human resource management experiences in project executed in countries of Middle East, East Africa, and Central Asia.Research is made based on the collected survey data. Analysis is made based on the current incentive encouragement mechanism to employees of Company A, to further identify the existing issues and their root cause. Improvement and optimization are made based on the findings with the incorporation of the incentive theories. Using an actual project as a case study, differences are concluded based on comparison between operation of internal EPC project and incentive encouragement theories. The research on employee incentive mechanism of international EPC projects is quite beneficial. First of all, it will help identify and resolve system issues, effectiveresourcesutilization, optimize talents allocation, encourage each individual as well as the team, to further improve the organization perform