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随着城乡居民可支配收入的不断增长,人民生活水平逐步提高,我国餐饮 业实现了突飞猛进的发展,饮品业作为餐饮业的一个重要分支,近年来增长迅 速,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司空间巨大。一方面。饮品业具有投资小、进入门槛低、无技术壁垒、 利润率高的特点,是中小创业者的首选。另一方面,受消费升级及茶文化兴起 的影响,近年来饮品店的产品逐步从传统奶茶向新中式茶饮转变,健康茶饮品 成为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展趋势,转变意味着机遇。同时,茶饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司同质化非常严重,然而 激烈的竞争也意味着潜在的机会。最后,受消费升级影响,三四线城市高校市 场消费欲望越来越强,消费力不容忽视,具有一定市场潜力。“美茶”项目商 业计划书正是在这样的情况下应运而生,研究内容主要包括茶饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场分析、 美茶项目运营与管理、项目财务与风险分析三大部分。 常言道,知己知彼百战不殆,本文遵循了解对手、完善自我的原则,首先对 茶饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进行了详细的调研分析,主要包括茶饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状及其发展趋势、目标 市场消费者调查问卷、基于消费者调查问卷的市场分析三大部分,旨在深入了 解茶饮市场竞争格局及领导品牌各自特点、茶饮产品未来发展方向、目标市场 周边品牌优劣势、目标市场消费者偏好等相关信息,从而能更有效地进行目标 市场分析,使“美茶”项目在市场中更好的自我定位,找到差异化经营策略, 在运营中顺趋势而为。其次,本文对美茶项目运营的方方面面进行了全方位策 划论述,包括确定产品类型、产品定价策略、项目成本结构、装修及功能分区 设计、人员薪酬方案要点、开业前各项准备工作、门店操作手册制定及店铺宣 传营销方案等,旨在项目投入运营之前,对运营中可能会出现的各方面问题提 前计划与设计解决方案,不打无准备之仗。最后,在财务与风险分析部分,对 项目初始投资、产品成本测算、营业额预测、投资回收期、投资报酬率等进行 计算与财务分析,并运用盈亏平衡分析、敏感性分析等方法对项目潜在的风险 和相关措施进行分析,旨在减少不确定性,最大限度控制风险。 最后在本文结尾,得出“美茶”项目投资不仅必要而且可行的结论。 关键词,茶饮 商业计划书 消费者调查问卷 财务与风险分析II Abstract As the urban and rural residents' disposable income is growing, the living standard of the people is gradually increasing and the catering industry in China has developed rapidly. As an important branch of the catering industry, the beverage industry has grown rapidly in recent years, and the industry space is huge. On the one hand, the beverage industry has the characteristics of small investment, low entry threshold, no technical barriers and high profit margins and is the first choice for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. On the other hand, influenced by the upgrades of consumption and the rise of tea culture, the products of the beverage shop have gradually changed from the traditional tea with milk to the new Chinese tea in recent years. The healthy tea drinks have become the development trend of the industry, and the change means the opportunity. At the same time, the homogenization of tea drinking industry is very serious, but fierce competition also means potential opportunities. Finally, Influenced by the consumption upgrade in recent years, influenced by the upgrade of consumption, the consumption desire of university market in the third and fourth-tier cities is becoming stronger and stronger, and the consuming power cannot be ignored, which has a certain market potential. The business plan of the May tea project came into being under such circumstances. The main contents of three parts: the research include the market analysis of the tea industry, the operation and management of the May tea project, the financial and risk analysis of the project. As the saying goes, “know the enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat”. First of all, this paper makes a detailed investigation and analysis of the tea beverage industry, mainly including the present situation and development trend of the tea beverage industry, the consumer survey questionnaire in the target market and the market analysis based on the consumer survey questionnaire. The purpose is to understand better the competition patternIII of the tea beverage market, the characteristics of leading brands, the future development of the tea beverage products, the advantages and disadvantages of the brand around the target market and the information of consumer preferences of the target markets and so on. Therefore, the target market analysis can be carried out more effectively, so as to make the May tea project better positioning in the market, find the differential operation strategy and follow the trend in operation. Secondly, this paper makes a comprehensive planning of all aspects of the operation of the tea beverage industry. It includes product type decision, product pricing strategy, project cost structure, decoration and functional partition design, staff salary plan, pre-opening preparatory work, shop operation manual and shop publicity and marketing program. The aim is to plan and design solutions in advance for all possible problems before the project is put into operation. At last, in the part of financial and risk analysis, the calculation and financial analysis of initial investment, product cost calculation, turnover forecast, investment recovery period calculation, investment return rate and so on are carried out. The potential risks and related measures of the project are analyzed by means of profit and loss balance analysis and sensitivity analysis. The aim is to reduce the uncertainty and maximum the control of risk. Finally, at the end of this paper, it is concluded that the investment in May tea project is not only necessary but also economically feasible. Keywords: The tea beverage industry; Business plan; Consumer survey questionnaire; Financial and risk analysisIV 目 录 Abstract......................................................................................................................................II 目 录.......................................................................................................................................IV 第一章 引 言..........................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义.............................................................................................................1 1.2 研究内容与方法.............................................................................................................4 1.2.1 研究内容............................................................................................. 4 1.2.2 研究方法............................................................................................. 6 1.3 本文创新之处.................................................................................................................7 第二章 茶饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场分析......................................................................................................9 2.1 茶饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析与竞争者市场调研..................................................................................9 2.1.1 饮品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状与发展趋势................................................................. 9 2.1.2 竞争者情况调研与市场分析............................................................ 10 2.2 饮品爱好者调查问卷....................................................................................................20 2.2.1 调查背景与目的................................................................................ 20 2.2.2 调查对象及主要内容........................................................................ 20 2.2.3 调研方法............................................................................................ 21 2.2.4 消费者调查问卷数据统计................................................................ 21 2.3 基于消费者调查问卷结果的市场分析........................................................................21 2.3.1 市场调研结果基本内容分析........................................................... 21 2.3.2 市场调研评价................................................................................... 32 第三章 “美茶”项目运营与管理........................................................................................33 3.1 “美茶”项目简介——越喝越美丽、越喝越健康....

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