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本文是为湖北 X 实业集团股份有限公司玉米汁饮品开拓澳大利亚市场而准备的商 业计划书。根据民营企业特点及饮料制造欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展状况和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司前景,综合运用市场营 销、财务管理等方面的理论,对 X 公司拓展澳大利亚市场的可行性进行分析。具体的 从公司和项目的基本情况、公司研发、市场及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司情况、营销、财务预算、风险分析 及控制等多方面对该项目进行分析和计划,有利于 X 公司更好的开拓海外市场。其中 市场及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司情况、财务预算及风险控制是本商业计划书的重点部分。 从 19 世纪 20 年代果汁工业化生产开始,果汁饮品发展缓慢。而我国在 1981 年才 引进第一条浓缩果汁生产线。果汁的主要消费市场集中在北美、澳大利亚及西欧。近 年来蔬菜汁与果汁的混合饮料及纤维饮料等将推动果汁饮品市场进一步发展。随着人 们对于健康理念的重视,粗粮饮料将成为消费者追求的适合现代生活方式的现代饮品。 由于全球对甜玉米饮料的加工不多,所以发展甜玉米饮品市场前景比较广阔。 X 玉米汁饮品是由湖北 X 公司在标准生产基地种植的原生态青春期甜玉米研制而 成的。湖北 X 生物科技有限公司作为湖北 X 实业集团股份有限公司的子公司,又作为 X 玉米汁饮品的研发单位,目前需要融资生产流动资金 1200 万元。 根据市场和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司情况,取澳大利亚市场饮料欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司净资产收益率的中间值作为投资 者要求的贴现率,得到净现值为 215.58 万元,IRR 为 58%,可知该项目效益良好。项 目的动态回收期为 3.117 年小于要求的回收期 5 年,知 X 公司拓展澳大利亚市场是可 行的。 关键词:X 玉米汁饮品 拓展澳大利亚市场 商业计划书II 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract The business plan is to expand Australia market for corn juice beverage of Hubei X Industrial Group Co., Ltd. According to the characteristics of private enterprises and beverage manufacturing industry development status and prospect of the industry, the integrated use of marketing, financial management and other aspects of the theory, analysis of the feasibility of Company X to expand the Australian market.From companies and projects, research and development, market and industry conditions, marketing, financial budgeting, risk analysis and control other aspects of the project analysis and planning, this is conducive to open up overseas markets of x company. From the 1820s Juice industrial production began, the slow development of fruit juice drinks.Our country introduction of the first concentrated fruit juice production line in 1981.The major consumer markets of the juice is concentrated in North America, Australia and Western Europe.In recent years, fruit juice and vegetable juice mixed drinks, high-fiber drinks, fruit juice milk and other varieties to promote juice drinks market further development.With the importance of the concept of health and urban young people sought after as a fashion grain, grain beverage will become consumers fast, convenient drink on behalf eat Chinese-style fast food.From the global corn industry and consumer status shows few drinks for sweet corn processing and broad prospects for the development of sweet corn beverage production. Corn juice beverage is made by X company planted the original ecological puberty sweet corn.Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. Is the subsidiaries and R & D units. Now need 12 million liquidity. According to the market and industry conditions, to take the mean of beverage industry in the Australian market of the return on net assets value as investors demand a discount rate, the net present value of 2,155,800 yuan, IRR of 58%, we can see the benefits of theIII 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 project.The dynamic project payback period of 3.117 years less than the required payback period of 5 years, we know X company is feasible to expand the Australian market. Key words: corn juice Expand the Australia market Business plan.IV 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 目 录 摘要...............................................................................................................I ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. II 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ······················································1 1.2 文献综述 ·····································································3 1.3 研究方法及创新点 ·························································5 1.4 本章小结 ·····································································5 2 公司及产品介绍 2.1 公司工商、税务注册信息 ·················································6 2.2 公司管理者责任与权力及重要管理者介绍 ····························7 2.3 公司组织结构·································································8 2.4 产品介绍 ······································································8 2.5 公司过去研发成果及未来重点研发方向 ·····························10 2.6 本章小结 ·····································································11 3 市场及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司情况 3.1 澳大利亚及我国饮料市场情况 ·········································12 3.2 澳大利亚及我国饮料欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司情况 ·········································13 3.3 与欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内主要竞争对手比较 ············································14 3.4 X 公司玉米汁饮品 SWOT 分析 ·········································16 3.5 X 公司玉米汁与澳大利亚市场其他饮料竞争力分析 ···············18 3.6 本章小结·····································································19V 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 4 海外市场拓展营销及推广策略 4.1 STP 营销 ·····································································20 4.2 产品策略 ····································································21 4.3 价格策略 ····································································22 4.4 销售网络、销售渠道策略 ···············································24 4.5 广告促销策略 ······························································24 4.6 售后服务策略 ······························································25 4.7 本章小结 ····································································26 5 融资 5.1 公司资金来源 ······························································27 5.2 融资渠道 ····································································27 5.3 融资环境与条件 ···························································28 5.4 融资担保 ····································································28 5.5 融资后资本结构 ···························································29 5.6 公司资金用途及使用 ·····················································29 5.7 公司相关税种税率及相关优惠政策 ···································30 5

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