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I 摘要 A 公司是一家主要为工业品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司油气客户提供压力流量控制阀和系统解决方 案的独资企业。随着中国天燃气需求激增,大型油气和城市燃气公司加快投入燃 气管道,门站,分输站,工商民用调压站的建设,A 公司以国际进口品牌 F 为主 要的压力管理自立式控制阀,及用它为主要设备的燃气压力流量管理系统解决方 案迅速得到了客户的认同和认可,公司的业务随即增长迅速。然而,在 2014 年行 业达到高峰后,由于油气价格下降剧烈,客户投入新建项目和维护现有运营的预 算大幅削减,再加上国内竞争对手的迅速崛起和关键设备国产化步入应用阶段, 客户开始大幅使用本土国产设备,而 A 公司依然以产品营销为导向,疏于客户关 系管理,导致客户满意度频频下降,从而丧失了客户的忠诚,乃至一些大客户和 核心客户频频流失,对公司业绩造成了影响。 客户忠诚度是表示客户忠诚的程度,是指客户对于企业提供的产品、服务、 价格、品牌等形成正面积极的印象,并产生偏好和情感依赖,而重复购买的程度。 Jill Griffin 是美国资深营销专家,他根据研究,归纳客户忠诚度是指客户出于对企 业或品牌的偏好而经常性重复购买的程度。另外,根据统计,当企业挽留客户的 比率增加 5%时,企业的获利便可提升 25%到 85%。所以,忠诚的客户将是企业 竞争优势的优质资源,是企业发展的主要引擎。 本文以工业品营销的 A 公司为研究对象,根据客户忠诚理论为指导,以客户 忠诚模型的三个主要维度-情感忠诚之客户满意度,行为忠诚和转移成本为导向来 分析 A 公司的现状,通过现有影响客户满意度的各个方面(产品,服务,价格, 品牌和企业形象)的现状分析,发现客户情感忠诚低的原因 - 价格高,服务不灵 活等;分析 2014 年到 2016 年客户重复购买数据,发现客户流失严重,行为忠诚 变低;通过现有转化成本政策的不足,发现高于客户期望的转化成本设定使得客 户转投竞争对手。根据问题和原因分析,从而给出相关改进策略建议,以期 A 公 司朝着以客户为核心的新发展模式,以客户忠诚模型的三个主要维度为向导部署 策略和行动,以提升客户的情感和行为忠诚。 关键词,A 公司,工业品,客户忠诚模型,客户满意度,行为忠诚,转换成本ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT Company A is a sole proprietorship enterprise that mainly provides pressure flow control valves and system solutions for oil and gas customers in industrial products industry. With China's natural gas demand, large oil and gas and city gas company to speed up the gas pipeline, the door station, station distribution, industrial and commercial civil construction of the city, Company A with international import brand F free-standing control valve as the main pressure management, and use it as the main equipment of gas pressure flow management system solution quickly got customer's approval and recognition, the company's business is growing rapidly. After industry reached a peak in 2014, however, due to the oil and gas prices dropped drastically, clients in new project and maintain the operation of the existing budget cuts, coupled with the rapid rise of the domestic rivals and key equipment into application stage, the customer start to use the local significantly domestic equipment, but still company A toward product marketing oriented, neglect customer relationship management (CRM), resulting in company A decline in customer satisfaction frequently and thus lose the loyalty of customers, and even some big and core customer loss, affects the company's performance. Customer loyalty refers to the degree of customer loyalty. It refers to the degree to which customers form a positive impression on the products, services, prices, brands, etc. provided by the enterprise, and generate preferences and emotional dependence, so as to make repeated purchases. According to Jill Griffin, a senior marketing expert in the United States, customer loyalty refers to the degree to which customers repeatedly purchase products based on their preference for a company or brand. In addition, according to statistics, when the rate of retaining customers increases by 5%, the company's profit can increase by 25% to 85%. Therefore, loyal customers will be the high-quality resources of enterprise competitive advantage and the main engine of enterprise development. Based on the industrial products marketing company A as the research object, according to the customer loyalty theory as the guidance, take the customer loyalty model of three main dimensions of emotional loyalty, customer satisfaction, loyalty and transfer cost oriented to the analysis of the current situation of company A: through theABSTRACT III existing influence all aspects of customer satisfaction (product, service, price, brand and corporate image) present situation analysis, found the customer emotional loyalty reasons for the low - price is high, the service is not flexible, etc.; Analysis of repeated customer purchase data from 2014 to 2016 shows that customer loss is serious and behavioral loyalty is low; Through the shortcomings of the existing conversion cost policy, it is found that the conversion cost setting higher than the customer's expectation makes the customer switch to the competitor. Based on the analysis of problems and causes, relevant Suggestions for improvement strategies are proposed, so as to make company A move towards a new customer-centered development model and deploy strategies and actions guided by the three main dimensions of customer loyalty model, so as to improve customers' emotional and behavioral loyalty. Keywords: Company A, Industrial Products, Customer loyalty model, customer satisfaction, behavioral loyalty, switching costs目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论.................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 国内外相关研究................................................................................................ 2 1.3 研究思路及论文框架........................................................................................ 4 1.3.1 研究基本思路 ........................................................................................ 4 1.3.2 论文框架 ................................................................................................ 5 第二章 相关概念和理论概述........................................................................................ 6 2.1 客户忠诚的相关理论........................................................................................ 6 2.1.1 客户忠诚的定义和内涵 ........................................................................ 6 2.1.2 客户忠诚的具体形态 ............................................................................ 7 2.1.3 客户忠诚的形成过程 ............................................................................ 8 2.1.4 客户忠诚度管理的基本模型 ...............................................................11 2.2 客户管理的基本理论.......................................................................................11 2.2.1 帕累托定律(80/20) 法则 .....................................................................11 2.2.2 客户生命周期理论 .............................................................................. 12 2.2.3 大客户管理理论 .................................................................................. 14 第三章 A 公司概况及工业品的营销特征.................................................................. 16 3.1 A 公司简况....................................................................................................... 16 3.1.1 A 公司的外部环境分析 ....................................................................... 16 3.1.2 目标客户群体 ...................................................................................... 17 3.1.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析及内部竞争 .................................................................. 18 3.2 A 公司的营销特征分析................................................................................... 21 3.2.1 A 所在的工业品市场特征 ................................................................... 21 3.2.2 A 所在的工业品市场购买者特征 ....................................................... 22 3.2.3 A 所在的工业品市场客户关系现状 ................................................... 23 3.3 A

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