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I 摘要 煤炭的开采不可避免的会带来一系列灾害问题,给自然环境和人们的生活造成诸 多消极影响,如房屋墙壁出现裂纹、田地局部沉陷并出现积水、煤矸石大量占地并污 染环境、空气粉尘较多等等问题。近年来,随着我国各行各业的飞速迅猛发展,加之 “第一个一百年”的临近,各地将大量修建公共基础设施,大面积土地将得到使用, 人多地少的矛盾成为发展道路上的拦路石,因此,必须充分利用各种土地资源为发展 提供动力支持。为此,本文以宁国市港口矿区为工程研究背景,分析研究了采煤沉陷 治理区建工业厂房的可行性、煤矸石粉煤灰混合料回填地基的稳定性,从而将煤矿开 采导致的荒废土地重新利用起来,实现土地资源的可持续发展。 本文首先利用概率积分法建立数学模型,对治理区地表移动变形进行预计,结果 表明:治理区域均位于 10mm 下沉等值线范围之外,未来其地表也将不会出现下沉, 因此采煤沉陷区具备了建工业厂房的前提条件。为了防止沉陷区地下深部溶洞对工业 厂房可靠性和安全性的影响,利用三极电法测深技术对沉陷区进行探测,探测报告表 明:在该范围内,采空区进行地基回填加固后,将不会出现地表不均匀沉降,修建厂 房具有足够的合理性和可靠性。并从理论上对港口矿区采煤沉陷区上建工业厂房的稳 定性进行了分析,得出沉陷区建工业厂房理论上是安全可靠的,且具有稳定性和可行 性。然后对回填材料煤矸石和粉煤灰进行了相关试验,分别从物理化学和力学等特性 方面分析了两者作为回填材料的工程应用性,试验结果表明两者的各项指标均满足规 范规定的限值,如煤矸石 CBR 值、煤矸石烧失量、粉煤灰烧失量、粉煤灰细度等, 两者适合作为工业厂房地基的回填材料。为了分析煤矸石粉煤灰混合料回填地基的整 体稳定性和承载力,利用数值分析软件 FLAC3D 根据实际工程情况对不同荷载作用 下的应力应变及沉降规律分别进行了分析模拟结果表明:模型在不同载荷作用下均未 出现失稳破坏,且在 1000kN 最大集中荷载作用下,最大沉降量仅为 77.839mm,远 远小于规范规定的 120mm 要求,足以证明此地基具有足够的承载力和稳定性。最后, 借鉴煤矸石回填公路路基的成功经验,提出利用煤矸石粉煤灰混合料回填建筑地基的 施工工艺,以达到科学高效指导工程施工的作用。 图:[41] ;表:[34] ;参:[49 ];安徽建筑大学硕士学位报告 摘要 II 关键词:采煤沉陷区;概率积分法;分析软件 FLAC3D;工业厂房;煤矸石粉煤灰回 填地基;施工工艺; 分类号:TU449安徽建筑大学硕士学位报告 Abstract III Abstract The coal mining inevitably brings about a series of problems which making many negative effects on the natural environment and people's life, such as the cracks appeared on the walls of the house, the local subsidence of the fields causing the accumulation of water, the large area occupied by the coal gangue making the environment polluted, and more dust in the air and etc. In recent years, with the rapid development of all walks of life in China, as well as the approaching of “the first 100 years”, a large number of public infrastructures would be built in various places, thus the large-scale land would be used, in the end, contradictions between more people and less land would become a roadblocks on the road of development, therefore, it is necessary to make full use of various land resources to provide dynamic support for development. Therefore, the feasibilityof building industrial plants on the mining subsidence area and the stability of the backfill foundation with the mixture of coal gangue and flyash were analyzed in this paper with the engineering research background of the port mining area of Ningguo, and then the abandoned land caused by coal mining was reestablished to achieve sustainable development of land resources. In this paper, the surface movement deformation of the treatment area was predicted by a mathematical model established by the probability integral method, the results showed: that the treatment area was outside the 10mm sinking contour range, and the surface would not sink in the future, so the coal mining subsidence area was provided with prerequisites for the construction of industrial plants. In order to prevent the influence of deep underground caverns on the reliability and safety of industrial buildings in the subsidence area, the stability of it was detected by the three-pole electric sounding technique. The detection report showed that the uneven settlement of ground surface would not appear in the foundation of goaf after backfiled reinforcement, then it was reasonable and reliable enough to build industrial plants. In addition, the instability was analyzed which industrial plantswerebuilton coalminingsubsidencearea attheportminingarea,theresultsshowed that it is safe and reliable as well as stability and feasibility to build industrial plants on coal mining subsidence area in theory .Then the related tests were carried out on the backfill安徽建筑大学硕士学位报告 Abstract IV materials such as coal gangue and fly ash. The engineering application of them just as backfill materials was analyzed from the aspects of physical chemistry and mechanics. The test results showed that the both indicators of them met the limits specified by the standard, such as the CBR value of coal gangue, the ignition loss of coal gangue, the ignition loss of fly ash, the fineness of fly ash etc, thus both of them were suitable as backfilling materials for industrial plants foundation. In order to analyze the overall stabilityand bearing capacity of the foundation backfilled by gangue-fly ash mixture, the stress-strain and settlement law were analyzed under different loads according to the actual project situation by numerical analysis software FLAC3D.The simulation results showed that the model is unstable under different loads, and the maximum settlement was only 77.839mm under the maximum concentrated load of 1000kN, which was far less than the 120mm requirement of the specification. It was enough to prove that the foundation had enough bearing capacity and stability. Finally, the construction technology for backfilling building foundation with coal gangue fly ash mixture was put forward to achieve scientific and efficient guidance of engineering construction drawing on the successful experience of coal gangue backfilling highway subgrade. Figure : 41; Table : 34; Reference: 49; Key words:mining subsidence area; probability integral method ; a numerical analysis software FLAC3D ; industrial plant ; foundation backfilled with coal gangue and fly ash; construction technology ; Chinese books catalog:TU449安徽建筑大学硕士学位报告 目录 V 目 录 摘要............................................................................................................................I Abstract........................................................................................................................III 目 录..........................................................................................................................V 插图清单..................................................................................................................VIII 表格清单......................................................................................................................X 第一章 绪论.................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究的目的和意义.........................................................................................1 1.2 采煤沉陷区治理及煤矸石国内外研究现状.................................................3 1.2.1 国外研究现状.......................................................................................3 1.2.2 国内研究现状.......................................................................................5 1.3 报告主要研究内容.........................................................................................6 1.4 报告主要技术路线.........................................................................................8 第二章 试验矿区概况及治理区地表移动变形预计.................................................9 2.1 试验矿区概况.................................................................................................9 2.1.1 矿区简介...............................................................................................9 2.1.2 矿区交通与地理位置................................................................

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