近年来,随着我国医疗体系改革的逐步深化,医疗欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司间的竞争愈加激烈,医务类 人才随之成为各类医疗机构的必争利器。与此同时,社会范围内医患关系紧张,医务人 员工作压力巨大,对于医务类人才的管理问题成为解决各种矛盾的关键,特别是医务人 员的薪酬管理问题,作为人力资源管理工作中最有效、最直接的激励工具,备受国家和 医院管理部门重视。事实上,要想促进医院的平稳发展,就必须建立一套公平、公正、 公开的绩效考核和薪酬激励体系,以此来提高医务人员的工作士气和医院的核心竞争 力。有鉴于此,本文以 JT 医院为研究对象,针对这一新成立的民营医院薪酬体系构建 中存在的问题展开剖析,尝试构建以吸引人才、留住人才为目标的岗位薪酬体系,期冀 提高本医院在医务人才市场中的薪酬竞争力,并为进一步构建全整的薪酬体系提供基础 和保证。 本文以 JT 民营医院医务人员的薪酬管理作为研究对象,深入分析了 JT 民营医院一 线医务人员现有薪酬管理中存在的问题。在分析了 JT 民营医院医务人员岗位的前提下, 结合国外激励基础理论及国内医院激励机制的研究,设计了 JT 民营医院医务人员基于 岗位的薪酬方案及相应的保障措施。主要采用了数据分析法、访谈法和文献归纳分析法 进行研究。首先从管理学和其它多个学科的视角对薪酬和薪酬管理的相关内容进行阐 述,分析了 JT 民营医院医务人员现有的薪酬分配方案存在的问题主要表现在薪酬结构 不完善、薪酬水平不满意、绩效管理不合理、以及对医务人员的培训缺乏、忽视医务人 员的个人价值和个人发展等几个方面的问题。然后针对这些发现的问题,对 JT 民营医 院医务人员进行岗位评价。按照薪酬设计的目标,以合法原则、公平原则、激励原则、 竞争原则与经济原则为基础,设计出基于岗位的 JT 医院较为完善合理的薪酬方案和激 励体系。提出完善合理的绩效管理、建设高素质薪酬管理团队、实行薪酬动态管理、薪 酬管理的信息化建设、提高福利及非经济性薪酬和加强薪酬改革的宣传等保障方法。从 而使这个具有本医院特色的薪酬管理模式能有效对该医院的薪酬管理提供一定的决策 依据和实际参考价值, 以期提高民营医院的核心竞争力,稳步实现医院的战略目标。 关键词,民营医院;岗位评价;薪酬方案设计 研究类型,应用研究 JT 民营医院基于岗位评价的薪酬方案设计 -II- Abstract In recent years, the health care system in our country has been gradually reformed, and the competition among the medical industry is becoming more and more intense. As a result, all kinds of medical institutions compete for medical talents as their weapons. Meanwhile, tension between doctors and patients in recent society is palpable, and medical staff works under great pressure. So the management of medical talents has become the key to solving various contradictions, especially the salary management of medical staff, which is the most effective and direct incentive tool in the human resource management. As a matter of fact, to promote the steady development of the hospital, we must establish a fair, impartial and open performance appraisal and salary incentive system so that we can improve the morale of medical staff and the hospital's core competitiveness. In view of this, this paper takes the JT hospital as the research object, analyzes the problems existing in the construction of the newly established private hospital salary system, and tries to construct the post salary system which aims to attract talents and retaining talent, and to improve the competitiveness of the hospital in the medical talent market, to further provide the basis and guarantee for the whole of the compensation system. This paper takes JT hospital salary scheme design as the research topic. The existing problems about the salary management of JT private hospital for medical workers were analyzed deeply. Under the premise of analyzing posts in JT private hospital, the compensation scheme based on the post and the corresponding measures was designed combined with foreign incentive theory and incentive mechanism of domestic hospitals. This research method mainly adopts data analysis method, interview method and literature analysis method to conduct the research. It elaborated the relevant contents of the salary and salary management from the perspective of management science and other disciplines. It is found that the salary system for medical staff in JT private hospital exists some problems mainly in the imperfect salary structure and level, performance management, the lack of training and the ignores of personal value and development et al. Then based on the present analysis for the salary system in JT private hospital and the more scientific and reasonable salary system for the post performance at present, as to some problems existing in the hospital salary distribution scheme, the posts of medical staff JT private hospital was evaluated. And according to the object of salary design, the reasonable compensation system and incentive system was designed based on the principle of legal, fairness, incentive, competition, economic. The reasonable performance management problems, the construction of high-quality salary management team, the implementation of information technology of dynamic management of salary management and salary, better welfare and non economic salary and salary reform to strengthen publicity and other security methods were promoted. It is hoped that the salary scheme is good for the salary management in the decision basis and兰州交通大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位 -III- practical reference value and the core competition, and the strategic objective of JT hospital can be realized stably. Key Words: Private Hospital; Job Evaluation; Salary Scheme DesignJT 民营医院基于岗位评价的薪酬方案设计 -IV- 目 录 摘要I ABSTRACT.....II 1 绪论..1 1.1 研究背景、目的和意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景...1 1.1.2 研究目的...1 1.1.3 研究意义...1 1.2 国内外文献综述 2 1.2.1 国外文献综述.....2 1.2.2 国内文献综述 ....3 1.3 研究内容与研究方法 ..4 1.3.1 研究内容...4 1.3.2 研究方法...5 2 医务人员薪酬设计的理论基础....6 2.1 薪酬的定义及构成 ....6 2.1.1 薪酬的定义.6 2.1.2 薪酬的构成要素 ..6 2.2 岗位薪酬制度理论发展历程 ..7 2.2.1 科学管理阶段.....8 2.2.2 现代薪酬管理阶段.8 2.2.3 现代企业薪酬管理制度的创新趋势.....9 2.3 几种典型的薪酬模式 .10 2.4 岗位评价理论 .11 2.4.1 岗位评价的概念 .11 2.4.2 岗位评价方法 ...11 2.5 医务人员薪酬 .12 2.5.1 医务人员的定义 .12 2.5.2 医务人员的职业特点....13 2.5.3 医务人员薪酬的主要影响因素..13 3 JT 民营医院医务人员薪酬现状 ..15兰州交通大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位 -V- 3.1 JT 民营医院概况.....15 3.1.1 医院简介..15 3.1.2 JT 民营医院的人力资源概况...15 3.1.3 JT 医院组织结构概况..16 3.2 JT 民营医院医务人员薪酬现状及存在的问题....17 3.2.1 JT 民营医院医务人员薪酬现状.17 3.2.2 JT 民营医院薪酬存在的问题...20 4 JT 民营医院医务人员薪酬方案设计 ....22 4.1 薪酬设计的目标与原则 .....22 4.1.1 薪酬设计的目标..22 4.1.2 薪酬设计的原则..22 4.2 薪酬设计的具体工作流程 ...23 4.2.1 JT 民营医院医务人员的工作分析.....23 4.2.2 JT 民营医院医务人员岗位评价26 4.2.3 医务人员市场薪资水平调查....29 4.2.4 JT 民营医院岗位薪酬设计....29 4.2.5 JT 民营医院其它薪酬构成....30 5 JT 民营医院薪酬方案实施的保障 32 5.1 完善合理的绩效管理体系 ...32 5.2 建设高素质薪酬管理团队 ...32 5.3 薪酬管理的信息化建设 .....32 5.4 实行薪酬动态管理 ...33 5.5 提高福利及非经济性薪酬 ...33 5.6 加强薪酬改革宣传 ...33 结束语.34 致谢...35