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摘要 随着工业的迅速发展和人口的不断增长,能源和环境问题成为倍受人类瞩目的 两大问题。目前全国的能源有90%以上来自燃烧化石燃料(煤、石油和天然气)所 释放的能量。化石燃料在全国的储量是有限的,我们需要开发新能源,而当前更重 要的是现有能源的合理利用。全国70%以上的污染物也来自化石燃料的燃烧产物, 如二氧化碳(C02)、一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化硫(S02)、氮氧化物(NOx)、未燃 碳氬化合物(UHC)和烟尘。二氧化碳、一氧化氮(CO)和甲烷(CH4)是温室气体, 引起全球气候恶化;一氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物、部分未燃碳氢化合物和烟尘 可直接对人体和动植物产生危害;大气中的二氧化硫和氮氧化物会产生酸雨,对建 筑物和各种材料也会产生直接腐蚀。因此,在我国实施经济可持续性发展战略的关 键时期,研究和应用节约能源、提高能源利用效率、减少污染物排放的燃烧技术成 为我国工业界的当务之急。 根据首钢总公司2006年的规划,要在首钢迁钢基地新建年产量100万吨冷轧项 目,迁钢厂区所有焦炉煤气全部供给新建的冷轧厂,这就意味热轧分厂只能燃烧低 热值的高炉煤气,而以高炉煤气为燃料,采用常规燃烧技术,高炉煤气的理论燃烧 温度达不到1500°C,满足不了轧钢要求。根据河北省唐山市环保局2006年污染物 排放指标要求,首钢迁钢热轧厂加热炉N0X的排放必须在80PPm以下,由于首钢迁 钢热轧厂加热炉采用常规燃烧技术,不能满足最新排放浓度标准要求。基于以上两 点,立即对迁钢热轧分厂加热炉燃烧系统进行改造,将势在必行,确保钢坯加热和 N0X达标排放。 本文选取首钢迁钢热轧分厂加热炉蓄热燃烧改造项目为研究对象,利用项目管 理理论及方法,对项目从投资前、实施中以及运行后进行了综合分析。 关键词:可行性研究;投资项目;技术改造 -II- 东北大学硕士学位报告 Abstract The feasibility study of regeneration combustion innovation of heating furnace of QG hot milling factory Abstract With the rapid development of industry and the increasing growth of population, resources and environment problems become two major problems people focus attention upon. Now more than 90 percent of the energy come from energy the burning of fossil fuels( coal, oil and natural gas) release of. Fossil fuels reserves in national is limited,we need to develop new energy, the more important thing is the existing rational utilization of energy. The more than 70 percent of the pollutants from the burning of fossil fuels and product, such as carbon dioxide (C02),carbon monoxide (CO),and sulfur dioxide (S02),nitrogen(NOX) and unexploded hydrocarbons (UHC) and soot. Carbon dioxide,carbon monoxide (CO) and (CH4) are greenhouse gases,which worsened the global climate, Sulftur dioxide and nitrogen oxides,carbon monoxide and partial unexploded hydrocarbons and dust can be directly harmful to human and animal, Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in atmosphere can produce acid rain which erode buildings and various materials. Therefore,in the implementation of economic sustainable development strategy, research and application of saving energy, improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions of combustion technology has become urgent affairs in our industry. According to the survey, percent 50 population come from hot milling factory in He bei shou gang qian an iron steel limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as SGQG)which is mainly due to the factory set 3 set 270t/h reheating furnace, the annual output 4.5 million tons, 3 set furnace combustion gas is 120000Nm3/h, which produce -III- 东北大学顿士学位报告 Abstract 375000Nm3 /h, On account of the reheating ftirnace of hot rolling factory constructed earlier, combustion system technic and equipment relatively drop behind, the existing combustion way can not effectively reduce the pollution to the environment. Therefore, hot milling factory became a big pollution unit in QG, is the key unit in shougang environmental father. QG hot milling factory put into production in December 2001,which adopt mixed gas as fuel, the furnace take conventional air and gas double preheating combustion technology, namely the air and gas are preheated to 500 degrees and 300 degrees respectively, the temperature of exhaust gas is 500 degrees, thus it can be seen that efficiency of recovery is low,but it was relatively advanced and mature technology in that times,But the regenerative combustion technology can preheat air and gas to 1000 degrees respectively, he temperature of exhaust gas is 150 degrees, which can carry out high temperature and low oxygen burning , the regenerative combustion technology has the character of lower fuel consumption, lower NOX produce,especially which can utilize the low calorific value of coal gas applications to the reheating furnace, etc. Are also gradually applied in the reheating furnace combustion system,and achieved good effect of saving energy. According to the plan in 2006 Shou Gang corporation,QG will construct one million tons cold milling,all tiie Coke oven gas will supply the cold milling factory,so the furnace in the hot milling factory burn only low calorific value of blast ftunace gas, if we adopt the conventional fuel combustion technology, the theory combustion temperature of blast gas is less than 1,500 degrees,this canft satisfy the rolling requirements, according to the requirement of the environmental pollutants He bei tang shan in 2006 is about of the exhaust gas of pollution,the nitrogen(NOx) in exhaust gas must less than 100PPm,but the conventional combustion technology cannot satisfy the latest emitting concentration standard requirements. Based on the above two points, the combustion of fiirnace in hot milling factory of QG must be altered, it is IV- 东北大学硕士学位报告 Abstract imperative to ensure billet heating and NOx emissions standards. This article selects the reheating furnace of hot rolling factory in QG regenerative combustion reconstruction project as the research object, I use the theory and method of project management to analyze project at before investment, in implementation and after operation The projecfs success is not only result of combination regenerative combustion technology theory and the actual situation,but also the experiment of the project management application,which will supply reference for our future projects Keywords:feasibility study; investment project; echnical innovation 东北大学硕士学位报告 目录 目录 独创性声明I 摘要 II ABSTRACT III 第1章绪论1 1.1研究背景 , 1 1.1.1中国钢铁工业发展现状 1 1.1. 2钢铁工业环境保护现状 1 1.1. 3冶金炉窑节能技术的发展趋势 2 1.1. 4钢铁工业废气的综合治理 2 1.2研究内容及意义 3 1.2.1研究内容 3 1.2.2研究意义 3 第2章项目立项管理相关理论 5 2.1项目管理 5 2.1.1项目管理的含义 5 2. 1.2项目进度管理 5 2. 1.3项目质量控制 7 2. 1.4项目费用管理 7 2.1.5项目风险管理 8 2.2项目评估 9 2.2.1项目可行性研究的含义 9 2.2.2项目可行性研究的内容 10 2.2.3可行性研究报告的作用 11 第3章迁钢热轧分厂加热炉改造项目概况13 3.1迁钢热轧分厂简介 13 3.2迁钢热轧分厂加热炉蓄热燃烧改造项目概况 13 3.3迁钢热轧分厂加热炉改造项目立项的必要性 14 第4章迁钢热轧分厂加热炉改造项目可行性分析16 4. 1加热炉改造项目技术分析 16 -VI- 东北大学领士学位报告 目录 4. 1. 1燃烧系统蓄热改造的设计原则 16 4. 1. 2蓄热式燃烧类型 17 4.1.3蓄热式燃烧原理 17 4. 1. 4蓄热燃烧技术和传统燃烧技术比较 19 4. 1. 5蓄热燃烧改造方案的研究过程 20 4.1.6改造方案的内容 24 4. 2加热炉改造项目经济分析 33 4. 2. 1改造前后工艺参数分析 33 4. 2. 2项目所用设备及材料 33 4. 2. 3改造后加热炉运行费用 37 4. 2. 4改造后项目运行效果及效益 37 4.2.5项目投资回收期分析 39 4.2.6技术经济分析 41 4. 3加热炉改造项目风险分析 46 4. 3. 1技术风险 46 4.3.2经济风险 49 4. 4可行性结论 50 第5章加热炉改造项目的实施保障51 5. 1组织保障 51 5. 2进度保障 51 5.3人力资源保障 54 5. 4质量保障 54 5. 4. 1质量保证 54 5.4.2项目质量控制 55 5. 5施工安全保障体系 58 5. 5. 1施工安全组织结构 58 5. 5. 2安全和文明施工措施 58 5. 6施工用主要机具及材料 60 第6章结论与展望62 6.1 结论 62 6. 2展望 62

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