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卓越绩效模式是以各国质量评价准则为代表的一类经营绩效模式的总称,是 一套引导和帮助组织实现持续改进、提升综合绩效和竞争力的系统方法。这种管 理模式在国内外各种组织得到了广泛的应用。本文对卓越绩效模式在玻璃纤维行 业的应用这一空白领域进行研究。 JD 公司作为国内新建的一家玻璃纤维制造企业,起步较晚,产能很低,工 艺技术水平相对较低,运行管理成本过高,前期处于严重亏损状态。面临高竞争 压力,公司决策层做出了实行卓越绩效模式管理的决策,力图借助此举措,扭转 亏损局面,实现跨越式发展。本文通过文献归纳法研究了卓越绩效模式部分文献; 阐述了卓越绩效模式的相关理论;通过对比研究法将 JD 公司有关技术经济指标 与同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司外部标杆进行了对比;分析讨论了 JD 公司导入卓越绩效模式的原因, 对 JD 公司导入卓越绩效模式、实施卓越绩效模式的具体过程、具体做法及实际 案例进行了较为详细的研究。通过实证研究法对 JD 公司实施卓越绩效模式后的 结果进行检验分析后,得出相关结论。并在此基础上,通过经验总结法,总结实 施卓越绩效模式的有关经验教训,提出了展望。 JD 公司通过导入和实施卓越绩效模式,强化过程管理和改进,在公司运营 管理及效益方面都取得了较大的进步,证明卓越绩效模式在玻璃纤维制造企业的 适用性,证明卓越绩效模式具有能使陷于困境之中的企业走出困境的先进性。文 中还对 JD 公司在今后继续实施卓越绩效模式及运营工作提出了相关建议。 关 键 词,卓越绩效模式,绩效管理,对标管理,全面质量管理 论文类型,应用/专题研究浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 JD 公司卓越绩效模式的应用研究 II RESEARCH ON APPLICATION OF PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE MODEL OF JD COMPANY ABSTRACT Performance Excellence Model is a general term of an organization running performance model which is represented by the quality evaluation standards of most countries. It is a systematic method to guide and help the organization to achieve continuous improvement, and to improve their comprehensive performance and competitiveness. This kind of management mode has been widely used in various organizations at home and abroad. This paper studies the application of performance excellence model in fiberglass industry. It is still a blank field. As a new-established glass-fiber manufacturer in China, the company JD started too late with low production capacity, low process technology level, high operation and management costs. In the early period it was in a serious deficit. Under high competition pressure, the company had made the decision to implement performance excellence mode management, trying to change the loss situation and achieve a great-leap-forward development. This paper studied some papers on performance excellence model via method of literature. Described the theories of performance excellence model. The technical and economic indicators of JD were compared with the external benchmark of the glass-fiber industry via comparative research method. Analyzed and discussed the reason of the excellent performance mode introduced by JD. The specific process, practice and actual cases of establishing excellent performance mode and implementing excellent performance mode of JD are studied in details. After the examination and analysis of the results of excellent performance mode management in JD, relevant conclusions are drawn by empirical research methods. Based on the conclusions, the paper summarized relevant experience and lessons in the implementation of performance excellence model via experiential summary method, and put forward the prospect. JD constructed and implemented the performance excellence mode in the浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 JD 公司卓越绩效模式的应用研究 III company, strengthen the process management and improvement, have made a great progress in the operating efficiency and management. It proved that the performance excellence mode was suitable of the glass-fiber manufacturer. Also, it proved that the performance excellence mode can make a company get rid of trouble of business if it was in trouble. The paper also proposed relevant suggestions for JD to continue to implement performance excellence model and operation in the future. KEY WORDS: Excellent Performance Model, Performance Management, Bench- marking Management, Total Quality Management TYPE OF THESIS: Application Research浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 JD 公司卓越绩效模式的应用研究 IV 目 录 1 绪论.................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景......................................................1 1.2 研究意义......................................................2 1.3 研究内容......................................................3 1.4 研究方法......................................................3 1.4.1 基本思路..................................................4 1.4.2 研究方法..................................................4 2 卓越绩效模式理论概述.................................... 6 2.1 卓越绩效模式的产生和发展......................................6 2.2 卓越绩效模式的内容............................................7 2.2.1 卓越绩效模式的概念和框架..................................7 2.2.2 卓越绩效模式的特点........................................9 2.3 卓越绩效模式理论基础.........................................11 2.3.1 综合治理概念.............................................11 2.3.2 管理模式理论.............................................11 2.3.3 绩效评价理论.............................................11 2.3.4 标杆管理理论.............................................11 2.4 卓越绩效模式的应用及研究情况.................................12 2.4.1 国外应用及研究情况.......................................12 2.4.2 国内应用及研究情况.......................................13 2.5 文献述评.....................................................15 3 JD 公司面临的问题 ...................................... 16 3.1 JD 公司总体情况介绍 ..........................................16 3.2 玻璃纤维欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状分析.........................................18 3.3 JD 公司发展中存在的问题 ......................................19 4 JD 公司卓越绩效模式的导入和实施 ........................ 22 4.1 JD 公司导入和实施卓越绩效模式的原因分析 ......................22 4.2 JD 公司卓越绩效模式的导入 ....................................23 4.3 JD 公司卓越绩效模式的实施 ....................................24 4.3.1 强化领导作用.............................................25 4.3.2 公司战略.................................................27 4.3.3 顾客与市场关注...........................................31 4.3.4 建立完善的资源体系.......................................33浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 JD 公司卓越绩效模式的应用研究 V 4.3.5 整合强化过程管理.........................................38 4.3.6 测量、分析与改进.........................................41 5 JD 公司卓越绩效模式的初步实施效果评估 .................. 47 5.1 JD 公司卓越绩效模式实施的效果 ................................47 5.1.1 客户与市场的结果.........................................48 5.1.2 技术及产品创新成果.......................................48 5.1.3 财务结果.................................................49 5.1.4 资源结果.................................................49 5.2 JD 公司卓越绩效模式实施的经验和教训 ..........................50 结论..................................................... 53

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