党的十六大提出,“统筹城乡经济发展,建设现代农业,发展农 村经济,增加农民收入,是全面建设小康社会的重大任务”。这个重 大战略决策,是党针对我国长期以来形成的城乡二元结构,阻碍了城 乡经济社会协调发展这一深刻教训提出来的,是我们党正确处理现代 化建设中城乡关系的理论和实践创新,是解决我国“三农”问题的重 大战略调整。拉萨市随着城市的发展,城乡矛盾日益显现,如农牧民 剩余劳动力问题严重、城乡居民收入差距增大、城市经营水平不高导 致资源配置的不合理、城乡文明不能共享等。通过科学决策,制定城 乡一体化战略规划,统筹城乡经济社会发展,着力打破二元结构,解 决制约“三农”问题的体制性矛盾,逐步建立起平等协调、共同繁荣 的城乡关系,逐步走向城乡一体化,这无疑是拉萨市政府深刻领会中 央精神,坚持科学发展观的必然要求。拉萨市城乡一体化可行性研究 是拉萨市政府对如何实现拉萨市城乡一体化进行科学决策的一个关 键的基础环节。本文所做的研究正是期望能为拉萨市政府制定城乡一 体化战略规划提供有益的参考,提高政府决策的科学性。 本研究以区域城乡一体化为主线,以城乡发展理论、区域经济学、 发展经济学、计量经济学和信息科学等学科的相关理论为指导,按照 系统分析与综合评价的思路,将逻辑分析与数理分析相结合,运用 AHP 法,对区域城乡一体化理论、方法、评价指标体系做了系统研究, 并以此为指导对拉萨市城乡一体化发展进行了实证分析。 本文的主要内容是,多视角透视了城乡一体化的内涵及其主要内容,分析了国内外城乡一体化相关理论,以此为基础探讨了城乡一体 化形成演变的动力机制;通过建立一系列系统性的指标体系,对拉萨 市城乡一体化可行性进行综合评价,对影响拉萨市城乡一体化可行性 的主要因素做出判断,明确当前拉萨市发展城乡一体化应该重点注意 的问题;提出拉萨市推进区域城乡一体化发展的原则与对策。 关键词, 拉萨市,城乡一体化,可行性,指标,评价ABSTRACT The 16th CPC National Congress proposed, “It is a major task that comprehensively build a well-off society to coordinate urban and rural economic development, construct the modern agriculture, develop the rural economy and increase farmers income.” According to the profound lesson that the urban-rural dual structure, which has long been formed in China, hindered the development of urban and rural economic and social coordination, the party in China put this important strategic decision. And this decision is the theory and practice innovation that our party correctly handle the relationship between urban and rural areas in the modernization construction, also it is major strategic adjustment to solve China's “three dimensional rural issues”. With the urban development, the contradictory between urban and rural areas increasingly appear in Lhasa, for example, the problem of surplus labor force of farmers and herdsmen being serious, the income gap between urban and rural residents being increasing, lead to the irrational of allocation resources due to the urban management level not being high, the civilization of urban and rural can not being shared. Through scientific decision-making, Lhasa city government develop the integrated strategic planning of urban and rural, coordinate the urban and rural economic and social development, strive to break the dual structure, solve the structural contradictions of constraining “three dimensional rural issues”, and gradually establishurban and rural relationship of the equality coordination and common prosperity, the urban and rural areas gradually is being moved toward integration. No doubt, the above mentioned is the inevitable requirement that Lhasa city government is deeply understanding the spirit of the central and adhering to the scientific concept of development. The feasibility study on the Urban─rural integration of Lhasa is a key part of the foundation that Lhasa City government make scientific decision on how to achieve Urban─rural integration. In this paper, the study is expected to provide a reference, which is useful to make Urban─rural integration strategic planning for Lhasa city government, and enhance the scientific nature of the decision-making. In this study, I regarded the regional Urban─rural integration as the main line, took urban and rural development theory, regional economics, development economics, econometrics and information science, and other subjects related to the theory as a guide. Using ideas of comprehensive analysis and evaluation, combining the logic Analysis and mathematical analysis and making use of AHP, I did scientifically overall research of the regional science and Urban─rural integration theory, methods, evaluation index system, and regarded it as guidance for the empirical analysis of integrated development of urban and rural areas of Lhasa City The main contents are: multi-angle to put in order the implication and its main content about Urban─rural integration, analyzed thedomestic and foreign Urban─rural integration theory and regard it as a basis, according to the basis I discussed the dynamic mechanism about the formation and evolution of Urban─rural integration. Through the establishment of a series of Systematic index system, the comprehensive evaluation of feasibility of the Urban─rural integration has been done, I judged the main factor about the impact of Urban─rural integration feasibility of Lhasa City, clearly focused on the issue of the current development of Urban─rural integration, and promoted the strategic concept and countermeasures about the regional Urban─rural integration development. KEY WORDS: Lhasa city, Urban─rural integration, feasibility, indicators, evaluation目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................................................................- 1 - 第一节 城乡一体化的基本概念与理论研究....................................................- 2 - 一、 城乡一体化的内涵..................................................................................- 2 - 二、 国内外相关理论研究..............................................................................- 5 - 第二节 城乡一体化形成与演变的动力机制..................................................- 11 - 一、 城市发展机制........................................................................................- 11 - 二、 城乡经济互动机制................................................................................- 12 - 三、 城乡差别效应与城乡利益关系机制....................................................- 12 - 第三节 推进区域城乡一体化的战略意义......................................................- 13 - 一、 推进区域城乡一体化是解决“三农”问题的根本出路....................- 13 - 二、 推进区域城乡一体化是全面建设小康社会的重大选择....................- 14 - 三、 推进区域城乡一体化是树立和落实科学发展观的迫切要求............- 14 - 四、 推进区域城乡一体化是打破城乡二元结构的必然趋势....................- 15 - 第二章 拉萨市城乡一体化可行性评价方法..................................................- 16 - 第一节 城乡一体化可行性测度问题..............................................................- 16 - 一、 城乡一体化可行性测度问题的提出....................................................- 16 - 二、 指标信息描述的必要性........................................................................- 17 - 第二节 拉萨市城乡一体化可行性评价指标体系构建及评价方法..............- 18 - 一、 拉萨市城乡一体化可行性评价指标体系的设计原则........................- 18 - 二、 拉萨市城乡一体化可行性评价指标体系中指标的选择....................- 19 - 三、 指标权重的确定——AHP 方法...........................................................- 20 - 四、 评价指标综合集成——城乡一体化可行性指数的提出....................- 22 - 第三章 拉萨市城乡一体化可行性综合评价..................................................- 24 - 第一节 拉萨市城乡一体化可行性综合指数计算..........................................- 24 - 一、 数据来源................................................................................................- 24 - 二、 评价指标权重的确定............................................................................- 24 - 三、 城乡一体化可行性指数计算................................................................- 26 -第二节 拉萨市城乡一体化可行性综合评价分析....................................