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保险业从 20 世纪末尤其是 2010 年以来,发展速度快速提升,甚至可以用 飞速来形容。保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的经营能力不断提升,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司规模快速成长,而保险业的 社会保障功能发挥越来越突出。从改革开放以来,我国社会发生了翻天覆地的 变化,而保险业也成为了应对很多不稳定性风险管理的重要方法,成为了社会 的稳定器,它对经济的发展支持和资本的保障功能已经得到了政府,社会以及 民众的信任和认可。随着国家综合实力的增强和人民生活质量的迅速提升,保 险市场的市场竞争也打的越来越火热。如何去吸引,培养并且留存更多的保险 专业销售人员,是保险公司目前需要去面对和解决的一个问题,而解决这个问 题的办法关键就是建立完善的激励措施。以东 仅仅成立 7 年的小规模保险公司,它的经营范围包括了健康保险,意外伤害保 险以及人寿保险等各种人身保险服务,该公司自从成立之后,就快速的扩大规 模,到现在已经有 100 多家分支机构。 本文以东 在对公司现状进行访谈和抽样调查 的基础上,主要采用问卷形式对公司营销人员薪酬样 望激励程度和实际激励程度进行了调查,并采用描述性统计分析、方差分析及 因子分析等统计方法对个险营销部现行激励制度进行了分析,对东 公司营销人员现行制度的问题进行了深入剖析。同时针对东 销人员存在的具体问题,本文提出东 案,该激励体系优化方案包括了外在薪酬激励体系优化方案和内在薪酬激励体 系优化方案,其中外在薪酬激励体系优化方案包括薪酬优化、以任务为基础的 绩效薪酬、福利薪酬、非财务性薪酬等四个部分,内在薪酬激励体系优化方案 则包括情感激励和工作激励。本文的研究一方面为提高东 人员的激励效果、优化薪酬方案提供了优化方案,同时也为同类公司的营销人 员激励体系优化提供了借鉴。 关键词,东III Study On Scheme Optimization Of SoochowLife Marketing Staff Abstract Since the beginning of the twentieth century, especially since 2010, the development of China's insurance industry can be described by the word take-off. Its business ability and overall premium scale have repeatedly reached new heights, and the social security function of insurance has become increasingly prominent. After nearly 40 years of reform and opening up, insurance, as a social stabilizer, has become an important means for society and families to deal with uncertain risk management, and its functions of economic compensation and capital accommodation are increasingly recognized and trusted by the government, enterprises and residents. However, with the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the competition in China's insurance market is becoming more and more fierce. How to establish an effective incentive mechanism in the company, so as to attract, cultivate and retain more marketing personnel, this is an urgent problem for insurance companies to solve. Soochow Life Insurance Co., Ltd. is a small insurance company established for only seven years. Its business scope includes life insurance, health insurance, accident injury insurance and other life insurance businesses. Once the company was established, it expanded rapidly. At present, it has more than 100 branches. Based on the interviews and investigations with the status quo, the paper uses the questionnaire to investigate the salary satisfaction of the marketing staff, the expected incentive level of the incentive components and the actual incentive level. Statistical methods such as statistical analysis, factor analysis and analysis of variance were used to analyze the current incentive system of the business unit, and the problems of the current system of marketing staff of Soochow Insurance Company were analyzed. At the same time, aiming at the specific problems of the marketing staff of Soochow Insurance Company, this paper proposes the optimization plan of the incentive system of Soochow Insurance Company's marketing staff. The incentive system optimization plan includes the external incentive system optimization plan and the internal incentive system optimization plan, in which the external incentive system The optimization plan includes salary optimization, task-based performance compensation, welfare compensation, andIV non-financial compensation. The internal incentive system optimization program includes work incentives and emotional incentives. On the one hand, the research of this paper provides a reference for improving the incentive effect of the sales staff,optimizing salary scheme of Soochow Insurance Company, and also provides reference for the sales staff incentives of similar companies. Keywords: Soochowlife Insurance Company; marketing staff; salary scheme; incentive system; optimizationV 目录 原创性声明及论文授权使用声明........................................I 中文摘要...........................................................II Abstract..........................................................III 第一章 绪论........................................................1 1.1 研究背景及意义..........................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..........................................1 1.2 国内外研究现状..........................................3 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ......................................3 1.2.2 国内研究现状......................................4 1.3 本文研究的内容与方法 ....................................5 1.3.1 研究内容与框架 ....................................5 1.3.2 研究方法 ..........................................6 第二章 薪酬激励理论概述.............................................7 2.1 薪酬定义与薪酬激励要素 ..................................7 2.1.1 薪酬含义和功能 ....................................7 2.1.2 激励的含义 ........................................9 2.1.3 薪酬激励要素划分..................................9 2.2 内容激励理论 ...........................................11 2.2.1 需要层次理论 .....................................11 2.2.2 成就需要理论 .....................................12 2.2.3 ERG 理论 .........................................12 2.2.4 双因素理论 .......................................13 2.3 行为改造型激励理论 .....................................13 2.3.1 强化理论 .........................................13 2.3.2 认知评价理论 .....................................14 2.3.3 挫折理论 .........................................14VI 2.4 过程型激励理论 .........................................15 2.4.1 目标设定理论 .....................................15 2.4.2 期望理论 .........................................16 2.4.3 公平理论 .........................................17 第三章 东 ........................18 3.1 东 ...........................................18 3.1.1 公司简介.........................................18 3.1.2 组织结构 .........................................18 3.1.3 东 ...............................19 3.2 东 ...........................22 3.2.1 薪酬制度 .......................................22 3.2.2 晋升激励 .........................................23 3.2.3 荣誉激励 .........................................24 3.2.4 培训激励 .........................................25 3.3 东 ...............................25 3.3.1 营销人员的开单率和脱落率 .........................25 3.3.2 东 意度调查分析 ...........27 第四章 东 ..........................31 4.1 优化方案设计原则.......................................31 4.2 外在薪酬激励体系优化方案...............................31 4.2.1 薪酬优化 .........................................31 5.2.2 以业务目标为基础的绩效薪酬 .......................35 5.2.3 福利薪酬 .........................................36 5.2.4 非财务性薪酬 .....................................37 5.3 内在薪酬激励体系的优化 .................................39 5.3.1 工作激励.........................................39 5.3.2 情感激励 .........................................40 第五章 结论........................................................43VII

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