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经济全球化使得人才流动日趋加快,企业在人才方面的竞争也更加激烈。尤其是面 对中国当前劳动力成本日趋上涨、资源环境压力日益加大、以及国内外经济景气指数增 长乏力情况下,企业如何吸引和留住人才,通过资源整合、充分发挥人力资本的作用成 为提升企业竞争力的重要的途径之一。因此,构建既富有企业特色、又能够充分凝聚其 竞争力的薪酬激励体系来不断“筑巢引凤”,进而提升企业的综合竞争力就尤为重要。 本文运用激励理论、全面薪酬理论等有关理论,主要釆用文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司调查法、问卷调 查与访谈相结合的方法和比较分析法,着重就山东嘉瑞公司员工薪酬激励体系优化问题 来进行研究,其主要思路是:首先梳理有关企业薪酬激励的先行文献,主要通过对相关 概念(如薪酬激励)等进行科学界定、同时对国内外薪酬激励体系文献进行梳理;其次, 着重对山东嘉瑞公司员工薪酬激励体系现状及存在问题分析进行阐述,主要从公司概 述、公司员工薪酬激励体系现状、公司员工薪酬激励体系存在的问题、公司员工薪酬激 励体系存在问题的原因分析;再次,着重对山东嘉瑞公司员工薪酬激励体系优化方案设 计,主要从薪酬激励体系优化方案设计原则、思路和目标,以及薪酬激励体系优化方案 设计内容提出建议;最后,主要从通过宣传培训和双向沟通,强化企业文化建设;争取 管理层的理解和支持、推进全员竞争上岗;构建薪酬管理委员会、明确考核职责;健全 薪酬体系保障制度、增强执行效力等方面来保障山东嘉瑞公司薪酬激励体系方案的顺利 实施。 总之,本文研究结论具有一定的实践意义,不仅为山东嘉瑞公司的薪酬激励体系提 供可操作的建议,同时也有助于为其他企业提供一定的借鉴。 【关键词】山东嘉瑞公司薪酬激励体系绩效考核保障措施 【研究类型】应用研究 Title: A study of Staff Compensation Incentive System Optimization in the Company of Shan Dong JIA-RUI Specialty: Business Administration Economic globalization has increasingly accelerated flow of talent, enterprise talent competition becoming increasingly fierce. Especially in the face of China's current labor costs growing up, growing pressure on resources and the environment, as well as domestic and international economic sentiment index is not high, companies how to attract and retain qualified personnel, through the integration of resources, give full play to enhance human capital has become competitiveness of enterprises is one of the important ways. Therefore, building both entrepreneurial characteristics, and be able to fully unite competitiveness pay incentive system to continue to Zhu chao yin feng, and thus enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is particularly important. In this paper, incentive theory, a comprehensive compensation theory and other relevant theories, primarily using literature surveys, questionnaires and interviews combined method and comparative analysis, focusing on the Shandong Jia-rui employees pay incentive system optimization problem studied, the main idea is: First of all sort of incentive pay in advance on corporate literature, mainly through the related concepts (such as incentive compensation) for scientific definition of peer-to-pay incentive system literature at home and abroad to sort out; secondly, focusing on the incentive pay of employees in Shandong Jia-rui System Status and Problems elaborate, mainly from the company overview, company employees pay incentive system status, employees pay incentive system problems, employees pay incentive system problems cause Name: Zhang Su-Juan Tutor: Dou Ling Abstract analysis; once again, focusing on the employees of Shandong Jia-rui pay incentive system optimization program designed to analyze, mainly from the pay incentive system optimization design principles, ideas and goals, as well as pay incentive system optimization program designed to analyze the content; Finally, mainly from the two-way communication through advocacy training and to strengthen corporate culture; seek understanding and support of management, and promote full competition; build Remuneration Committee, a clear assessment of duties; sound remuneration system security system, and enhance the effectiveness of the implementation and other areas to protect the company pay incentive system Shandong Jia-rui smooth implementation of the program. In conclusion, the paper of the company's existing incentive pay system for analysis, which, whether from the perspective of theory and practice are of great significance, not only for the development of enterprises to provide intellectual support, but also help to provide some other enterprises reference. 【Keywords】 Shan Dong JIA-RUI Company, Compensation Incentive system, Performance Evaluation, Measures 、 【T^pe of Research 】applied study iii 目录目录 1雜 5 1.1选题背景与研究意义 5 1.2研究对象与研究方法 6 1. 3基本思路与框架结构 6 1.4本文的贡献 8 2相关概念界定及文献综述 9 2.1相关概念界定 9 2. 2国内外薪酬激励体系文献综述 11 3山东嘉瑞公司员工薪酬激励体系现状及存在问题分析 15 3.1山东嘉瑞公司概述 15 3. 2山东嘉瑞公司现行薪酬激励体系的现状 16 3. 3山东嘉瑞公司员工薪酬激励体系存在问题的分析 19 3. 4公司员工薪酬激励体系存在问题的原因分析 24 4山东嘉瑞公司员工薪酬激励体系优化方案设计 26 4. 1薪酬激励体系优化方案设计原则、思路及目标 26 4. 2薪酬激励体系优化方案设计内容 29 5山东嘉瑞公司薪酬激励体系方案实施保障措施 42 5. 1宣传培训和双向沟通、强化企业文化建设 42 5. 2争取管理层的理解和支持、推进全员竞争上岗 43 5. 3构建薪酬管理委员会、明确考核职责 44 5. 4健全薪酬体系保障制度、增强执行效力

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