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员工的主动性行为是组织行为领域长期关注的焦点。建言作为员工主动性行 为中一种重要表现形式,近些年来也受到众多学者越来越多的关注。随着环境不 确定性的提高,员工建言行为的现实价值不断得到凸显,企业管理者对组织内员 工建言行为也极为重视。在对建言研究文献梳理的基础上,我们发现大多数研究 都存在一个潜在的假设:建言是有利于组织的,应该被鼓励。基于这样的潜在假 设,学术界涌现出大量建言前因变量的研究成果。随着研究的不断深入,逐渐有 学者关注建言的结果。但是,如今建言结果的讨论仍旧不多,对被建言者的探讨 更是少之又少。建言是否真的会带来好的结果?因此,对被建言者的关注与研究 是十分必要的。同事建言作为建言行为的重要类型,我们需要给予应有的重视。 为了回答上面的问题,组织支持理论为我们提供了一个良好的视角。本文将同事 建言理解为同事支持的一种方式,从员工感知到的同事支持的角度去解释同事建 言对员工任务绩效的影响机制。此外,面对同事的建言行为,不同员工之间以及 相同员工在不同情境之间是否存在差异?面对同事建言这一信息传递与接收的 过程,我们选择从动机性信息加工角度出发,对上述问题进行探索。这有助于我 们找到同事建言发挥作用的边界条件,从而有效增强同事建言所发挥的作用与价 值。 本文基于组织支持理论,构建了从同事建言对员工任务绩效的研究框架,并 验证了感知到的同事支持在上述关系中的中介作用。同时,以动机性信息加工理 论为基础,探究了个人主义、合作倾向和时间压力的调节作用。采用来自 172 名 员工的两期问卷调查的数据结果验证研究假设,实证结果表明:(1)同事建言 与员工任务绩效之间显著正相关;(2)同事支持在同事建言与员工任务绩效之 间的关系中起部分中介作用;(3)个人主义负向调节同事建言与员工感知到的 同事支持之间的关系,时间压力负向调节同事建言与员工感知到的同事支持之间 的关系。 本研究的创新之处在于:(1)深入探讨了同事建言对员工任务绩效的影响 机制,将员工感知到的同事支持作为一种解释机制,探究了感知到的同事支持在 同事建言与员工任务绩效之间的中介作用,加深了对同事建言发挥作用机制的认 识,同时扩展了同事建言的结果变量研究;(2)本文还对影响同事建言与感知II 到的同事支持之间关系边界条件进行了探索,研究了个人主义、合作倾向以及时 间压力的调节作用。结果表明个人主义和时间压力都会削弱同事建言到感知到的 同事支持的正向关系,丰富了我们对同事建言发挥作用边界条件的研究。 最后,本研究为企业管理与实践提出了一些启示性建议:第一,同事建言对 员工感知到的同事支持以及任务绩效具有积极的促进作用,因此企业应鼓励员工 之间增加交流机会,搭建沟通平台,同时可以制定相应的奖励措施,对同事建言 行为进行激励;第二,员工在采取建言行为时,要对建言对象的个人特征进行判 断,选择个人主义较低、时间压力较低的同事进行建言,这样建言才会真正发挥 作用。 关键词:同事建言,同事支持,任务绩效,个人主义,合作倾向,时间压力III RESEARCH ON THE INFLUENCE MECHANISM OF SPEAK OUT ON EMPLOYEES’TASK PERFORMANCE Abstract Employees' active behavior is the focus of long-term attention in the field of organizational behavior. As an important form of employee initiative behaviors, voice has received more and more attention from many scholars in recent years. With the growth of environmental uncertainty, the practical value of voice behaviors has been highlighted, and corporate managers have attached great importance to the behavior of employees in the organization. Based on the combing of the research literature, we find that most studies have a potential hypothesis: the voice behavior is conducive to the organization and should be encouraged. Based on such underlying assumptions, a large number of research results have been published in the academia. With the further of research, scholars have gradually paid attention to the results of the voice. However, there are still few discussions on the results of the voice behavior, and there are very few discussions on the people who have received the voice. Does the voice really bring good resultsTherefore, it is very necessary to pay attention to and study the people who have received the voice. Colleague speak out is an important type of voice behavior, and we need to pay attention to it. In order to answer the above questions, organizational support theory provides us with a good perspective. This article understands colleague speak out as a way of co-worker support, and explains the influence mechanism of colleague speak out on employee task performance from the perspective of perceived co-worker support. In addition, as colleague speak out behavior, is there a difference between different employees and the same employees in different situationsIn the face of the process of information transmission and reception by colleagues, we choose to explore the above issues from the perspective of motivational information processing. This helps us to find the boundary conditions for the effect of colleague speak out, so as to effectively enhance the value of the colleague speak out. Based on the theory of organizational support, this paper constructs a research framework for the task performance of employees from colleague speak out, and testsIV the mediating role of perceived co-work support in the above relationship. At the same time, based on the motivational information processing theory, we explore the regulation of individualism, cooperation orientation and time pressure. The results of the two-stage questionnaire from 172 employees were used to validate the research hypothesis. The empirical results show that: (1) there is a significant positive correlation between the colleague speak out and the employee's task performance; (2) perceived co-work support partly mediates the relationship between the colleague speak out and employee’s task performance; (3) individualism negatively adjusts the relationship between the colleague speak out and the employee perceived co-worker support, and the time pressure negatively adjusts the relationship between the colleague speak out and the employee perceived co-worker support. The contributions of this research are as follows: (1) we deeply discuss of the influence mechanism of colleague speak out on employee task performance, and the employee perceived co-worker support as an explanation mechanism, exploring the co-worker support in the relationship between colleague speak out and employee’s task performance. The mediating role has deepened the understanding of the mechanism of the work of colleague speak out, and at the same time enriched the research on the outcome variables of colleague speak out. (2) This paper also explored the moderating effect of the individualism, cooperative orientation and time pressure. The results show that both individualism and time pressure negatively moderate the relationship between colleague speak out and co-worker support, and enriched our research on the boundary conditions for the role of colleagues speak out. Finally, this study proposes some revelatory suggestions for business management and practice. First, colleague speak out can positively promote co-worker support and task performance. Therefore, companies should increase communication opportunities and build communication for employees. Meanwhile, companies can formulate corresponding incentive measures to encourage colleagues to speak out. Second, employees should make judgments on the personal characteristics of the target when speaking out, and choose colleagues with low individualism and low time pressure to speak out so that the words could really work. Keywords: colleague speak out, perceived co-worker support, task performance, individualism, cooperative orientation, time pressure目 录 中文摘要......................................................................................................................I Abstract......................................................................................................................III 第一章 绪论............................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景.........................................................................................................1 1.1.1 现实背景..................................................................................................1 1.1.2 理论背景..........................................................

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