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员工发放电子问卷,共回收有效问卷 319 份。运用 SPSS 和 AMOS 对量表进行检
Competition among enterprises is becoming fiercer, and it is important for
managers to learn to select talents and verify talents to keep the company in the
ascendancy. Guilt is a concept from psychology as a negative emotion. However,
recent studies have shown that it can bring a positive effect. In the workplace, high
levels of guilt-prone employees are more likely to be the good staff who are willing to
pay a contribution for the organization. So can employees with high levels of
guilt-proneness bring more job performance How does he improve job performance
In different environments, is it different for individuals that guilt-proneness trait affect
job performance
Based on the cognitive dissonance theory and cognitive resources theory and from
the perspective of employees in different types of environment can show their best
performance, we build a model focusing on the effect of guilt-proneness on job
performance. This study proposed a series of research hypotheses, including the direct
effect of employee guilt-proneness on job performance; the mediator model which is to
explain why guilt-proneness has effect on job performance; the difference of the effect
of guilt-proneness on job performance in different environment, work stress as a
In order to verify the research hypothesis, this study takes survey methods. We
distributed electronic questionnaires to employees of different enterprises, and 319
valid questionnaires were collected. The scales had good reliability and validity by
using SPSS and AMOS. So the validity of the data is ensured. Then the statistical
method of regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses of this paper.
The empirical results revealed the relationship between guilt-proneness and job
performance. The results showed that guilt-proneness was significantly positive affects
job performance. And guilt-proneness affect job performance through job engagement
as a mediator. When employees work in high pressure environment, the positive
relationship between guilt-proneness and job performance will drop off. And when
employees work in low pressure environment, the positive relationship between
guilt-proneness to job performance will be strengthen.
Therefore, in order to bring the greatest benefit to the enterprise, the manager
should learn to choose the employees correctly and also put different employees in the哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文
right positions. According to the results of the empirical analysis, the managers of
enterprises should pay more attention to guilt-proneness trait of employees in hiring
and promotion process, manage guilt emotion of employees properly, improve the
matching degree of working environment and staff personality, teach employees to
allocate cognitive resources eligibly and so on practical management strategies to
promote effective job performance, which have strong theoretical and practical
Keywords: Guilt-Proneness, Job Performance, Job Engagement, Job Stress, Cognitive
Dissonance Theory, Cognitive Resources Theory哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文
目 录
第 1 章 绪 论.....1
1.1 研究背景及问题的提出.... 1
1.2 研究目的与意义.... 2
1.3 国内外文献综述.... 4
1.3.1 内疚倾向研究综述......4
1.3.2 工作绩效研究综述......5
1.3.3 工作投入研究综述......8
1.3.4 工作压力研究综述......9
1.3.5 综合评述........10
1.4 研究内容和技术路线...... 11
1.4.1 研究内容........11
1.4.2 研究方法及技术路线12
第 2 章 理论模型与研究设计...14
2.1 理论基础.. 14
2.1.1 内疚倾向与工作绩效和工作投入的关系.....14
2.1.2 工作投入与工作绩效的关系.15
2.1.3 工作投入的中介作用.15
2.1.4 工作压力的调节作用.16
2.2 研究假设及理论模型构建.......... 16
2.2.1 研究假设........16
2.2.2 理论模型的构建........19
2.3 调查研究及检验... 19
2.3.1 变量测量.........19
2.3.2 样本构成及描述性统计分析21哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文
2.3.3 变量的信度和效度检验.........23
2.3.4 共同方法偏差检验....27
2.4 本章小结....
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