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摘要 天津东疆保税港区是我国目前面积最大的保税港区,发展目标是成为中国第 一家国际自由贸易区,带动天津滨海新区乃至整个中国北方的经济发展。 为响应国务院的相关号召,加快东疆保税港区的建设步伐,进一步完善东疆 保税港区的整体功能,建设优良的物流设施是必不可少的一环。智能立体仓库作 为现代物流业的核心组成部分,也就自然成为了笔者关注的焦点。 本文分析了在天津东疆保税港区建设智能立体仓库的可行性。首先,简要介 绍了智能立体仓库的相关知识,包括智能立体仓库的主要构成、发展过程、应用 领域、与普通平库相比的突出优势等,使读者对智能立体仓库有一个比较全面的 了解。然后分析了天津东疆保税港区的物流业现状、发展前景以及投建智能立体 仓库的必要性。接下来,笔者就天津东疆保税港区建设智能立体仓库的几个具体 问题进行了比较详尽的分析,包括经济性分析、出入库调度优化分析、选址分析 等多个问题。在报告的最后,笔者结合目前国内投建智能立体仓库时容易犯的错 误给出了几个具体的建议。 关键词:保税港区;智能立体仓库;完善功能;可行性分析 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Tianjin east bonded port area is the largest bonded port area in our country. The goal of its development is to become China's first international free trade area,and drive the development of Tianjin new seaside area and the whole economic of the north China. In order to speed up the construction and further improve the overall functionality of the Tianjin east bonded port area, construction of excellent logistics facilities is necessary. Intelligent warehouse system as a core component of modern logistics industry, also naturally become the focus of the author. This paper analyzes the feasibility of constructing intelligent three-dimensional warehouses in Tianjin east bonded port area. First of all, this paper introduces the basic knowledge related to intelligent warehouses, including their storage structure, development process, application fields, and the outstanding advantages compared with the ordinary flat library, etc., to make readers have a more comprehensive understanding for the smart stereoscopic warehouse. And then this paper analyzes the Tianjin east logistics’ present situation, development prospect of the bonded port area and the necessity of building intelligent three-dimensional warehouse. Next, construction of intelligent three-dimensional storage in Tianjin east bonded port area is detailed analyzed. Several concrete problems including loading and unloading dispatch optimization analysis, economic analysis, site selection analysis, and other problems are analyzed. At the end of the paper, several concrete Suggestions are given considering the mistakes easy to make when building intelligent warehouses in present China. Key Words: Tianjin east bonded port area; intelligent three-dimensional warehouses; improve functionality; feasibility analysis R录 目录 第1章绪论 1.1选题背景及意义 1 1.2国内外相关研究述评 2 1.3本文的主要研究内容和思路 4 第2章智能立体仓库及其发展概述 5 2.1智能立体仓库的产生及发展 5 2.1.1人工仓储阶段 6 2.1.2机械化仓储阶段 6 2.1.3自动化仓储阶段 6 2.1.4集成自动化仓储阶段 7 2.1.5智能自动化仓储阶段 7 2.2智能立体仓库的分类 7 2.3智能立体仓库的主要应用领域 10 2.4国内外智能立体仓库发展现状 11 2.4.1智能立体仓库所运用的技术 12 2.4.2几个采用了智能立体仓库的典型企业 13 第3章东疆保税港区建设智能立体仓库的必要性和可行性 17 3.1东疆保税港区物流业的现状及问题 17 3.2东疆保税港区发展趋势 18 3.3东疆保税港区建设智能立体仓库的必要性 19 3.4东疆保税港区建设智能立体仓库的可行性分析 23 3.4.1市场需求分析 23 3.4.2调研数据分析 24 3.4.3投资经济分析 26 3.4.4其他相关量说明 29 第4章东疆保税港区智能仓库建设方案 31 4.1仓库规划设计要点 31 冃录 4.2仓库的最佳数量设置 33 4.3 调度优化......: 34 4.4选址方案 37 4.5建筑方案 39 4.5.1建筑方案(一) 39 4.5.2建筑方案(二) 40 4.6运管模式设想 41 第5章结论及建议 43 5.1 一切从实际出发 43 5.2重视高素质的物流人才的培养 44 5.3注重对自动化立体仓库的基础环节的研宄 44 第6章结论及本文的不足之处 46 6.1本文研宄的主要结论 46 6.2本文的不足之处 46

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