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日用陶瓷作为最贴近人们日常生活的陶瓷制品,近年来一直保持 稳 定增长的趋势,我国已成为世界上最大的日用陶瓷生产国和出口国。色 釉炻瓷作为日用陶瓷细分产品,具有时尚个性、环保健康、实惠实 用的 特点,正日益受到国外消费者的关注和青睐,可以预见未来对色 釉炻瓷 的需求将进一步增加。HS 公司位于我国日用陶瓷主产区--湖南醴陵, 是一家以生产中低温环保色釉炻瓷为主的小型出口型陶瓷企 业。虽然近 年来公司在我国大力推行“一带一路”建设、狠抓环保及醴 陵市政府对 陶瓷产业的大力扶持下得以迅速发展;但因醴陵市日用瓷 生产企业众多, 且中小型公司存在产品同质化严重,技术创新能力不 足、营销人才短缺、 营销方式方法滞后等问题,HS 公司面临着较大的市场冲击和挑战。因 此,如何做好市场营销工作,特别是实施以大 客户为核心的营销策略, 从而获取更大的市场份额和销售利润,对于HS 公司的长远发展十分关 键。 本文通过对HS 公司大客户营销现状及问题进行深入分析,运用 SWOT 分析法找到公司营销的实用战略,在此基础上通过STP 理论 精准定位目标大客户,最终提出有效的营销策略和保障措施。本文希 望通过研究来帮助HS 公司提升整体营销水平,开发更多大客户,实 现更大盈利;并为其他类似的中小出口型日用瓷企业在实施市场营销 策略时起到一定的借鉴作用。 关键词:HS 公司;大客户;营销策略II ABSTRACT As the most close to people's daily life, domestic ceramics hav e maintained a steady growth trend in recent years. China has beco me the largest producer and exporter of domestic ceramics in the w orld. As a subdivision product of daily-use ceramics, glazed stonew are has the characteristics of fashion personality, environmental prot ection, health, practical and practical. It is attracting more and more attention and favor from foreign consumers. It can be predicted th at the demand for glazed stoneware will further increase in the futu re. HS company is located in Liling, Hunan, which is the main pro ducing area of domestic ceramics in China. It is a small export-orie nted ceramics enterprise mainly producing low-temperature and envir onmental-friendly glaze stoneware. Although in recent years, the co mpany has been carrying out the one belt and one way constructi on in Liling, and vigorously promoted environmental protection and the rapid development of the ceramic industry supported by the go vernment of the city of Liling. However, due to the large number of daily porcelain manufacturers in China, the serious homogenizati on of products, the lack of technological innovation capability, the s hortage of marketing personnel and the lagging of marketing metho ds, HS company is facing many problems. Greater market shocks aIII nd challenges. Therefore, how to do a good job in marketing, espe cially the implementation of marketing strategy with key accounts a s the core, so as to obtain greater market share and sales profits, is crucial for the long-term development of HS company. Based on the in-depth analysis of the current situation and pro blems of HS company's key customers'marketing, this paper uses S WOT analysis method to find out the practical marketing strategy o f HS company. On this basis, it accurately locates the target key ac counts through STP theory, and finally puts forward effective marke ting strategies and safeguard measures. This paper hopes to help H S company improve the overall marketing level, develop more key accounts and achieve greater profits through research, and play a ce rtain role in the implementation of marketing strategy for other simi lar small and medium-sized export domestic porcelain enterprises. Key Words:HS company;Key account;Marketing strategyIV 目 录 摘要 .............................................................. I ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................. II 第一章 绪论.........................................................1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 3 1.3 国内外研究现状 3 1.3.1 国外研究现状 3 1.3.2 国内研究现状 4 1.4 研究方法及结构 6 第二章 相关概念界定及理论基础.......................................8 2.1 相关概念的界定 8 2.1.1 大客户的内涵 8 2.1.2 大客户营销的概念 8 2.2 理论基础 9 2.2.1 STP 理论 9 2.2.2 4P 营销理论 11 2.2.3 SWOT 分析法 13 第三章 HS 公司大客户营销现状及问题 ................................14 3.1 HS 公司概况 14 3.2 HS 公司大客户营销现状 ..................................... 16 3.3 HS 公司大客户营销的问题 ..................................... 18 3.3.1 大客户营销理念滞后 18 3.3.2 没有精准定位目标大客户 ................................ 19 3.3.3 大客户营销服务团队缺失 ................................ 19 3.3.4 员工素质普遍偏低 20V 3.3.5 大客户营销策略单一且针对性不足 ........................ 20 第四章 HS 公司大客户营销的 SWOT 分析..............................21 4.1 优势分析(Strengths)........................................ 21 4.2 劣势分析(Weaknesses)...................................... 21 4.3 机遇分析(Opportunities) .................................... 22 4.4 威胁分析(Threats) ......................................... 23 第五章 HS 公司大客户营销策略构建 ..................................28 5.1 HS 公司大客户营销策略构建目标和原则 ......................... 28 5.1.1 HS 公司大客户营销策略构建的目标 ........................ 28 5.1.2 HS 公司大客户营销策略构建的原则 ........................ 28 5.2 HS 公司大客户营销目标市场和定位 ........................... 29 5.2.1 HS 公司大客户营销市场细分 .............................. 29 5.2.2 HS 公司大客户营销目标市场选择 .......................... 30 5.2.3 HS 公司大客户营销市场定位 ............................ 32 5.3 HS 公司大客户营销策略的制定 ............................... 35 5.3.1 大客户 4P 营销组合策略 ................................. 35 5.3.2 大客户互动交流营销策略 ................................. 38 5.3.3 大客户差异化服务营销策略 ............................... 41 第六章 HS 公司大客户营销策略的实施保障 ............................42 6.1 组建大客户营销团队 ......................................... 42 6.1.1 引进专业人才,加大培训力度 ............................. 42 6.1.2 完善激励机制,畅通晋升渠道 ............................. 42 6.1.3 严格营销监管,加大客户回访 ............................. 42 6.2 构建大客户营销服务体系 ..................................... 43 6.2.1 引进大客户信息管理系统 ................................. 43 6.2.2 规范大客户营销服务流程 ................................. 44 6.3 加大大客户营销经费投入 ...................................... 45 6.3.1 建立严格的财务审批制度 ................................. 45 6.3.2 强化营销经费管理使用实效性 ............................. 46VI 6.3.3 实行营销经费的动态调整机制 ............................. 46 结 论..............................................................47 展 望..............................................................48

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