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老龄垃圾渗滤液产量与日俱增,给后续生化脱氮处理带来了较大的困难。以广州市 兴丰卫生填埋场为例,该垃圾渗滤液调节库长期储存约 10 万 m 3 老龄垃圾渗滤液,长期 满负荷运行,存在着巨大的环境安全隐患。由于处理能力有限,每天约有 4000m 3 老龄 垃圾渗滤液运往中心城区污水处理厂及周边地区部分工业污水处理厂作应急处理。老龄 垃圾渗滤液直接掺入污水处理厂进行处理,其高浓度氨氮冲击负荷对污水处理系统的正 常运行存在巨大的风险,必须采取合适的进水方式以缓解负荷冲击,以及必要的前处理 以尽可能降低进水氨氮浓度。 对此,本文在结合实际工况条件下开展模拟实验,对曝气吹脱法、混凝絮凝-高级 氧化法、磷酸铵镁沉淀法、次氯酸钠氧化法、铁碳微电解-Fenton 氧化法等渗滤液预处 理工艺进行处理效果、运行成本等技术及经济性综合比选,比选结果显示混凝絮凝-高 级氧化联合工艺作为预处理工艺最为理想。 中试试验结果表明,采用混凝絮凝-高级氧化联合工艺,对于进水 COD、氨氮和总 氮平均浓度分别为 4726mg/L、2402mg/L 和 2464mg/L 的老龄垃圾渗滤液,在采用 PAC、 PAM、氢氧化钙投加量平均分别为 4.30kg/m 3 、0.07kg/m 3 和 0.69kg/m 3 ,高级氧化设备臭 氧发生量为 3600g/h、光催化功率为 0.2kw、HRT 为 1h,1#氧化循环分离水箱臭氧发生 量为 3600~5400g/h、光催化功率为 1.8kw、HRT 为 2h,2#氧化循环分离水箱臭氧发生量 为 1800~3600g/h,HRT 为 1.5h,占地面积为 120m 2 的工况下,出水 COD、氨氮和总氮 平均值分别为 205mg/L、275mg/L、291mg/L,平均去除率可达到 95.7%、88.6%及 88.2%。 经测算运行变动成本为 48.87 元/m 3 (含污泥处置费),处理成本相对其他工艺较低,且 仍有进一步降低运行成本的空间。通过模拟小试试验,结果表明经混凝絮凝-高级氧化 法预处理后老龄垃圾渗滤液掺入比例可由 0.3%提高至 1.0%,出水主要指标 TN 未受到 影响,可提高污水处理厂垃圾渗滤液接收量至 333%。 为确保预处理工程可行性研究的科学性、合理性,通过收集大量污水处理厂生产运 行数据,结合交通运输影响、污水处理厂可用地面积及厂内垃圾渗滤液蓄水池有效容积 等实际工况,进行了预处理方案设计。该项目预计采用混凝絮凝-高级氧化法预处理工 艺后 40d 可处理完兴丰填埋场调节库内 10 万 m 3 垃圾渗滤液,并可持续运行至兴丰填埋 场渗滤液处理量与产量平衡之日。为保障项目投资的效益,进行了经济性分析,分析结 果表明在应急处理情况下租赁模式更适合于本项目,初步估算可产生 499.36 万元的年收II 益,投资回收期不到四年。预处理工程实施的同时还带来显著的环境效益及社会效益, 彻底解决了兴丰填埋场调节库长期满负荷运行所产生的环境安全隐患。 关键词,老龄垃圾渗滤液;城市污水处理厂;混凝絮凝-高级氧化法;工程可行性研究III Abstract The explosion of aged landfill leachate caused intractable problems for subsequent biological nitrogen removal. Xingfeng landfill treatment plant, located in Guangzhou, has 100000 m 3 of aged landfill leachate inside its regulating tank and been in full-loaded operation for a long time, which would be a great threat to safety and environment. Because of its restricted processing capacity, there is four thousand tons of aged landfill leachate transferred to the sewage plants located at downtown or surrounding area to be treated every day in emergency. Highly concentrated ammonia nitrogen of the aged landfill leachate would affect the normal operation of the sewage treatment technology if it is mixed into sewage plants directly. Proper water feeding pattern and necessary pretreatment are needed to relieve load shock and reduce ammonia nitrogen in the inflow. Therefore, this paper compared processing methods including aeration stripping, coagulation-flocculation plus advanced oxidation, magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitation, sodium hypochlorite oxidization, iron-carbon micro-electrolysis with simulation experiments under practical working conditions. Comparison and selection of economic feasibility was conducted in consideration of treatment effect and operation cost and it presented that coagulation-flocculation plus advanced oxidation was the optimal way for pretreatment. According to the results of pilot scale test, coagulation-flocculation plus advanced oxidation method could reduce the mean concentration of COD, ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen from 4726mg/L、2402mg/Land 2464mg/L to 205mg/L、275mg/L and 291mg/L, under the dosage of 4.30kg/ton PAC、0.07kg/ ton PAM and 0.69kg/ ton calcium hydroxide, 3600g, 3600~5400g/h and 1800~3600g/h of ozone occurrence quantity, 0.2kw and 1.8kw of photo catalysis work rate, 1h, 2h and 1.5h of HRT in advanced oxidation equipment, NO.1 oxidation-cycling-separating tank and NO.2 oxidation-cycling-separating tank, average removal rate reaching 95.7%、88.6% and 88.2%. the variable operation cost was estimated to be 48.87 Yuan/m 3 (including sludge treating fee), which is relatively cheap and possible to be less.According to the results of further bench-scale test, the ratio of the landfill leachate mixing into the sewage plants could increase to 1.0% from 0.3% by preprocessing with coagulation-flocculation plus advanced oxidation, with TN, the leading indicator of out flow, being unaffected, which showed that landfill leachate capacity could be improved to 333%. Production and operation data of many sewage plants were selected to ensure the rationalityIV and scientificity of the preprocessing project, and the preprocessing scheme was designed according to practical conditions including the effect on transportation, available land area and the effective volume of regulating tanks. After preprocessing of coagulation-flocculation plus advanced oxidation method, it is predicted to take 40 days to treat the aged landfill leachate in Xingfeng landfill treatment plant. Based on the financial analysis, this project could generate 4.9936 million Yuan annually in leasing model and the payback period is less than 4 years. The implement of the landfill leachate preprocessing project could also bring about remarkable social and environmental benefit and solve the environmental problem and safety risk caused by excessive storage of landfill leachate, which is of great significance to the strategy of urban environment protection. Key words: aged landfill leachate, urban sewage plant, coagulation-flocculation plus advanced oxidation process, technical and economic feasibilityV 目 录 摘要.............................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................... III 目 录............................................................................................................................V 第一章 绪论.............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 选题背景...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状.......................................................................................................... 2 1.3 研究目的与研究内容 .................................................................................................. 9 第二章 项目概况..................................................................................................... 11 2.1 兴丰生活垃圾卫生填埋场概况 ................................................................................ 11 2.2 渗滤液处理厂处理工艺 ............................................................................................ 11 2.3 渗滤液处理厂给排水现状及工程规划 .................................................................... 12 2.4 兴丰生活垃圾卫生填埋场渗滤液处理的问题与解决策略 .................................... 13 第三章 老龄垃圾渗滤液预处理工艺试验与比选 .................................................... 15 3.1 曝气吹脱法中试........................................................................................................ 15 3.2 混凝絮凝-高级氧化法中试....................................................................................... 21 3.3 铁碳微电解-FENTON 氧化法小试............................................................................... 31 3.4 磷酸铵镁沉淀法小试 ................................................................................................ 34 3.5 次

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