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刑事 可行性


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刑事和解是指在犯罪发生以后,通过调停人的帮助,经由被害人与加害人两 方协商,由国家司法机关对和解协议加以确认并将其作为依据对加害人科以刑事 处罚,以解决刑事纠纷。目前,刑事和解作为我国宽严相济刑事政策下的一项刑 事司法政策,对于处理一些刑事案件、妥善处理现今社会矛盾纠纷具有的十分重 要的实践价值,引起刑法理论学界的广泛关注和社会大众的普遍认可。 刑事和解的理念和制度在人民法院刑事案件审判阶段的运用,已成为当前我国 各地法院的实践。但是,对于刑事和解的运用一直存在着质疑的声音。本文正是 从此出发,结合两个不同类型的案例及新刑诉法,来探讨刑事和解的正当性,在 解决正当性的基础上,再来研究刑事和解的可行性,并就适用的案件范围及条件 作出分析。 第一章,首先引用笔者工作中办理的两起案件,通过案件的处理来引出刑事 和解的概述,包括刑事和解的概念、渊源、解决的三种方式及立法现状。 第二章,着重解决刑事和解的正当性,主要通过被害人利益保护的角度进行 论述,刑事和解的实现有利于被害人地位的提升,使被害人更容易获得经济补偿 及精神抚慰,也利于被破坏的社会关系的修复。 第三章,在解决刑事和解正当性的基础上,来分析刑事和解的可行性,主要 论述了我国实现刑事和解的法制环境,包括可以借鉴的外国经验、现实的法律依 据及契合的宽严相济的刑事政策。并对传统文化提供的思想基础进行了细致的分 析。 第四章,主要是论述了刑事和解的案件范围、适用条件,并对适用的案件范 围及解决的模式提出了完善的建议。 关键词,刑事和解;正当性;可行性;范围及条件- II - Abstract Criminal reconciliation is a crime under later, through the help of the mediator, the victims and offenders to two parties by the judicial organ of the state, on the settlement agreement to confirm and as a basis for the offender punished. At present, criminal reconciliation as a policy under a criminal justice policy in our country, to deal with some criminal cases, properly handle the current social contradiction dispute has very important practical value, Cause generally recognized of the academia of criminal law theory and the public. The idea and system of criminal reconciliation applied in the People's court and criminal trial stage, had become practice of court in our country currently. However, there has been questioned voices, for the application of criminal reconciliation. This article is based on this, The combination of two different types of cases and the new criminal law, to discuss the legitimacy of criminal reconciliation, In solving the validity foundation, and study the feasibility of criminal reconciliation, And analyzing the scope and the conditions of the case application. First chapter, first cited the two cases of author’s work, to introduce the overview of the criminal reconciliation through the handling of the case. Including the concept, origin, settled of criminal reconciliation in three ways and the legislative present situation. The second chapter, focus on solve the legitimacy of criminal reconciliation, Discussing mainly through the protection of the victims' interests angle. The realization of criminal reconciliation advantage to the status the victim in ascension, make the victims access to economic compensation and consolation easily. Also benefit for the broken relationship repair. The third chapter, basis on solving criminal reconciliation, to analyze the feasibility- III - of criminal reconciliation, mainly discussed legal environment of the criminal reconciliation realization in our country. Including experiences learn from the foreign country, the reality of the legal basis and criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency. And analyzed ideological foundation provides by the traditional culture detailed. The fourth chapter, mainly discusses the cases range, conditions of criminal reconciliation, Put forward to perfect suggestion for the scope of applicable case and the settlement pattern. Keywords,criminal reconciliation; legitimacy; feasibility; scope and conditions- IV - 目 录 中文摘要I Abstract II 引 言1 第一章 刑事和解的案例与概述2 第一节 刑事和解的案例2 一、张某故意伤害案2 二、崔某故意杀人案2 第二节 刑事和解概述3 一、刑事和解的概念3 二、刑事和解的渊源4 三、刑事和解的三种模式4 四、刑事和解的立法现状5 第二章 刑事和解的正当性7 第一节 利于被害人利益的保护 7 一、被害人的地位得到了有效的提升7 二、被害人的经济赔偿更容易实现8 三、有利于被害人获得精神抚慰8 第二节 实现犯罪人的再社会化及对破坏社会关系的修复9 一、刑事和解有利于犯罪人的再社会化9 二、刑事和解利于修复破坏的社会关系10 第三章 刑事和解的可行性 11 第一节 具备和解的法制环境 11 一、有国外经验可以借鉴 11 二、现实的法律依据是刑事和解的制度基础 11- V - 三、契合了我国宽严相济的形势政策12 第二节 我国的传统文化提供了思想基础12 一、以和为贵的思想为刑事和解的运行提供了可能性12 二、无讼、厌讼的诉讼观念为刑事和解的运行提供了观念支撑13 三、传统的仁义理念为刑事和解的运行提供了宽容精神14 第四章 刑事和解适用的案件范围、条件及完善 15 第一节 刑事和解适用的案件范围 15 一、新刑诉法确定的两类案件15 二、重刑案件应纳入刑事和解的案件范围17 第二节 刑事和解适用的条件17 一、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人要真诚悔罪18 二、被害方谅解 18 三、被害方自愿和解18 第三节 刑事和解的完善18 一、刑事和解的模式选择19 二、刑事和解的立法完善20 结 语21

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