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目 的 , 我国 尾矿库数量 众多 , 建设标准偏低 , 安全管理有漏洞 , 存在较大的 安全隐 患 。 针对杨家坝铁矿纸坊沟尾矿库不利条件下 的 安全性进行分析 , 确 保纸坊沟尾矿库建设 符合 标准 , 安全可靠 , 最终判 断其可行性 。 方法 , 根据纸坊沟尾矿库设计标准 , 其最不利条件为 发生 1 00 0 年 一 遇洪水情况 。 对 纸坊沟尾矿库的 安全性分析主要从坝体稳定性以及排 洪系统是否 满足排 洪要求等 两个角 . 度进行 。 坝 体稳定 性基于尾矿料的物 理力学试验 , 按相关规范进行理论分析计算 。 排洪系 统则逋过对相关排洪 设施的水力分析计 算确定其安全性 D 结论 , 1 . 纸坊沟两岸 山 体雄厚 、 山 顶高程远大于最终尾矿坝顶高程 , 从地形上支持尾矿库的 建设 。 从地震烈度角 度 , 纸坊沟尾矿库所在 区域无晚 、 近期活动 性断裂 。 2 , 对沉积滩上取样得到 的沉沙 区尾矿 及溢流区尾矿进行土工试验 , 分析了其物理力 学 特性 。 在最不利运行情况下 , 用 总 应 力 法和有效应力 法计算得到纸坊沟坝坡 的 抗滑稳定安 全稳定系数大于规范所要求 的最小值 , 满足安全性 的要求 。 3 . 本次尾矿库建设排洪系统采用 “ 排水井进流 一 主 、 支 隧洞宣泄 ” 的 方 式 。 库 区 排 水 井 、 拦 挡 坝 以 及两 岸 排 洪 沟 设 计 均 达 到 尾 矿库 设 计 标 准 , 并 满足 排 洪 要 求 。 同 时 针 对 尾 矿 库 可 能 的 滲 漏 、 溃 坝 等 安 全 隐 患 建 设 了 排 渗 工程 与 事 故 截 滲 坝 。 4 , 尾矿 库 由 于 其 自 身 特 点 , 具 有 潜 在 的 危 险 性 , 在 明 确 其 可 能 的 各 类地质 灾 害 及 坝 体 冲 刷 灾 害 特 点 后 , 建 立 了 完 善 的 事 故 预 防 措 施 , 包 括 建 立 科 学 管 理 的 规 章 制 度等非工 程 措 施 以 及 溃 坝 砂 流拦 挡 的 工程 措 施 。 关 键词 , 尾矿 库 , 稳 定 性 分 析 , 排 洪 系 统 , 安 全评 价 IAbstract 下itle:r- EAS旧ILI丁丫STUD丫O F下HE J IA BA OF SHAANXI PROVINCE Major: HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING Candidate:Xiaoho Chen Supervisor: Prof Yi Qin S.三.Xuanheng Ma TAILINGS RESERVOIR IN YANG Signature:X Oco ode: Signature: Signature: 及心 Abstract Aim: In our country the number of tailings Banks is numerous, the construction standard is love; the security management has a loophole, there are large security hidden dangers. Based on the analysis of the safety of the tailings reservoir of yangjiaba mine, it is safe and reliable to ensure the construction of the tailings reservoir: Methods: According to the design standard of the Zhifanggou tailings,the most adverse condition is the occurrence of flooding in 10000 years. The safety analysis of the tailings reservoir of the paper mill mainly from the stability of the dam and the discharge of the drainage system. The stability of the dam is based on the p衍sicai mechanical test of tailing materials and the theoretical analysis is carried out according to the relevant specifications. The drainage system determines its safety throu沙场draulic analysis of relevant drainage facilities. Conclusions: 1,Zhifanggou both sides of the mountain is abundant,the peak elevation is far greater than the final tailings crest elevations, from the topograp师to support the construction of tailings ponds. From the point of view of seismic intensity, there is no late or recent active faults in the area where the tailings of Zhifanggou tailings are located. 2 The geotechnical test of the tailings and the tailings of the sediment area sampled from the sediment beach was carried out. The physical and mechanical charateristics of the tailings were analyzed. Under the most unfavorable operating conditions, the total stability and effective stress method are used to calculate the safety and stability coefficient of anti-sliding stability of dam slope in Zlufanggou, which is greater than the minimum required by the code to meet the safety requirements. 3 The construction of tailings pond drainage system usingdrainage wells into the flow, the main branch tunnel ventapproach. Drainage wells in the reservoir area, retaining dam and drainage ditch design across the Strait meet the design standards for tailings ponds and meet the flood discharge requirements. At the same tune; the tailings darn nay leak and breach the 西安理工大学工程硕士学位报告 II potential safety problem such as the construction of drainage works and accidents. 4 Due to its own characteristics, tailings ponds are potentially dangerous. After defining the possible types of geological disaters and erosion characterstics of dam bodies, the tailings prevention measures have been well established, including non-engineering measures such as the establishment of scientific management rules and regulations as well as engineering measures to dam a dam sand flow block. Keyword,Tailings of storehouse、Stability analysis、Flood discharge analysis、Safety evaluation目录 i 目录 1 绪论....................................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景及意义.....................................................................................................1 1.1.1 尾矿库概述.........................................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究排洪系统的意义.........................................................................................1 1.1.3 研究尾矿坝稳定性的意义.................................................................................2 1.2 国内外研究进展.....................................................................................................3 1.2.1 尾矿库排洪系统及其水力特性研究进展..........................................................3 1.2.2 尾矿坝坝体稳定性研究进展.............................................................................4 1.3 研究内容与技术路线.............................................................................................6 1.3.1 研究内容.............................................................................................................6 1.3.2 技术路线..............................................................................................................6 2.杨家坝铁矿纸坊沟尾矿库工程概况................................................................................8 2.1 地理位置.........................................................................................................................8 2.2 工程地质.................................................................................................................8 2.2.1 地形地貌与气候气象.........................................................................................8 2.2.2 地层与地质构造.................................................................................................9 2.2.3 初期坝地质情况.................................................................................................9 2.2.4 排洪隧洞地质.....................................................................................................9 2.2.5 场地地震效应...................................................................................................10 2.2.6 不良地质现象...................................................................................................10 2.2.7 建筑材料...........................................................................................................10 2.3 工程水文...............................................................................................................10 2.3.1 洪峰流量计算...................................................................................................10 汉中地区实用水文手册计算........................................................................10 陕西省中小流域暴雨洪水图集计算............................................................14 设计采用值的选取........................................................................................16 2.3.2 各分区的洪水流量...........................................................................................17 2.3.3 计洪水总量.......................................................................................................17 2.4 主要构筑物.........................................................................................

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