首页 > 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司专栏 > 论文 > 组织论文 > 绩效管理论文 > 2020年LC通讯公司销售人员绩效考核方案优化研究_硕士论文




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我国通讯欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展起步晚,为了加快通讯欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展,很多企业选择将人力物 力重点放在市场开发上,而忽视企业的内部管理,公司内部没有制定有效的绩效 考核管理,这些问题对通信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的健康发展产生了很大的影响,不利于公司增强 竞争力。目前 LC 公司的绩效考核存在考核主体单一、考核指标不科学等情况。 本文结合 LC 公司的实际情况,对销售人员的绩效考核方案进行优化,旨在 为 LC 通讯公司构建试用的绩效考核体系,提高销售人员的工作积极性,提升工 作业绩。本文对相关考核理论进行研究整理,并结合 LC 公司的实际情况作了一 定的调整,这能够丰富国内绩效考核的理论,同时也能稳定销售人员队伍,提升 公司的竞争力。 本文采用的研究方法主要是调查研究法,层次分析法和 360 度考核法,各种 方法之间相互渗透结合,围绕研究发现的问题进行分析,提高解决问题的能力。 对 LC 公司销售人员绩效考核的设计方面主要采用层次分析法,这样能够较大限 度的避免个人主观因素导致的考核偏差,同时使指标权重更具有说服力。其中以 销售计划完成率最为重要,权重值为 0.405,其次是回收率,所占比重 0.225。 在本文设计销售人员绩效考核体系中增添了超额完成销售计划率的附加分,这更 能激发销售人员的工作积极性,也有助于提升销售人员工作的能动性。 本文为 LC 公司销售人员设计的绩效考核体系在应用方面也做了计划,考核 结果将反馈到销售人员的薪资待遇、岗位晋升、专业培训以及绩效持续改进等方 面,这样能够帮助销售人员更好的实现自己的职业生涯规划,进而实现 LC 公司 的发展战略。 关键词,销售人员 绩效考核 层次分析法 优化设计RESEARCH ON OPTIMIZATION OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SALES STAFF IN LC COMMUNICATION COMPANY ABSTRACT The communications industry development in China started late, in order to speed up the development of communications industry, many companies focus on the market development, while ignoring the internal management of the company, such as many companies lack of effective performance appraisal management. These issues are probably harmful to the development communications industry. At present,LC Company's performance appraisal is single in content, and also lacks of scientific assessment indicators. This paper combines the actual situation of LC Company to optimize the performance appraisal scheme of sales staff, aiming at constructing the appropriate performance appraisal system for LC Company, improving the enthusiasm and the work performance of sales staff. The paper reviewed and studied the relevant theory of performance appraisal, made a certain adjustment to the performance appraisal of the LC Company with considering its actual situation, which not only can enrich the domestic performance appraisal theory, but also keep a higher retention rate of sales staff to enhance the company's competitiveness. The research methods adopted in this paper are mainly the research method, the analytic hierarchy process and 360-degree performance assessing method. These methods are combined with each other to analyze the problems discovered by the research and improve the ability to solve the problem. The analytic hierarchy process used in the performance evaluation design can extremely avoid the deviation caused by personal subjective factors, and also made the weight of the indicators more convincing. During the indicators, complete the sales plan is the most important withthe weight value of 0.405, followed by the recovery rate, the proportion of 0.225. The paper also added the excess sales plan rate as additional points, which not only can stimulate the enthusiasm of the sales staff, but also help to enhance their initiative to work. This paper also made a plan on the application of the performance appraisal system which can help sales staff better achieve their career planning, and then realize the LC Company 's development strategy due to the assessment results will be fed back to the salaries, promotion, training and continuous improvement, etc. KEY WORDS,sales staff performance evaluation analytic hierarchy process optimized design目 录 1 绪论 ................................................. 1 1.1 选题背景和意义 ................................................. 1 1.1.1 选题背景 ..................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究目的 ..................................................... 2 1.1.3 研究意义 ..................................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ................................................. 3 1.2.1 国内外研究现状分析 ........................................... 3 1.2.2 国内外研究综述 ............................................... 6 1.3 研究方法和技术路线 ............................................. 6 1.3.1 研究方法 ..................................................... 6 1.3.2 技术路线 ..................................................... 8 1.4 论文基本框架 ................................................... 9 1.5 创新点 ......................................................... 9 2 绩效考核理论基础 ..................................... 10 2.1 绩效考核相关概述 .............................................. 10 2.1.1 绩效考核的概念 .............................................. 10 2.1.2 绩效的特点 .................................................. 11 2.1.3 绩效考核的目的和原则 ........................................ 11 2.2 绩效考核的常用工具 ............................................ 13 2.2.1 目标管理法 .................................................. 13 2.2.2 KPI关键绩效指标考核 ......................................... 14 2.2.3 平衡计分卡 .................................................. 16 2.2.4 360 度绩效考核 .............................................. 17 3 LC通讯公司销售人员的绩效考核体系现状 ................. 19 3.1 LC通讯公司现状分析 ............................................ 19 3.1.1 销售工作的日常管理, ........................................ 20 3.1.2 LC通讯公司销售人员基本情况 .................................. 20 3.1.3 目前的销售人员绩效考核办法 .................................. 223.1.4 绩效考核体系现状 ............................................23 3.2 LC通讯公司销售人员的绩效考核现状调查 ..........................24 3.2.1 问卷设计 ....................................................25 3.2.2 信度与效度分析 ..............................................25 3.2.3 访谈与调查结果分析 ..........................................25 3.3 销售人员绩效考核存在的问题 ....................................28 3.3.1 绩效考核定位模糊 ............................................28 3.3.2 绩效考核主体单一 ............................................29 3.3.3 绩效指标缺乏科学性 ..........................................29 3.3.4 缺乏有效地沟通机制 ..........................................29 3.3.5 考核结果应用不到位 ..........................................30 3.3.6 考核方案实施不彻底 ...........................................30 4 LC通讯公司销售人员绩效考核方案优化设计 ............... 31 4.1 优化目标、原则和设计指导思想 ..................................31 4.1.1 优化目标 ....................................................31 4.1.2 优化原则 ....................................................31 4.1.3 优化方案设计指导思想 ........................................32 4.1.4 LC通讯公司销售人员绩效考核体系设计思路 ......................32 4.2 销售人员的绩效考核指标确定 .....................................33 4.2.1 绩效指标的提取 ...............................................33 4.2.2 绩效指标的分解 ..............................................34 4.3 层次分析法 ....................................................36 4.3.1 建立判断矩阵 ................................................37 4.3.2 计算各因素权重值以及进行矩阵的一致性检验 ....................38 4.3.3 销售人员KPI绩效考核指标及其权重的确定 .......................39 4.4 销售人员绩效考核方法 ..........................................43 4.4.1 销售人员绩效考核表的设计 ....................................43 4.4.2 销售人员绩效考核主体的选择 ..................................43 4.4.3 销售人员绩效考核周期的确定 ..................................44 4.5 绩效考核结果的处理及应用 ......................................45 4.5.1 用于薪酬管理 ................................................45 4.5.2 用于等级升降和人员调配 .................................

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