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技术人员是企业人力资源的核心部分,是提高企业竞争力的保障,而技术人 员的绩效管理作为人力资源管理的最重要的部分,在企业发展中发挥着举足轻重 的作用。中核四四有限公司作为国家大型核工业企业,承担着国防科技的大量 科研和生产任务,由于公司特有的历史原因和体制原因,员工缺乏竞争压力、工 作效率低下,人才缺乏有效激励的成长环境和选用机制,同时由于不利的地理位 置、自然环境和不断恶化的外部人才竞争态势,人才流失严重,人才保有压力大。 认真剖析公司技术人员的现实状况、技术人员的特性,改进和设计符合企业实际 的技术人员绩效考核体系是很有必要的。 论文调查了目前中核四〇四有限公司的绩效考核现状,并对公司技术人员的 特点进行了分析,总结了目前公司技术人员绩效考核存在的问题。利用绩效管理 的相关原理和方法,对如何改进公司技术人员的绩效考核体系进行了探讨。 结合公司目前的实际情况,鉴于公司技术人员的特点,采取技术人员的绩效 考核与团队的绩效考核相结合的方式是适宜的。为保证技术人员绩效考核的公平 合理,确定个体考核和团队考核的两个层次的考核结构,建立了技术人员进行关 键指标的目标考核法,对项目团队实施团队考核的奖励办法。 关键词:技术人员;绩效考核;优化方案 ■A学位论义 作咎:胡晓丹 中枝叫〇叫技术人K缋效^核方案L^iil明'rL ABSTRACT The technical staff that is the most important part of human resources in enterprise improves the competitiveness of enterprise, while the performance management of technical staff plays a significant role in enterprise's development. The 404 Ltd., CNNC, as a national large-scale nuclear industry enterprise, has responsibility for technology research and production of the national defense science.However, due to its specific historical and institutional reasons, the technical staffs lack the competitive pressure and consequently low work efficiency without intense growing environment and selection mechanism. In addition,owing to unfavorable geographical location, natural environment and the trend of deteriorating external talent competition, much human resources lost and correspondingly high pressure for keeping human resources remain. The performance appraisal of the 404 Ltd., CNNC and the characteristics of technical staffs were investigated in this study. We summarized the current problems of performance appraisal of the technical staffs. Besides,management principles and methods were discussed to improve the technical staffs* performance appraisal system. Give that the actual statue of enterprise and the characteristic of the technical staffs, the performance appraisals of the technical staffs were evaluated coupled with teams' performance appraisals.To ensure fair and reasonable performance appraisal of technical staffs and determine the structure of two-level assessment e.g.individual and team assessment, the objective assessment based on the key index was established for the technical staffs and the incentives of the team assessment was applied for team ’ s performance appraisals. Key words: Technical staff; Performance Appraisal; optimization program B1BA学位论义 作各:胡晓丹 中核卩Ll〇卩4技术人K绩效尤核方案改逊彳|丨丨究 目录 、/. _^ 一、即目 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究目的和意义 3 (三)研究的基本内容 4 二、中核四〇四技术人员绩效考核现状 6 (一)技术人员考核的概况 6 (二)公司技术人员绩效考核的满意度调查 8 (三)调查结果分析 9 (四)现行考核方案存在的问题分析 14 三、中核四四技术人员绩效考核优化方案 19 (一)改进的必要性和可行性 19 (二)公司技术人员的特点分析 20 (三)方案优化设计的原则 21 (四)绩效考核方案改进的主要做法 22 (五)优化考核方案的设计 24 四、改进方案的实施 32 (一)准备工作 32 (二)方案实施 32 (三)方案实施应注意的事项 34 五、结论 35

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