I 摘要 F 公司高速列车产品运维管理改进研究 自2007年以来,中国铁路实施第六次大提速和新的列车运行图。随着高速列车逐渐交付并投 入运行,未来中国高速列车采购需求将逐渐趋于平稳。国务院印发的“中国制造2025”中指示, 轨道交通装备制造公司“走出去”成为企业发展的大趋势。随着国外市场的不断拓展,国外用户 维保需求日益多元化,国外市场也正从产品采购向产品采购+维护服务进行需求转型。根据对国 内高速列车保有量的预测以及海外业务的不断扩展,检修业务将成为轨道交通装备制造公司的主 要业务,这是一次不容错过的发展的机遇。 中国高速列车检修任务目前主要由各轨道交通装备制造公司以及铁路局承担,其中高级修主 要由作为高速列车供应商的轨道交通装备制造公司承担。随着高速列车保有量的增加,铁路局不 断压缩检修成本,提升自主检修能力,在高速列车检修市场与各轨道交通装备制造公司形成竞争。 为适应高速列车检修市场新格局,各大轨道交通装备制造公司加快高速列车检修管理体系改进研 究。这是轨道交通装备制造公司发展的挑战。 F公司是国内高速动车组市场主要的供应商之一,具备高速动车组研发、制造、检修及提供全 寿命周期系统解决方案的能力, 是目前国内高速动车组产品投入运营数量最多、品种最全、质量 最优、安全运营里程最长的企业。近几年公司检修业务发展迅猛,去年检修业务销售收入占公司 总销售收入的 比重逐年增加,随着各铁路局检修基地业务的不断增加,公司高级修业务也逐步 由三、四、五级修向以五级修业务为主转型,公司需要进一步适应铁总需求变化。 关键词, 高速列车,产品运维管理,全寿命周期,信息化Abstract III Abstract Improvement research of Operation and Maintenance Management for F Company's High-speed Train Products Since 2007, China Railway has implemented the sixth major speed increase and the new train diagram. With the gradual delivery and operation of high-speed trains, China's high-speed train procurement demand will gradually stabilize in the future. According to the directive of Made in China 2025 issued by the State Council, the going out of rail transit equipment manufacturing companies has become a major trend of enterprise development. With the continuous expansion of foreign markets, the demand for maintenance of foreign users is increasingly diversified. Foreign markets are also transforming from product procurement to product procurement + maintenance services. According to the forecast of domestic high-speed train ownership and the continuous expansion of overseas business, maintenance business will become the main business of rail transit equipment manufacturing company, which is an opportunity for development that can not be missed. At present, the maintenance tasks of high-speed trains in China are mainly undertaken by various rail transit equipment manufacturing companies and railway bureaus, among which the advanced maintenance is mainly undertaken by rail transit equipment manufacturing companies as suppliers of high-speed trains. With the increase of the number of high-speed trains, the Railway Bureau has continuously reduced the cost of maintenance, improved the ability of independent maintenance, and competed with various rail transit equipment manufacturing companies in the high-speed train maintenance market. In order to adapt to the new pattern of high-speed train maintenance market, major rail transit equipment manufacturing companies have accelerated the research on the improvement of high-speed train maintenance management system. This is a challenge for the development of rail transit equipment manufacturing company. F company is one of the main suppliers in the domestic high-speed EMU market. It has the ability of R&D, manufacturing, maintenance and providing life cycle system solutions for high-speed EMU. At present, it is the enterprise with the largest number,Abstract IV the most complete variety, the best quality and the longest safe operation mileage of domestic high-speed EMU products. In recent years, the company's overhaul business has developed rapidly. Last year, the sales revenue of overhaul business accounted for an increasing proportion of the company's total sales revenue. With the continuous increase of the overhaul base business of various railway bureaus, the company's advanced repair business has gradually transformed from three, four and five levels to five levels. The company needs to further adapt to the changes in the total demand for iron. Key words: high-speed train , product operation and maintenance management , life cycle , informatization目录 V 目录 第 1 章 绪论.................................................. 1 1.1 论文的选题背景及研究意义 ............................... 1 1.2 论文研究思路、主要内容 ................................. 1 1.3 论文研究方法 ........................................... 2 第 2 章 高速列车产品运维管理相关文献综述...................... 3 2.1 高速列车运维管理基本定义 ............................... 3 2.2 国内外高速列车运用维护管理现状 ......................... 3 第 3 章 F 公司产品运维管理现状及问题分析 ...................... 5 3.1 F 公司概况.............................................. 5 3.2 F 公司高速列车运维管理现状.............................. 5 3.2.1 运维管理组织框架与职责.............................. 5 3.2.2 运维服务模式........................................ 7 3.2.3 运维服务人员配置.................................... 8 3.2.4 履历管理............................................ 9 3.3 F 公司高速列车运维管理问题分析......................... 10 3.3.1 运维管理功能不完善................................. 10 3.3.2 客户关系信息化管理能力不足......................... 11 3.3.3 运维管理未融入公司信息化平台....................... 12 3.3.4 缺少对运维信息的深入挖掘和系统分析 ................. 12 3.3.5 高速列车的软件版本管理不完善....................... 12 3.3.6 服务人员外派流程和资质难监控....................... 12 第 4 章 产品运维管理改进方案................................. 13目录 VI 4.1 搭建运维管理功能架构 .................................. 14 4.1.1 检修技术管理方案................................... 14 4.1.2 检修计划管理方案................................... 17 4.1.3 检修生产管理方案................................... 20 4.1.4 检修质量管理方案................................... 22 4.1.5 物料管理改进方案................................... 30 4.2 建设客户关系管理系统 .................................. 35 4.2.1 客户信息管理....................................... 35 4.2.2 产品信息目录式管理................................. 36 4.2.3 产品价格管理....................................... 37 4.2.4 合同管理........................................... 38 4.2.5 客户自助服务门户,金牌服务管理平台 ................. 38 4.3 深化多系统集成,实现上下游协同平台 .................... 39 4.4 建立运维数据的多维度挖掘分析和决策分析体系 ............ 41 4.5 建立软件版本管理平台 .................................. 43 4.5.1 软件版本与主构型进行关联,并纳入统一的履历管理体系 . 43 4.5.2 将版本变更机制融入到检修通知体系中 ................. 44 4.5.3 将版本变更执行融入到检修工单管理体系中 ............. 44 4.5.4 软件版本台账管理功能改进 ........................... 44 4.5.5 新增列车重联平台校验平台 ........................... 44 4.6 建设服务人员外派管理平台 .............................. 45 第 5 章 产品运维管理改进方案实施 ............................. 46 5.1 实施计划 .............................................. 46目录 VII 5.2 项目组织结构 .......................................... 47 5.3 项目培训及宣传 ........................................ 47 5.4 项目风险 .............................................. 47 5.5 质量控制 .............................................. 49 第 6 章 总结与展望........................................... 50 6.1 研究总结 .............................................. 50 6.2 阶段性成果 ............................................ 51