随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对特产食品的需求不断增加,但需求却日趋个性化。 对于特产食品经营企业来说,这既是机遇也是挑战。同时,伴随着移动互联网的发展,智 能终端的普及,社交媒体的壮大,微信已成为最具代表性的社交平台之一,渗透到人们生 活和工作的方方面面。微信自 2011 年面世以来,用户数量不断飙升,以朋友关系链建立 的消费者群体极为庞大,其营销价值无可限量。面对激烈的市场竞争,为拓宽企业营销渠 道,实现线上和线下营销的有机结合,提升企业核心竞争力,特产食品经营企业借助微信 之力开展网络营销是必由之路。 福建省永泰县 SD 食品有限公司(简称“SD 食品有限公司”)是一家专注于传统蜜饯 食品的休闲食品经营企业,集蜜饯食品自主研发、大规模生产和营销于一体。该公司成立 于 1997 年,经过 20 多年的快速发展,产品在国内市场具有独特优势,并远销日本、美国 及东南亚各国,但主要采用传统线下销售,尚未开展微信营销。本文尝试以 SD 食品有限 公司为例,论述传统特产食品经营企业应如何有效开展微信营销以提升其营销效果。 本文首先借用研究微博营销提出的 PRAC 法则构建基于 PRAC 法则的微信营销理论框 架。然后,运用 PRAC 法则营销理论框架、问卷调查和实地访谈对 SD 食品有限公司的营销 现状和存在问题进行调查与分析,发现该公司存在企业营销平台有待完善、客户关系处理 有待改善、产品推广行为有待改进、风险防御机制有待健全等四个方面问题。进一步深入 探究发现,该公司营销存在问题的主要原因是经营管理体制不完善、营销环境分析不全面、 企业创新意识不强烈、营销专业人才不充足。接着,根据发现的问题及原因,从平台营销、 关系营销、行为营销和风险管理四个方面提出 SD 食品有限公司开展微信营销的一系列对 策。最后,为促使 SD 食品有限公司微信营销策略的有效实施,运用 PRAC 法则营销理论框 架提出相应的保障措施。 本文提出的营销策略可为 SD 食品有限公司开展特产食品微信营销提供决策依据,使 企业明确自身不足,促进企业微信营销内容和消费者需求更匹配,进而提升企业营销效果, 提高企业竞争力。同时,希望本文的研究可为其他类似特产食品经营企业开展微信营销提 供理论借鉴和参考,促使传统特产食品经营企业与互联网更深入地融合。 关键词:特产食品,微信营销,PRAC 法则,营销策略II Research on Marketing of Special Food Wechat —— A case of Yongtai SD Food Co., Ltd Abstract With the continuous improvement of living standards, people's demand for specialty food is increasing, but the demand is becoming increasingly personalized. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for specialty food enterprises. At the same time, with the development of mobile internet, the popularity of intelligent terminals and the growth of social media, Wechat has become one of the most representative social platforms, penetrating into all aspects of people's life and work. Since Wechat came out in 2011, the number of users has been soaring. The consumer group established by the friendship chain is huge, and its marketing value is limitless. Facing the fierce market competition, it is the only way for specialty food enterprises to carry out online marketing with the help of Wechat, in order to broaden the marketing channels of enterprises, realize the organic combination of online and offline marketing, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. Established in 1997, Yongtai County SD Food Co., Ltd. is a leisure food enterprise specializing in traditional Ligan candied foods. Its candied foods integrate independent research and development, mass production and marketing. After more than 20 years of rapid development, the company's products have unique advantages in the domestic market and are exported to Japan, the United States and Southeast Asia. However, traditional offline sales are mainly adopted, and wechat marketing strategy has not been implemented yet.Taking Yongtai County SD Food Co., Ltd. as an example, it expounded how SD Food Co., Ltd. effectively combined the social marketing platform such as WeChat in marketing to further enhance the market share of SD Foods Co., Ltd. products. Firstly, this paper introduces the PRAC rule of microblog marketing research to construct the theoretical framework of PRAC rule marketing. Secondly, the marketing status and existing problems of SD Food Co., Ltd. are analyzed by using PRAC principle marketing theoretical framework, questionnaire survey and field interview,finds that there are four problems in the company: the marketing platform needs to be improved, the customer relationship processing needs to be improved, the product promotion behavior needs to be improved, and the risk defense mechanism needs to be improved. Moreover, the main reasons for the problems are imperfect management system, incomplete marketing environment analysis, lack of enterpriseIII innovation consciousness and inadequate marketing professionals.Thirdly, according to the problems and reasons found, from the platform marketing, relationship marketing, behavioral marketing and risk management four aspects, put forward the multi-faceted Countermeasures of Wechat marketing. Finally, in order to promote the effective implementation of Wechat marketing strategy of SD Food Co., Ltd., the corresponding safeguard measures are put forward using PRAC rule marketing theoretical framework. The marketing strategy proposed in this paper can provide decision-making basis for SD Food Co., Ltd. to carry out special food Wechat marketing, make enterprises clear their own shortcomings, promote enterprise Wechat marketing content and consumer demand more matching, and then enhance enterprise marketing effect and enhance enterprise competitiveness. At the same time, I hope this study can provide theoretical reference and reference for other similar specialty food business enterprises to carry out Wechat marketing, and promote the further integration of traditional specialty food business enterprises and the Internet. Key words:Special Food,Wechat Marketing,PRAC Rule,Marketing StrategyIV 目录 摘要..................................................................................................................................................I Abstract.........................................................................................................................................Ⅱ 目录...............................................................................................................................................IV 图目录........................................................................................................................................... Ⅵ 表目录........................................................................................................................................... Ⅵ 第一章 绪论................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景............................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 研究意义............................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 研究内容............................................................................................................................ 4 1.4 研究思路............................................................................................................................ 4 1.5 研究方法............................................................................................................................ 5 1.6 创新之处............................................................................................................................ 6 第二章 文献综述与理论基础.......................................................................................................7 2.1 文献综述........................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 相关概念界定..................................................................................................................11 2.2.1 微信........................................................................................................................11 2.2.2 微信营销.....................................