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在企业不断提高竞争力和努力完成各种使命的过程中,人力资源 管理起着至关重要的作用。企业中的人,是企业最有活力、最宝贵的 资源和财富。有效的人力资源开发、利用和管理不仅成为经济增长的 决定性因素,而且直接构成企业核心竞争力的关键性的战略资源。 薪酬管理,是企业人力资源管理的核心内容之一。一个适当的、 有竞争力的薪酬体系,有助于企业吸引和留住人才、激励员工、提高 员工和企业的整体绩效,对企业管理效率的提升具有不可估量的促进 作用。 本文以 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬体系为研究对象,从薪酬基本理论 出发,剖析了其现行薪酬体系存在的诸多问题及其根源,并针对这些 问题,结合 CHK 橡胶制品厂的发展战略,对其薪酬体系进行了再设 计,使之更加具有战略性、公平性和激励性。 本文共分为 4 章。 第 1 章阐述了与薪酬体系设计有关的基本概念和基本理论。 第 2 章介绍了 CHK 橡胶制品厂概况及其薪酬体系现状,分析其 现行薪酬体系存在的诸多问题及根源。 第 3 章针对现行薪酬体系存在的问题,遵循薪酬设计基本原则, 对 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬体系进行了再设计,进行了工作分析、岗位 评价和薪酬调查,建立了以岗位为基础的薪酬体系,力求使新的薪酬 体系具有内部公平性和外部竞争力。同时还介绍了员工参与、绩效考 核等实施新的薪酬体系所必需的配套措施。 第 4 章对新的薪酬体系作了预测评价,并提出了修改建议。 关键词:CHK 橡胶制品厂 薪酬体系设计 人力资源管理1 Abstract In the process of enterprise’s continuous improvement of competitive ability and struggling to complete tasks,human resources management plays a very crucial role. The human in the enterprise is the most energetic and valuable resources and wealth. Effective human resources developing, utilizing and managing are not only the decisive factors of economic increase, but also the essential strategic resources that directly constitute core competitive ability of an enterprise . Pay system is one of the key elements of human resources management in enterprises. An appropriate and competitive pay system will attract and preserve talents, encourage staff, enhance overall achievement of staff and enterprise. And it will unpredictably promote the efficiency of enterprise management. This thesis took the CHK Rubber Production Factory’s pay system as the research object, based on the elementary pay system theories, analyzed the problems and roots existing in the present pay system, and aimed at these issues in conjunction with strategies of the CHK Rubber Production Factory, redesigned its salary system, and thus to enable it more strategic, equitable and incentive. Here is a brief overview as fellows: Chapter 1: Introducing elementary concepts and theories about the design of pay system. Chapter 2: Providing the CHK rubber factory’s profile and pay system status and analyzing the existing problems and roots of the current pay system . Chapter 3: Aiming at these existing problems, observing the basic principles of pay system to redesign pay system for the CHK Rubber Factory through carrying out job analysis and post evaluation systems and2 salary surveys to establish a pay system based on post,exerting the new pay system to have internal equity and external competitiveness and introducing supportive measures to carry out the new system, such as staff participation, performance appraisal, etc. . Chapter 4: Anticipating and evaluating the new system and providing some amendments to it. Keywords: CHK rubber factory pay system design human resources management1 目 录 摘要 ...1 Abstract.1 前 言 .1 0.1 研究的背景和意义 ..1 0.2 研究的整体思路和框架 2 第一章 薪酬管理基本理论 .....4 1.1 薪酬的概念 ....4 1.2 薪酬的功能 ....7 1.3 薪酬理论 ..9 1.4 薪酬制度 12 1.5 薪酬设计的原则 17 1.6 薪酬设计应考虑的因素 21 第二章 CHK 橡胶制品厂及薪酬基本情况.25 2.1CHK 橡胶制品厂概况....25 2.2 CHK 橡胶制品厂竞争力分析...30 2.3 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬现状及存在的主要问题.....31 第三章 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬方案设计.....38 3.1 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬设计指导思想...38 3.2 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬设计原则..40 3.3.设计具体步骤 ....42 3.3.1 组织结构再造 .43 3.3.2 工作分析 ...44 3.3.3 编写职务说明书 ...45 3.3.4 岗位评价 ...47 3.3.5 薪酬调查 ..50 3.3.6 企业薪酬水平的确定 .522 3.3.7 薪酬结构设计 .54 3.3.8 福利计划 ...57 3.4 薪酬方案的实施与反馈 58 第四章 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬体系评价.....66 4.1 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬设计方案的优点.....66 4.2 CHK 橡胶制品厂薪酬设计方案的不足和建议.....68 结束语 .71

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