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:医药卫生事业直接关系到群众生活水平,公立医院作为医疗资源 的主体,在新一轮医改过程中应如何对医院各部门及员工进行绩效管理,引 导员工不断改进工作方式,充分发挥主观能动性,全面提高医院的运行效率 和服务水平,是各级公立医院必须面对的问题,绩效改革已经被越来越多的 医院管理者所接受。目前很多医院还没有幵展真正意义的绩效考核,人事分 配制度基本沿用计划经济时代的“大锅饭”方式,也有一些医院已经开始尝 试全方位的绩效考核,但是在实际工作中,仍然存在很多问题需要解决和完 善,比如很多医院并未真正实行定岗定编,没有制定具体的职工岗位职责, 没有健全的绩效考核体系,公立医院的公益性逐渐下降,医务人员的工作积 极性不高等。 论文从五个部分来论述s市中心医院绩效改革方案提出的原因背景、方 案的设计原则、具体考核指标、新的方案初步实施效果以及方案的调整完善 等。对s市中心医院的绩效改革方案的设计及实施过程中存在的问题进行分 析,探讨在公立医院如何进行绩效分配及考核,将先进的企业整体绩效考核 拓展到医院各级人员的绩效考核上来,制定出既符合现代医院发展趋势,又 能体现医改的总体要求的绩效方案,为公立医院的绩效改革提供可借鉴的方 法。 新的绩效方案在进一步调整完善后,可以向同级别的公立医院进行推广 应用,提高医务人员的工作积极性,加强公立医院的公益性质。 关键词:医疗卫生绩效分配方案公益性 I The research of performance project design and implementation of scentral hospital Abstract: Health care are related to the improvement of people's living standards. As the main part of the medical resources in the new round of medical reform process, public hospitals focus on how to carry out performance management, and how to encourage their employees to continuously improve working, or give full play to the initiative to comprehensively improve the hospital's working efficiency and service level. So more and more managers of hospitals give importance to the reform of performance. Nowadays most of hospitals have not carried out the true performance evaluation system, meanwhile the personnel distribution systems are as same as that in the planned economy era. However, some hospitals have already began to carry out performance assessment on personnel distribution system, but in practise, there still exist many problems which need to be addressed and improved. For example, many hospitals do not implement the posts allocation, and have no a sound performance evaluation system, so the staff welfare of the public hospitals gradually decreases. This article focuses on the S central hospital performance reform program from five aspects, the background, the principle of design,the new program, the initial implementation of the effects and the adjustment of the program. The design and implementation process of the reform program on the performance of the S central hospital were analyzed in order to explore the performance allocation and assessment, and to comply with not only the developing trend of modem hospitals, but also the general requirements of the performance of health care reform program ‘ After further adjustment and improvement, new performance program could be extended to all public hospitals in the same level, which could encourage the II initiative of medical staff, and strengthen the public service nature of public hospitals. Key words: health care. performance, allocation plan, public benefit. ill 目录 绪.ife 1 1-1选题背景 1 1.1. 1国内医药体制改革的总体要求 1 1.1. 2公立医院进行绩效改革的必要性 1 1.2研究内容、目的及意义 2 1.2. 1研究内容和目的 2 1.2. 2研究意义 2 2国内外医院绩效研究与实践现状 3 2. 1国外医院绩效研究情况 3 2. 1. 1欧美研究现状 3 2. 1. 2亚太地区研究现状 4 2. 2国内医院绩效改革情况 5 2. 2. 1公立医院先进经验 6 2.2.2民营医院绩效改革相关研究 7 3. S市中心医院所处环境及现行绩效方案方案分析 8 3. 1 S市社会经济发展情况 8 3. 1.1经济发展、人口状况 8 3. 1. 2 S市公立医院布局 8 3. 2 S市中心医院基本情况 9 3. 2. 1医院学科建设与人力资源情况 9 3. 2. 2组织结构、科室设置及医疗业务发展情况 10 3. 2. 3人员流动情况 10 3. 3本医院绩效考核现状 10 3. 3. 1现行绩效分配及考核方案 10 3. 3. 2不同科室具体情况 11 3. 4医院绩效考核存在的问题及原因 11 3.4. 1存在的主要问题 11 IV 3.4.2原因分析 11 3. 5医院绩效改革的思路及基木原则 12 3.5. 1问卷调查结果分析 12 3. 5. 2绩效改革的基本原则 13 4. S市中心医院绩效改革的具体方案 14 4.1绩效改革方案设计 14 4. 1. 1绩效分配具体方案 14 4. 1. 2 二级分配方案指导性意见 16 4. 1. 3绩效考核方案 18 4. 2绩效考核指标体系 18 4. 2. 1指标选取 18 4. 2. 2指标权重确定 19 5.新绩效方案初步实施的效果及存在问题 32 5. 1试运行效果 32 5. 1. 1经营指标改善 32 5. 1. 2病员及员工满意度明显提升 32 5. 2试运行存在原问题 32 5.2. 1绩效差距过大、少数科室员工积极性受挫 32 5. 2. 2过分追求经济利益 33 5. 3解决方案 33 5. 3. 1调整调控手段和补偿机制 33 5. 3. 2调整分配系数 34 5. 3. 3加强职业道德教育 34 5. 3. 4调整考核方案 35 6.结论与展望 36 6. 1结论 36 6. 2论文研究的不足及展望 36

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