兰州银行近年来在金融业发展迅速,连续三年在英国《银行家》杂志“2018 年全球银行 1000 强”排行榜中,按一级资本排名,兰州银行位列第 364 位;荣 获甘肃领航金融企业奖;连续七年荣获省长金融奖;连续十年进入全省纳税百强, 连续五年进入纳税十强,连续六年保持全省金融企业纳税第一。兰州银行的发展 和壮大与基层员工的认真工作密切相关,员工是一家银行的支柱,特别是银行的 基层员工,是客户接触的第一人,基层员工的专业素养与服务能力决定着客户的 选择,同时基层员工处理银行最为繁杂的业务和营销工作,是银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务发展的生 力军。近年来随着金融市场的改革和金融环境的严峻变化,银行间竞争不断加剧。 兰州银行与其他股份制商业银行而言,在金融产品、业务发展、服务质量方面差 距较大,竞争力不足,面临着严峻的挑战。人才竞争在这种关键时刻尤为重要, 但是兰州银行在员工激励机制方面存在较多问题,导致兰州银行的基层员工在福 利待遇高于同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的情况下,工作积极性不高,工作中存在不负责任,推诿扯皮 的等现象,影响了工作效率和企业发展。特别是兰州银行目前全力准备上市,对 各方面的要求都比较高,解决员工激励机制中存在的问题刻不容缓。本文尝试从 基层员工的视角对银行员工的激励机制进行研究。 本文基于兰州银行发展的现状,全文研究线索围绕几个部分依次展开。首先, 以兰州银行基层员工为研究对象,选取 10 家支行的基层员工进行访谈与调研, 就薪酬制度、福利待遇、职业生涯规划以及员工较为关心的问题进行沟通,了解 员工的真实想法,然后梳理调查欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司并结合国内外相关理论分析兰州因行激励机 制中存在的问题,再结合支行组织环境,提出激励机制优化方案,解决管理工作 中的实际问题,为兰州银行基层员工激励机制优化提供一定的参考和借鉴。 本文以兰州银行基层员工为研究对象,通过调研、分析兰州银行目前员工激 励制度存在的主要矛盾、主要问题,通过完善管理制度、激活员工活力、解决矛 盾与问题、完善改进员工激励制度,促进兰州银行的发展,提高综合实力。同时 本文调研借鉴其他股份制银行的激励机制,研究成功之处,并将这种借鉴转为自 己的生产力,为具有类似问题的银行激励机制改革提供理论基础与实践经验。 关键词:兰州银行;基层员工;激励;问题II RESEARCH ON OPTIMIZING THE INCENTIVE MECHANISM FOR GRASS-ROOT EMPLIYEES OF LANZHOU BANK Abstract In recent years, Lanzhou Bank has developed rapidly in the financial industry. For three consecutive years, Lanzhou Bank ranked 364 in the ranking of Top 1000 Global Banks in 2018 by British Bankers magazine, ranked first-class capital, won the Gansu Pilot Financial Enterprise Award, won the Provincial Governor's Financial Award for seven consecutive years, and entered the Top 100 Tax Payments in the province for ten consecutive years and the Top 10 Tax Payments for six consecutive years. Maintain the first tax payment of financial enterprises in the province. The development and growth of Lanzhou Bank is the result of the serious contribution of grass-roots employees. Employees are the backbone of a bank, especially the grass-roots employees of the bank. They are the first people to contact customers. The professional accomplishment and service ability of grass-roots employees determine the choice of customers. Grass-roots employees deal with the most complex business and marketing work of banks, which is a new force in the development of banking business. With the reform of the financial market and the severe financial environment, the competition among banks is intensifying. As far as Lanzhou Bank and other joint-stock commercial banks are concerned, there is a big gap in financial products, business development and service quality, and their competitiveness is insufficient. They are facing severe challenges. Because there are many problems in employee incentive mechanism, the grass-roots employees of Lanzhou Bank are not motivated, irresponsible and prevaricative when their welfare is higher than that of the same industry. This paper attempts to study the incentive mechanism of bank employees from the perspective of grass-roots employees. Based on the current situation of the development of Lanzhou Bank, this paper focuses on several parts of the research clues. Firstly, this paper takes the grass-roots employees of Lanzhou Bank as the research object, and selects the grass-roots employees of 10 branches to conduct interviews and surveys, to communicate on salary system, welfare treatment, career planning and the issues concerned by employees, to understand the real ideas of employees, and then combs the survey data and combs the relevant theories at home and abroad to analyze the problems existing in the incentiveIII mechanism of Lanzhou's individualized conduct. The organizational environment of the joint branch bank and the optimization scheme of the incentive mechanism are put forward to solve the practical problems in the management work, which provides a certain reference and reference for the optimization of the incentive mechanism of the grass-roots employees of Lanzhou Bank. This paper takes the grass-roots employees of Lanzhou Bank as the research object, through the investigation and analysis of the main contradictions and main problems existing in the current staff incentive system of Lanzhou Bank, through improving the management system, activating staff vitality, solving contradictions and problems, improving the staff incentive system, promoting the development of Lanzhou Bank and improving its comprehensive strength. At the same time, this paper refers to the incentive mechanism of other joint-stock banks, studies the success, and turns this reference into their own productivity, providing theoretical basis and practical experience for the reform of incentive mechanism of banks with similar problems. Keywords:Lanzhou Bank;grassroots employees;incentives;problemIV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. II 第一章 绪论 ............................................................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景与意义..............................................1 1.1.1 研究背景................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义................................................2 1.2 研究内容与思路..............................................3 1.2.1 研究思路 ................................................3 1.2.2 研究内容 ................................................3 1.3 研究方法....................................................4 第二章 相关理论综述............................................................................. 5 2.1 激励的概念..................................................5 2.2 国内外相关理论..............................................5 2.2.1 目标设置理论............................................5 2.2.2 人力资本理论............................................6 2.2.3 双因素激励理论..........................................7 2.2.4 公平理论................................................7 第三章 兰州银行基层员工激励现状..................................................... 8 3.1 兰州银行基本情况............................................8 3.1.1 兰州银行简介............................................8 3.1.2 组织架构................................................8 3.2 兰州银行人力资源概况........................................9 3.2.1 兰州银行基层员工概况....................................9 3.2.2 兰州银行基层员工特点 ...................................11V 3.2.3 绩效考核现状...........................................13 3.2.4 兰州银行员工晋升制度...................................13 3.3 兰州银行激励制度及其效果...................................14 3.3.1 兰州银行激励制度.......................................14 3.3.2 激励制度实施的效果.....................................15 第四章 兰州银行基层员工激励存在的问题及分析........................... 17 4.1 兰州银行基层员工激励问卷调查分析...........................17 4.1.1 调查问卷方案设计.......................................17 4.1.2 问卷调查结果分析 .......................................17 4.2 兰州银行基层员工激励存在的问题.............................21 4.2.1 激励效率低.............................................21 4.2.2 绩效考核满