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国际经济环境在近两年略显低迷,国内实体经济发展也显出了疲软的状态,导 致中小企业在银行的信贷不良率逐年增加,但同时国家又提出要全方位的扶持实体 经济,普惠中小企业,并已经在税费上尽量减轻企业负担,在工商注册办理流程上 提升效率,相关措施卓有成效,那么银行在中小企业信贷扶持也应有进一步的思考。 我国的中小企业数量巨大,无论从提供就业机会还是从税收贡献上,中小企业 都是不可忽视的一股力量,M 银行在中小企业信贷上也经历了几次的转型,随着国 家扶持中小微企业的力度日益增强,M 银行也顺应国家号召,进行了又一次的中小 企业信贷转型,其核心是将中小企业信贷由原来的集约化、纸质化、人为化向分散 化、线上化、系统化的转变。相对于大企业信贷更多的绑定了国家信用来说,中小 企业的风险控制相对较大,灵活程度较高,基本上达到了一户一策的局面,也导致 在过去信贷人员对于中小企业信贷风险管理难度很大,部分信贷人员对中小企业的 态度是想贷但不敢贷,但国家已经明确在 2017 年的金融工作会上提出了下一步普惠 金融的发展方向,银行必须在中小企业信贷业务上取得突破,实现对实业经济的扶 持。本文首先对一些国内外专家对信贷风险管理的研究成果如博弈论、企业生命周 期理论、信贷信息不对理论等进行综合阐述,其次是简单介绍 M 银行信贷风险类型 和中小企业信贷发展的基本情况,然后分析的中小钢贸企业案例是 M 银行传统中小 企业信贷里非常具有代表性的案例,它代表了 M 银行以往针对中小企业信贷最完整 的贷前、贷中、贷后流程,在持续了 7 年的贷后管理之后,M 银行对中小企业信贷 的方式也完成了转变,最后是结合相关风险点提出了一些对当前商业银行信贷产品 风险管理的建议和对策。 关键词:钢贸企业 风险管理 信贷 I华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract The international economic environment has been slightly depressed in recent two years, and the domestic real economy has also shown a weak state, which has led to the increase of the bad credit rate of small and medium-sized enterprises in banks year by year. But at the same time, the state has proposed to support the real economy in an all-round way, to provide universal benefits to small and medium-sized enterprises, and has tried to reduce the burden of enterprises on taxes and fees, to improve efficiency in the process of industrial and commercial registration, and related measures. With great achievements, banks should also give further consideration to credit support for SMEs. The number of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country is huge. They are a force that can not be neglected in terms of providing employment opportunities or tax contributions. M Bank has undergone several transformations in the credit of small and medium-sized enterprises. With the increasing efforts of the state to support small and medium-sized enterprises, M Bank has also followed the call of the state to carry out another transformation of credit for small and medium-sized enterprises, the core of which is: The credit of small and medium-sized enterprises will be transformed from the original intensive, paper-based, artificial to decentralized, online and systematic. Compared with the credit of large enterprises, the risk control of small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively large and flexible, basically reaching the situation of one household for one policy, which also leads to the difficulty of credit risk management of small and medium-sized enterprises in the past. Some credit personnel are willing to lend but dare not lend to small and medium-sized enterprises, but the state has made it clear in 2017. At the financial working meeting, the development direction of Inclusive Finance was put forward. Banks must make breakthroughs in the credit business of small and medium-sized enterprises to support the industrial economy. Firstly, this paper II华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 comprehensively expounds some domestic and foreign experts'research results on credit risk management, such as game theory, enterprise life cycle and credit information asymmetry. Secondly, it briefly introduces the types of credit risk of M bank and the basic situation of credit development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Secondly, the case of small and medium-sized steel trading enterprises analyzed is a very representative case in the traditional credit of M bank for small and medium-sized enterprises. It represents the most complete pre-loan, loan-in-loan and post-loan process of M Bank for SMEs in the past. After seven years of post-loan management, M Bank has also completed the transformation of the credit mode for SMEs. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions and Countermeasures for the current commercial bank credit product risk management combined with relevant risk points. Key words: Steel trade enterprises Risk management Credit III华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 目 录 摘要 .............................................................................................................I Abstract.......................................................................................................... II 图目录 ..........................................................................................................VI 表目录 .........................................................................................................VII 1 绪论 ............................................................................................................1 1.1 论文研究背景与意义 .........................................................................1 1.2 文献综述 ..............................................................................................2 1.3 研究的内容及方法 .............................................................................6 2 相关概念界定与理论基础 .......................................................................7 2.1 中小企业概述 .....................................................................................7 2.2 钢贸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司相关介绍 .............................................................................8 2.3 商业银行信贷业务流程介绍 .............................................................9 2.4 商业银行中小企业信贷现状及存在的问题 .....................................9 2.5 商业银行信贷风险概述 ...................................................................10 3 M 银行中小企业信贷业务概述 ............................................................14 3.1 M 银行简介 .......................................................................................14 3.2 M 银行中小企业信贷产品简介 .......................................................14 3.3 M 银行中小企业信贷发展概况 .......................................................19 3.4 M 银行钢贸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司信贷情况简介 .......................................................23 4 M 银行中小钢贸企业信贷案例分析 ....................................................25 4.1 M 银行信贷案例背景 .......................................................................25 IV华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 4.2 钢贸企业 A 公司及关联公司简介 ..................................................25 4.3 A 公司信贷申报环节 ........................................................................28 4.4 A 公司信贷支用条件及用途 ...........................................................31 4.5 A 公司信贷风险事项成因及分析 ...................................................32 4.6 M 银行贷后管理及成效 ...................................................................34 5 M 银行中小钢贸企业信贷风险管理对策及建议 ................................36 5.1 建立科学的信贷系统管理的体系 ...................................................36 5.2 建立信贷人员考核机制 ...................................................................38 5.3 创新业务模式 ...................................................................................40 结束语 ...........................................................................................................41 致 谢 ...........................................................................................................42

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