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随着中国经济进入“新常态”,中国需要不断深化改革扩大开放,进行产业 升级,在国际上构建更稳固的经贸合作关系,本文基于中国以上诉求,讨论中国 与奥地利两国加深经贸合作的必要性和可行性,进而提出中国与奥地利建立更深 经贸合作的政策建议。 本文首先交代了研究背景和研究意义,综述了本文所运用的研究方法与研究 内容,并对国内外研究进展进行了综述。在第二章中,本文详细介绍了文章分析 中所运用到的理论基础,然后在第三章中从两国经济利益、国际经贸合作局面以 及软实力提升等多个层面深入说明加深两国经贸交流的必要性。在阐述了必要性 后,运用实证分析与案例分析相结合的方法,通过中奥两国相互依存度的核算、 SWOT 模型分析、具体欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司贸易潜力分析以及对中奥两国投资合作现状的分析对两 国加深经贸交流的可行性进行论证。 本文结论认为,中奥两国有必要加深经贸合作,且加深经贸合作是可行的。 中奥两国可以在“一带一路”框架下加深经贸合作,并以建立中奥自贸区为目 标, 达成合作共赢,共同开创中奥经贸合作的新局面。 最后,提出加深中奥经贸合作的政策建议,加深两国文化交流;将奥地利打 造成“一带一路”欧洲区的核心枢纽;积极探寻中奥自贸区可能性。 关键词,中国;奥地利;经贸合作;一带一路VI Abstract As China`s economic condition comes into a new era, it requires China to deep the reform and open policy, upgrade its industries and build a more stable economic and trade exchanges relationship internationally. Based on these demands of China, this thesis will investigate the necessity of deepening the economic and trade exchanges relationship between China and Austria, and take it as the reason to investigate the practicability of deepening the economic and trade exchanges relationship between both countries. Firstly,the background and significance of research have been explained,the research methods and research contents in this paper are summarized,and the progress of research at home and abroad is also reviewed. In the second chapter, the theoretical basis used in the analysis are described in detail. And in the third chapter, from the economic interests of the two countries, international economic and trade cooperation and the promotion of soft power and other aspects of in-depth explanation of the necessity. After explaining the necessity, the feasibility of deepening economic and trade exchanges between the two countries is demonstrated through the method of combination of empirical analysis and case analysis, through the calculation of the interdependence of China and the Austria, the strategic analysis of the SWOT model, the analysis of the trade potential of the specific industry and the analysis of the current situation of the Sino Austrian investment cooperation. Finally, the conclusion is drawn through the above analysis and corresponding policy recommendations are put forward. The conclusion of this paper is that it is necessary for China and Austria to deepen economic and trade cooperation and deepen economic and trade cooperation. The two can deepen economic and trade cooperation in the The Belt and Road framework, and to establish a free trade zone in Austria as the goal, to achieve win-win cooperation and jointly create a new situation in the Austrian Economic and trade cooperation. Finally, put forward to deepen economic and trade cooperation in the Austrian policy recommendations: to deepen cultural exchanges between the two countries; Austria will makethe core hub of The Belt and Road European region; activelyVII explore the possibility of China-Austria free trade zone. Key words,China,Austria,the economic and trade exchanges, “the Belt and Road”.VIII 目 录 第一章 导论 ...............................................1 1.1 研究背景 .................................................... 1 1.2 研究内容与研究方法 .......................................... 2 1.2.1 研究内容 ........................................................2 1.2.2 研究方法 ........................................................3 1.3 国内外研究进展 ............................................. 3 1.3.1 中国-欧盟经贸合作研究进展........................................4 1.3.2 中国-中东欧合作研究进展..........................................4 1.3.3 中国-奥地利合作研究进展..........................................5 1.4 研究意义和价值 .............................................. 6 第二章 中奥加深经贸合作的理论基础 ........................7 2.1 国际贸易理论................................................. 7 2.1.1 比较优势理论.....................................................7 2.1.2 要素禀赋理论.....................................................7 2.1.3 战略性贸易政策理论...............................................8 2.2 国际投资理论 ................................................ 8 2.2.1 垄断优势论 ......................................................8 2.2.2 内部化理论 ......................................................9 2.2.3 国际生产折中论...................................................9 2.3 国际经济合作理论 ........................................... 10 2.3.1 经济一体化理论..................................................10 2.3.2 相互依赖理论....................................................10 第三章 中奥加深经贸合作必要性分析 .......................12 3.1 中奥经贸合作的加深是中德贸易的延伸.......................... 12 3.2 中奥经贸合作的加深有助于打开中欧合作新局面.................. 14 3.3 加深中奥经贸合作有利于实现中国制造业强国的梦想.............. 15 第四章 中奥投资贸易的现状以及加深合作的可行性分析 .......16 4.1 中奥加深经贸合作的可行性分析 .............................. 16 4.1.1 中奥贸易现状及相互依存程度 ....................................16 4.1.2 SWOT 分析 .....................................................19 4.1.3 具体欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司贸易潜力分析 ..........................................24 4.2 中奥两国投资合作现状以及加深合作的可行性分析 ............... 30IX 4.2.1 中国对奥地利投资现状及加深合作的可行性分析......................30 4.2.2 奥地利对中国投资现状及加深合作的可行性分析......................32 第五章 政策建议 .........................................35 5.1 加深两国政治、文化交流是建立更深经贸合作的有力支撑 ......... 35 5.2 将奥地利打造成“一带一路”欧洲区的核心枢纽 ................. 36 5.3 积极探寻中奥自贸区可能性 ................................... 36 第六章 结论 .............................................38

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